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Future pinball problems (screen size)

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Sorry if this a repost or on the wrong section but I'm wondering if one of smart guys could help me

So even when I change the screen size setting in the program preferences

The screen always stretches out like in the picture

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong


The program setting


The result


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Those pics are from visual pinball - looks like you don't have db2s backglasses installed.

Download a backglass, put it in your tables folder, make sure it has the same name as the table you're loading.

Might need also to check the table scripts too see if they're set object vpinmame controller or set object db2s backglass server (you'll need to get used to doing that anyway). From memory though the error you've got is because you don't have the backglass in your tables folder

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Those pics are from visual pinball - looks like you don't have db2s backglasses installed.

Download a backglass, put it in your tables folder, make sure it has the same name as the table you're loading.

Might need also to check the table scripts too see if they're set object vpinmame controller or set object db2s backglass server (you'll need to get used to doing that anyway). From memory though the error you've got is because you don't have the backglass in your tables folder

Thank you buddy I'll work on those !

I just put them up as a giggle but you have really help me out

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  • 2 months later...

Ewwww I don't even know where to begin

So I'm using bam to setup FP tables

My first issue is the menu is showing up in a weird place


The second is the back glass option won't let me adjust position do at the moment the back glass is stuck only showing half

These are my monitor settingspost-62192-142870640032_thumb.jpg


And FP setting



Little help please

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Backbox resolution is incorrect in FP compared to your actual settings. Settings has it as 1280x1024 where your actual setup is only 1024x768

That could in theory throw things off a bit, as FP is very finicky about its settings. Correct those settings and see if that fixes your problem?

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Backbox resolution is incorrect in FP compared to your actual settings. Settings has it as 1280x1024 where your actual setup is only 1024x768

That could in theory throw things off a bit, as FP is very finicky about its settings. Correct those settings and see if that fixes your problem?

Thanks I'll start their also

As mentioned before I'll get it out of full screen and into arcade mode

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Hmmm no joy

I set up and got the same



And I switched the play fields after this picture btw

I don't understand I seem to get the machine end on the back glass and when I move it I get half a screen,

I've literally changed the screen to every setting I can't seem to even get BAM option screen to stay on one screen

Just to recap my setup is this

32 screen

I have it setup like this


And in Fp


And the back glass I'm using a 19 4:3

Setup like this


And in FP


And when I run either with bam or without

I get this



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In your first two pictures, it shows Screen 1 and Screen 2 both set as your backglass? For your 32" is it possible to make it 1920x1080 ?

Settings should have - Use second monitor as Backbox checked (as you have this whole time)

Playfield Checkmarked - Display1

Resolution 1920x1080 (if possible) or whatever the max resolution the 32" can handle.

Fullscreen and Arcade Mode checked

Aspect - Widescreen

Rotation - 90 or 270

Now, click on the Backbox mark

Make sure it's set to Display2

Resolution - 1280x1024

The rest of the settings are optimized for my setup, they may be different in yours.


With those settings correct I don't see why you would have any issues at all. UNLESS the program your using to adjust the monitors (seen above in your pictures) isn't matching the settings? That would definitely give you issues as I don't believe FP automatically adjusts the windows resolutions, but extends the screens like you've been experiencing.


The last reply with the backglass/playfield is more then likely - both are set to the same monitor.



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