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Visual Pinball Installation and Setup Help


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Hey, anyone have a guide or have any information on how to setup Visual Pinball?

I have Future Pinball up and working correctly and loads the tables no problem and works fine in Hyperspin

I have all the roms for Visual Pinball. What's the easiest and best way of setting up and installing Visual Pinball?


their aren't many up to date tutorials but everything is pretty much the same.



the only thing I can add is,

most torrent packs of tables seem to be missing many files you need to run them. Mainly scripts; make sure you go to VPU or VPF and download them. Unfortunately some are game specific scrips you will need to download them with the actual table.

After you have VP working the only thing you need to do to get it to work with Hyperspin is:

Go to

Prefences --> keys --> Look for "Disable ESC key" make sure you have a check next to it.

if not VP will crash when you exit a table

  • 2 years later...

We should band together and make a complete hyperspin ready set. Total table set is like 900 I think. This system doesn't have a set standard either yet. There are sets of like 400 but I'd like to see this revived if possible

  • 6 months later...

I'm having trouble understanding how this is set up because there are different versions of the exe files depending on whether the table is version 8, 9, or 10.  So how would I set that up in Rocketlauncher/HyperSpin so it would know which exe to launch depending on the version of the table?  I don't want 3 different wheels, one for each version, but logically, that's the only way I can see to do it.  What am I missing?


add this to your Global emulators ini found at

\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini


[Visual Pinball 9.2.1]
Emu_Path=..\..\Emulators\Visual Pinball\VPinball921.exe
Module=..\Visual Pinball\Visual Pinball.ahk

[Visual Pinball 9.9.x]
Emu_Path=..\..\Emulators\Visual Pinball\VPinball992.exe
Module=..\Visual Pinball\Visual Pinball.ahk

[Visual Pinball Physics Mod 5]
Emu_Path=..\..\Emulators\Visual Pinball\VPinball99_PhysMod5.exe
Module=..\Visual Pinball\Visual Pinball.ahk

[Visual Pinball 10]
Emu_Path=..\..\Emulators\Visual Pinball\VPinballX.exe
Module=..\Visual Pinball\Visual Pinball.ahk

I will assume you have everything working outside of hyperspin

and that you have all the exes you need

vp 9.2.1

vp 9.9.x  the latest version is 9.9.3

vp physiscs 5

vp 10  the latest vesrion is 10.2



-Set your default emulator to the exe you have the most tables for

finally learn how to set ALT emulators in rocketlauncher




at some point your Visual Pinball Games.ini will start to look like this

# This file is only used for remapping specific games to other Emulators and/or Systems.
# If you don't want your game to use the Default_Emulator, you would set the Emulator key here.
# This file can also be used when you have Wheels with games from other Systems.
# You would then use the System key to tell RocketLauncher what System to find the emulator settings.

[2001 (Gottlieb 1971)]
Emulator=Visual Pinball 9.9.x
[24 (Stern 2009)]
Emulator=Visual Pinball Physics Mod 5
[2 in 1 (Bally 1964)]
Emulator=Visual Pinball 10
[4 Queens (Bally 1970)]
Emulator=Visual Pinball 10
[4X4 (Atari 1983)]
Emulator=Visual Pinball 10



Hi there,

I'm so sorry I'm just now responding.  For some reason I wasn't notified of a reply to this thread even though I did subscribe, so I just now saw your post as I was doing a new search for all this.

Anyway, this is still very confusing to me.

Yes, I have everything working outside of HS and so far what I've done is set up two different wheels, one for VPT tables (the standard module that comes with HS for Visual Pinball) and another one for VPX tables that I called Visual Pinball X.  Of course, doing it that way I have the tables separated into two different wheels and no way to automatically sync the media.

Before I follow your kind instructions above, can you tell me what the end result will be?  What can I expect as the outcome by doing what you suggested?  How will it work?

I'm also confused on the ini file part.  Are you saying I'll have to manually edit the ini file and add every single table manually and tell it whether it is a vpx or vpt table?  I have hundreds of tables and that would take forever, so I'd rather have my two separate wheels than go through that lol.

Sorry I'm new to all this and may not be understanding exactly what you're suggesting.

Thanks for your time!!



Is there a way to "hide" the two wheels I created and create one wheel as a fake (like a favorites or something, but include everything from both wheels) to combine everything so I don't have to manually edit/add each table for each version to an ini file? 

If there's a quick and dirty (read: easy) way, I'll take that route please. :)

Do you understand what I'm asking?  I'm not so sure I made it clear.


I only use vpx and vpt tables (9 and 10) so I only use two different exe files because version 8 tables can be run from version 9/vpt now, I believe.  I've only needed the two wheels so far.

17 hours ago, jevansoh said:

Before I follow your kind instructions above, can you tell me what the end result will be?  What can I expect as the outcome by doing what you suggested?  How will it work?

the end result is that you will have a single Visual Pinball Wheel

Official System Name = Visual Pinball

You will have all Visual Pinball formats in one wheel and they will all load with their proper exe.

17 hours ago, jevansoh said:

I'm also confused on the ini file part.  Are you saying I'll have to manually edit the ini file and add every single table manually and tell it whether it is a vpx or vpt table? 

no,  this is why I said you need to learn how to set up ALT emulators IN RocketlauncherUI

BUT  I would recommend you EDIT (ADD MORE TABLES) manually,  if you like to have your tables in alphabetical order.   if you are not careful you can have multiple table entries with different exes.

17 hours ago, jevansoh said:

I have hundreds of tables and that would take forever, so I'd rather have my two separate wheels than go through that lol

this is why I told you to set your default emulator to the exe you have the most tables for.  IF you have 400 VPT tables and 100 VPX tables,  

set your default emulator to load the 400 VPT tables,  and your ALT emulator to load the 100 tables.

17 hours ago, jevansoh said:

Is there a way to "hide" the two wheels I created and create one wheel as a fake (like a favorites or something, but include everything from both wheels) to combine everything so I don't have to manually edit/add each table for each version to an ini file? 

If there's a quick and dirty (read: easy) way, I'll take that route please. :)

Do you understand what I'm asking?  I'm not so sure I made it clear.

I don't make favorites wheels ,  I don't like to clutter my MAIN Menu wheel,  I can't help you here.

the quick and easy way is to use Hyperlaunch and add ALT exes to your XML,  but every other system you have WILL BE BROKEN,  this is the fast and easy rout and the CORRECT WAY.


17 hours ago, jevansoh said:

I only use vpx and vpt tables (9 and 10) so I only use two different exe files because version 8 tables can be run from version 9/vpt now, I believe.  I've only needed the two wheels so far.

their is only two file formats for Visual Pinball  VPX and VPT.  When you tell me that you only use those two formats you are omitting allot of information.

Your right,  VP8  tables run on a vp9 exe,  you may of noticed that I did not include a vp8 exe on my global emulator ini,  but you have to run them on the vp9.2.1 exe. many objects disappear if you run them on the vp9.9.x exe.


let me give you a brief history on Visual Pinball.

up to version VP9.2.1;  Visual Pinball ran on DirectX 7,  Visual Pinball started to use DirectX 9 with the release of version 9.9   

this is why objects disappear when you load a vp8  or a table built on the vp 9.2.1 (or lower) exe.


- run all vp8 AND  any Visual Pinball 9 table made on VP 9.2.1 or below on vPinball921.exe

- run all Visual Pinball 9 tables made on V P9.9.x on the most current version of VP version 9.9.  (currently 9.9.3)


Prior to the VPX release  some people started to change the gravity and physics of Visual Pinball 9.  the modified tables need their own modified exes.

you will find two versions of this exes,  Physics 2 MOD and Physics 5 MOD.

if you try to run a Physics 2/5 modified table on VP9.2.1 or VP9.9.3,  your flippers will run in slow motion and your plunger will not have the strength to shoot the ball out of the 

plunger lane.


- run Physics MOD tables with their correct exe.  

not many Physics MOD 2 tables exist. If they do exist their is a version of Physics 5 or VPX  available.

this why I do not include a physics mod 2 exe in the global emulators ini.


If you are starting to collect Visual Pinball tables you should look for 

VPX  >  Physics 5 > VP 9.9. > VP9.2.1 > vp 8

in that order, you will go from good looking tables (that play great because of their physics)  to tables that don't look as good and play bad.


Hi again,

I just wanted to let you know I figured it out and your post helped a lot with that.

I didn't end up editing the ini manually, instead I printed out a list of all my VPX tables (the tables I have the fewest of at this time) in alphabetical order and added them in order via RLUI.

I didn't know the history or "the why" of VP so I'm glad to learn it.  Early on I had some flipper issues and thought (and was told) my 560TI video card just wasn't good enough.  I was shocked and didn't believe it.  Not that it's state of the art any more, but still... :)  I'm glad to have learned from you I was right.

Everything is working and now I deleted the mess I created before with two wheels and errors.

Still having some issues, but not related directly to mixing the VPT and VPX files and systems.

I just wanted to say thanks again and let you know how much your post helped me.  I really appreciate you taking the time to teach me all this.

See ya,



you should only edit the Games.ini if you like to ADD more tables to your current ini file.

for example,  your ini file is  "DONE";  or so you think.

because this beauty was just released


unless you made one,  you currently have this in your VPT list.   If you like to run this table you will have to edit your VPX list in your Games.ini file.

if you use RLUI to edit your ini file,  RLUI will not put the new tables in alphabetical order.  (unless their is a setting I missed)


and your video card should be good enough,  .  I seen more than one post of someone mentioned that they have that card on a Pinball Cabinet but it only struggles with the high end VPX tables



Ok, I have Doctor Who.vpT already.

I'm downloading this new vpX version right now.

So all I have to do to add the table is delete the vpT table then edit the games.ini file and add the vpX table there, right?

Are there any other steps?

I see exactly why I need to edit it, now.  I don't want it to be at the end after the W's, which is the first letter of the last table I have in alphabetical order.

They should really make a setting to re-alphabetize the tables, imo.

Thanks again for all your hard work in making me understand all this.


  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

32assassin, would you be willing to share your Visual Pinball Games.ini?

I've followed your posts for a number of weeks now, and I've seen your contributions to the pinball emu world, and even watched your videos. 

I can tell you know what's best in this matter.

I downloaded the latest table torrent from Pleasuredome, with 71.47GB of tables, with 60 different folders of tables.  Wow.

I feel pretty confident this is the best set of tables I'll be able to get.  But wow, how to get them all to launch in HyperSpin from a single emulator option.  If you could share your ini I think that would save so much time, especially since I'm confident you know which tables are best from what version.

The other step would be to what... just add all 60 folders to the rom path option?

Thank you for considering this, and wow, thank you for your dedication.


my latest XML  Juily 15 2017


My games.ini july 15, 2017


I set Visual Pinball 9.21 as my default emulator ,  and have ALT emulators set up for VP 9.9x and VPX

Sorry to tell you this,  but my Games.ini is going to be garbage for you.  this is because you do not have the tables I have.


the latest VP torrent at PD,  is for collectors not Hyperspin users.

their are probably 5 or more versions of the same table.  this is why the torrent is 71 Gigs

if you clean that torrent you should end up with a VP folder that is about 10-15 Gigs.  (not counting the VPX tables)

and by clean the torrent I mean that you only keep the latest version of the table deleting the older versions.


if you do that you can merge your 60 folders , into 5 major folders

Visual Pinball Physics5

Visual Pinball 8

Visual Pinball 9.2.1  -->  all the tables from this  folders can be merged into one  VP921  VP91x  VP9  since they all use the VP9.2.1 exe to play

Visual Pinball 9.9.x

Visual Pinball X


( I don't want to mix my Original tables with my retail tables)

I have a second set of folders for Original tables

Vsual Pinball (Original)  9.2.1

Visual Pinball (Original) 9.9.x

VIsual Pinball (Original) X



I would suggest you only get files from

Visual Pinball (physicsMod5) Tables

Visual Pinball (physicsMod5) Tables [FS+WS]  -->  only keep the desktop versions Wide Screen

once you have all your Physic 5 tables compare them and make sure you have everyone in my Games.ini


do not download any VPX tables. that torrent contains noting but outdated VPX tables and is missing most of what is available.

join this group


they maintain an online spreadsheet with links to the most current and latest releases.


I would suggest you don't download 

VIsual Pinball [VP1-VP7] PinMAME tables,  this tables are almost garbage,  they will crash or be unplayable in VP9


Download all the VP 9 tables and keep the latest versions

VP99x > VP921 >  VP91x > VP9 > VP8

Play this tables with the VP9.2.1 EXE  =   VP921,  VP91x,  VP9, VP8


  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...


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