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images are loaded in alfabetic order, but for flyers second one is loaded first since directories are named back, front, inside1, inside2, ...

by the way - i changed only one number in the code and now ( is also part of the search string - so airborne will not load airborne avenger, and eight ball will not load eight ball deluxe :)

about images - i can't change any images since i don't have much experience with imaging programs

you can change any image for hp or fplaunch but there is text exit to hyperpin in info on bottom of fplaunch and in hp there is a text exit hyperpin - so it's pretty clear



found some bugs in wip 6

memory is not released on swf instructions and sometimes on menus

so after a while if you check instructions many times memory usage can build up

will be fixed in next release


HI all,

i found when viewing fliers - it shows flier for flash, then the next page is for flash gordon, then second page of flash, then second page of flash gordon etc

Oops just read up - please ignore me!




great, good to see people are testing

just fixed memory release bug for menus and instructions

had to - delete some objects, device contexts, graphics, release com objects, ...

any way - new release will aside from this memory leak fix also have this "(" in search for flyer name so flash gordon flyer will not appear for flash, some screen flipping will be fixed and swf will be faster cause i don't draw it in 2052x2052 space and scale - i draw it in native screen resolution right away so there's no rescale, and swf creations is faster

Posted (edited)

Bring it on. If I make a change to the FPLaunch.ahk, do I need to reCompile it with Auto Hot Key Basic? I think I do, I have since started playing with this stuff and have compiled it for the 1st time. Very cool, I want to add table launch date & time so That I can figure out what tables are getting played to the most.



WOW ahk stuff is easy, Im going to add the following FPLaunch.ahk so that I keep track of what games get played

FormatTime, myDate,, MM/dd/yyyy

FormatTime, myTime,, hh:mm:ss tt

FileAppend, VP: xyz : %myDate% %myTime%`n, TableRunLog.txt



Edited by slydog43


Thanks I have now added a date/time stamp to a stat file and compiled the FPLaunch script, which worked great. I do have some trouble with FP exiting and not gaining focus again at the hyperspin menu (I have remaped my Exit key to e instead of ESC).

How can I try and debug this problem, I see that there are many toLog function calls in FPLaunch, where is that file? Is there something else I can do to try and see where the program might be hung up?


log file is log.txt in hyperpin dir

but to write anything to log file you need to set debugmode to true in settings

you will also have same messages that go to log, on the screen in the top right corner of pf

Posted (edited)

here is the new version 1.295 wip 7: http://www.mediafire.com/?18rrjdysjcdeo6j

not much news except memory leak bug fix and support for many swf and image files for instructions

so whatever you put in media\hyperpin\instr. cards will be shown

you can put swf or img of rules, replay scores, play guide, manual, anything

supported formats are swf, bmp, jpg, png, gif, ...

pdf, doc or rtf is not supported

for images/swf order since windows is sorting files funny so if you have

file 1, file 2, file 3 and file

file will be last on the list - so when we start browsing instructions i first show last one.

since many tables have many cards to choose from - you will see them all, untill you move them somewhere

it's up to comunity now to build some meaningful cards to show while in game

Edited by blur

Thanks Blur, really makes the whole hyperpin experience better. Time to start going over all my tables and get Flyers, Instructions for them all.

Posted (edited)

OK, just wondering...

So, here's my report:

- I can see the load screen when loading tables, not just the ball rolling;

- FPLaunch exit properly when I exit table with wrong key (especially with FP because no exit menu), before, FPLaunch process stucked and was very hard to kill.

Thank you very much for all you do !!!

Amazing work :congrats:


I don't understand the keymapping !!!

exitEmulatorKey, exitEmulatorKey2, exitEmulatorKey3, ExitKey ONLY for the FPLaunch Section.

Edited by V1kt0R52
Posted (edited)

exit and pausekey are for exiting (from game, from exit menu, from image)

exit2 and exit3 are for entering into something in menus

here is an example of how instructions should be used.

game is black hole

first thing you do is search ta's excel file for 5 balls and replay levels instructions

(i don't like 3 ball games)

then i searched inkochnito rules and replay scores and found what are replay score levels for 5 ball game

then i set 5 balls per game and replay levels following ta's instructions

then i cut rules card and replay card from inkochnito pdf and save it as jpgs

then i go to ipdb and get how to play guide - looks like flyer but it is not flyer - flyer is 2 pages and this is another 3 pages

so i put rules card, replay scores card and 3 how to play images to instr. cards folder with names black hole (... irrelevant).jpg, black hole (...) 1.jpg, 2, 3, and 4.jpg

and here is the result, it's very handy while you play for checking what do you have to do:






Edited by blur

Hey blur, that is an excellent little writeup - it really highlights the new features of this latest FPLaunch.

Can you just explain one thing though - what is this "ta's excel file" you are referring to? I too prefer 5 ball games and it would be good to have this file as a reference.

Posted (edited)


ta and some numbers is a guy from vp forums

in every his post in his signature there is a link to some of his manuals and to this excel file with list of all available tables with links to pages with instructions so that you can just open link and start setting replay levels

not many people use this, once when i also referenced his excel ta said - oh you are using it - good to know somebody is using my excel file :)

here is the link http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=13270

Edited by blur

Ths new UI is very nice, I just wish I would have setup hyperpin files like instruction cards and flyers when I setup the tables. Now I have to download all the media packs again to get these files, or else I suppose I could pull them all from pinballrebel.com but either way a lot of stuff to do.


these files are not in media files

media files have only one swf for rules (some have more rules - but they are only for different setups, in the end you have to choose one)

what i'm suggesting is to make several jpgs with rules, replay scores and some playing instructions if they can be found, and put them in instr. cards folder. something like instructions pack.

even more work then just downloading media packs.


Blur, found a problem with WIP7. When I run BadCats_FS_B2S and pull up the instructions (I have 10 of them labeled BadCats_FS_B2S-1.png though BadCats_FS_B2S-10.png), then exit table and go back to hyperpin menu, the backglass stays up (FORM1) and doesn't change when I change the wheel.

Can I help debug this?


Hey sly,

Have you tried removing the hyphen to see if that fixes it? Alter them so they read as:

BadCats_FS_B2S 1.png

BadCats_FS_B2S 2.png

BadCats_FS_B2S 3.png


I don't know for certain that it will work as I'm not yet using this version of FPLaunch, but it's worth a try!

Could it also be that it doesn't like a two digit number? It may also be worth leaving out the tenth file to see if that makes a difference.

Posted (edited)
Hey sly,

Have you tried removing the hyphen to see if that fixes it? Alter them so they read as:

BadCats_FS_B2S 1.png

BadCats_FS_B2S 2.png

BadCats_FS_B2S 3.png


I don't know for certain that it will work as I'm not yet using this version of FPLaunch, but it's worth a try!

Could it also be that it doesn't like a two digit number? It may also be worth leaving out the tenth file to see if that makes a difference.

Good ideas, but I tried removing hyphin and delete all but 1, still same problem

I tried another B2s abra ca dabra and had the same problem with -1.png for instruction card.

Edited by slydog43
Posted (edited)
Good ideas, but I tried removing hyphin and delete all but 1, still same problem

I tried another B2s abra ca dabra and had the same problem with -1.png for instruction card.

What is your description of those tables?

names i expect and are recommended are:


description 1...

description 2...

_ and & are not legal characters in description (because of uvp it could stop working)

script accepts all image names - but try to change description and instructions to



BadCats.swf or png

BadCats 1.swf or png

BadCats 2.swf or png

If you want to stick to HP naming convention you should put description:

BadCats (Williams 1989)

and images:

BadCats (Williams 1989).swf/png/jpg

BadCats (Williams 1989) 1.swf/png/jpg

BadCats (Williams 1989) 2.swf/png/jpg

so that you can download and use standard media packs from vpf, and maybe one day instruction packs - with premade images by someone else.

If you want more same tables with different description - change the desc. after ) - so that you can use same inst. packs for all games (everything after ( is ignored).

for example desc. for normal table:

BadCats (Williams 1989)

desc. for B2S table

BadCats (Williams 1989) B2S

desc. for night mode:

BadCats (Williams 1989) NM

high res:

BadCats (Williams 1989) HR

and so on...

this extensions will be ignored in instr. and flyer images so you will be able to have one art files for all of them

try it and let us know what happened

Edited by blur

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