glstar Posted November 25, 2011 Posted November 25, 2011 Can't open with double click the ahk file,but i manage to solve my problem just uncommenting those lines: ;#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ;SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. ;SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. Now all is ok...... Don't know why...
blur Posted November 25, 2011 Posted November 25, 2011 great, good to know do you have ahk basic installed, and did you recompiled ahk after the change? My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
blur Posted November 25, 2011 Posted November 25, 2011 (edited) great then it really works but it will probably make some other problems - short press - long press and things like that - i changed it because of that - those options were not used in 1.1 and 1.2 versions from bbb, they come up for example when you create new script from scratch can you try which of these 3 options makes big difference? for double click - you can do right click and "open with" autohotkey and then check to open it with ahk every time and you will be able to test with double click on fplaunch.ahk Edited November 25, 2011 by blur My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
glstar Posted November 25, 2011 Posted November 25, 2011 I'll test what are the line of the script that do the difference and for sure let you know. With ahk in the taskbar i only have the pause/resume or exit options...
arngrim Posted November 25, 2011 Posted November 25, 2011 OK, I made some tests, just by setting debug to true: First.txt attached, I open HP, try to open and exit some tables, until I got VP that doesn't close, DirtyHarry-el_timbo86FS. There is only one instance of VP before I attempt to close it. Second.txt attached, I open HP, open revenge from mars and try close it directly ==> doesn't close, and still only one VP in task manager before. first.txt second.txt
arngrim Posted November 25, 2011 Posted November 25, 2011 I just tried glstar solution but same issue, I open HP and first try of Revenge from Mars, VP doesn't close. I'll check your other suggestions Blur when my family will give me some time third.txt
blur Posted November 26, 2011 Posted November 26, 2011 (edited) fixed it what happens is that for some reason detect hidden windows stays off and winclose doesn't detect vp cause it is hidden so it can't close it what helps is to uncomment "detect hidden windows on" few line before or to comment winhide or both winhide is not needed at all cause vp editor is minimized and you won't see it on close Let me know if this helps to every body CloseVP: Hotkey, %exitScriptKey%, Off GoSub rosveClose ;Visual Pinball must be closed this way instead of killing process ;or it wil not save your last game information.i.e score/credtis DetectHiddenWindows, on ;Or next line will not work <-- remove comment Loop, 4 Gui, %A_Index%: Destroy ;This line fixes where the VP Window flashes real quick ;when closing the window for a cleaner exit ;WinHide, ahk_class VPinball <- add comment WinMinimize, ahk_class VPinball WinClose, ahk_class VPinball GoSub bigbossClose GoSub, ExitScript Edited February 15, 2012 by blur My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
arngrim Posted November 26, 2011 Posted November 26, 2011 Blur, It looks it is finally resolved I tried to comment out detect hidden windows on but no change. I commented out winhide everywhere on the script and it's ok. Now it may be I have commented too much winhide Thanks Blur
arngrim Posted November 26, 2011 Posted November 26, 2011 Here is the modification to make it work: CloseVP: Hotkey, %exitScriptKey%, Off GoSub rosveClose ;Visual Pinball must be closed this way instead of killing process ;or it wil not save your last game information.i.e score/credtis ;DetectHiddenWindows, on ;Or next line will not work Loop, 4 Gui, %A_Index%: Destroy ;This line fixes where the VP Window flashes real quick ;when closing the window for a cleaner exit ;WinHide, ahk_class VPinball WinMinimize, ahk_class VPinball WinClose, ahk_class VPinball GoSub bigbossClose GoSub, ExitScript I have another trouble, when I launch a table outside of HP, with FPLaunch.exe, and I quit, the Windows bar doesn't come back, I have to go to HP and close it.
blur Posted November 26, 2011 Posted November 26, 2011 yup there is no need to use winhide vpinball ever, those are remains from the time when vp was hidden instead of minimized, maybe i'll remove them all in next release as for taskbar - that's "normal" - script will never show taskbar there is no such command in the script after ahk closes windows are responsible for returning things back the way they were so if windows don't give you taskbar back that's not the script problem but i found that another launch of table will fix it because of this funny windows behavior it is also impossible to hide taskbar all the time in hyperpin - because when i exit from fplaunch i don't control anything any more - it is all up to hyperpin and windows to show or hide taskbar My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
blur Posted November 27, 2011 Posted November 27, 2011 come on testers, does this work for every body that noticed this bug? My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
maceman Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 (edited) Hi Blur, I attached my log. I am having some issues of exiting still.. Please help when you get a moment. In the log, you will see i was playing banzai run and went into service mode for a look-see...when i exited, and then exited the table, the vp editor window was on top of everything, when i closed it i lost focus and had to kill fplaunch to get control of HP back. Any thoughts, thanx in advance, Maceman ps. i should also mention that any vp game when i exit, i see the vp exit dialog there, and then when i click to exit, i get back to hp menu.... log.txt Edited November 29, 2011 by maceman
blur Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 You went into vp editor and then closed it? You must not do that - you exit from vp editor by pressing play. Ahk script waits for vp player to appear again and if you don't press play and close vp editor instead it will wait for ever - and you will have to kill it - so that's feature not bug. Editor mode is made so that you can go into it many times from HP and edit some settings or table and then return back to game, it is not made for exiting - it is made for editing You can do same thing with edit key (defaults to alt-f4 but can be anything). For vp exit dialog - you have to switch to some other key - you can't use esc for exit - it makes many problems in fp, vp, b2s, .... Use e for example. My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
maceman Posted November 30, 2011 Posted November 30, 2011 okay, let me try that again:) I didn't go into vp editor to close it...what i did was exited out of the game back into the hp menu...but the dialog box for vp was appearing on top of the hp the only way to get back to the hp menu was to either close the vp dialog box, or kill it's process...until i do that i cannot get back to the menu solely. The same problem happened with the editor...when i tried to go back out of the editor to the hp menu, the vp dialog appeared...probably not related to the editor at all, but just a focus thing to start with... I will go back to check to make sure my esc key if turned to 'e'...I did that back on wip4, so i don't think it should have reverted back,but i need to double check that. Thanx for the help! Maceman btw- does this newest version still require the settings.ini? I ask because i thought i read that it is being done differently soon...or is that in the next release?
blur Posted November 30, 2011 Posted November 30, 2011 no no no you said you went to service mode (i guess service menu - edit table) and then closed vp - i see that you did that from log - so i did not understand you wrong that is no no - after editing you must get back with play and now for another problem - vp exit menu - you can't get vp exit menu in any way except by pressing esc key - you can't even configure vp to use some other key and i never send esc key - so you are using esc key and settings will be used for ever - i see no reason to change it, you'll always need to set some things - i could use hyperpin sections - but then i can't know what people are using - keyboard part or gamepad part (pinball wizard) - so instead of guessing - i use my own section My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
boogies2 Posted December 3, 2011 Posted December 3, 2011 I have been using an older version, but now that I have been using the B2S, I have update to WIP8. At first, it seemed that the update did nothing different for B2S. I read throught the AHK, and seen that the AHK is looking for filename ending in B2S. I always have renamed my files (removing the B2S), so I renamed them back (with the B2S). I renamed the tablename in my databases. I run the B2S, and get the blankscreen and errror "Beep" - no message. I press T, then CTL-ATL-DELETE - kill the Blankscreen and then can run HP again. I can run regular tables, but once I run a B2S, I get the same problem. I go back to the AHK and find this: GoSub rosve ; rosve support for B2S active backglasses Run, "%emuPath%\%executable%" /play -"%tablePath%%tableName%.vpt",, Min UseErrorLevel rosve: ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;------ check if an active backglass shall be started ----- ;-------------------------------------------------------------- StringRight, ending, tableName, 3 if (ending = "B2S") { Run, %tablePath%%tableName%.exe, %tablePath% sleep 200 } return This is essentially telling it to Run the B2S for the Rosve Module without the play option then Run again with the Play option. The B2S were running fine before my update - they just didn't close. I commented out the GoSub rosve and recompiled. Now, I am working. No need to run without play switch, that might have been what was causing my error, or maybe it was due to multiple instances? I believe this might be part of the problem with people having multiple instances of VP running.
blur Posted December 3, 2011 Posted December 3, 2011 (edited) don't know what version you used before, but nothing is changed in launch of b2s it was always necessary to have b2s table name ending with b2s there is another problem - you might have some new table that has launch of b2s in the table script - you have to disable that you don't need to change fplaunch in any way and you can't use esc for exit cause it will close b2s every time you press it Edited December 4, 2011 by blur My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
boogies2 Posted December 3, 2011 Posted December 3, 2011 Ahhh, I see what you are saying "you might have some new table that has launch of b2s in the table script - you have to disable that." GoSub rosve; runs the Backglass.EXE file independantly. My B2S.VPT files are setup to launch the Backglass.EXE files. I can goback and reedit them, and we are good FYI: My Exit Table is ESC. I am using iPac2 It doesn't exit the Backglass.EXE until the 3...2...1... timer runs out. So it is actually working great with the edit that I did. I will still change it back, so that I am in sync will future updates. THANKS!!!!
blur Posted December 3, 2011 Posted December 3, 2011 (edited) if you launch b2s from table you just have to remove b2s from name and vp will launch and close b2s instead of fplaunch. that's also ok. i think. don't know who will close b2s in that case? Edited December 3, 2011 by blur My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
bent98 Posted December 3, 2011 Posted December 3, 2011 I am having wierd issue with latest WIP8 launch. I got 2 set ups of Scared Stiff. One of the orginal version and one with GI8 mod. They both work fine except only the ScaredStiff_FS_B2S launches the backglass, the GI8 doesnt. I tried it outside of HS. If I set the GI8 table to launch True it works outside of hS. Once I set it to false and run it from HS it doesnt load the back glass. I checked the spelling of the .exe backflass it references and its correct. Not sure why it doesnt work. <game name="ScaredStiff_FS_B2S_GI8"> <description>Scared Stiff Dark Mod (Bally 1996)</description> <!-- <version>Scared_Stiff_VP9_1.443FS> --> <manufacturer>Bally</manufacturer> <year>1996</year> <type>SS</type> </game> <game name="ScaredStiff_FS_B2S"> <description>Scared Stiff (Bally 1996)</description> <!-- <version>Scared_Stiff_VP9_1.44FS> --> <manufacturer>Bally</manufacturer> <year>1996</year> <type>SS</type> </game>
boogies2 Posted December 3, 2011 Posted December 3, 2011 (edited) From my little snipplet above, the following code is StringRight, ending, tableName, 3 if (ending = "B2S") You must rename the GI8 to end with B2S Rename physical table.VPT and the Database file to match In Example <game name="ScaredStiff_FS_GI8_B2S"> <description>Scared Stiff Dark Mod (Bally 1996)</description> <!-- <version>Scared_Stiff_VP9_1.443FS> --> <manufacturer>Bally</manufacturer> <year>1996</year> <type>SS</type> </game> <game name="ScaredStiff_FS_B2S"> <description>Scared Stiff (Bally 1996)</description> <!-- <version>Scared_Stiff_VP9_1.44FS> --> <manufacturer>Bally</manufacturer> <year>1996</year> <type>SS</type> </game> Edited December 4, 2011 by boogies2
OzStick Posted December 7, 2011 Posted December 7, 2011 Hey Bent, Just be aware that if you leave comment lines in the XML ie: <!-- This is just a comment --> Then UVP will stop working on any table that is in the file after the comment!
bent98 Posted December 7, 2011 Posted December 7, 2011 Really? I havent had any issues. Why would UVP stop working?
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