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sharp x68000 setup


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this global resolution problem is actually more difficult to solve than i thought

because the module selects the resolution based upon the "value" not the "description"

if everything doesnt line up with YOUR or MY particular system,, the wrong resolution will be selected


<VALUE description="800x600">0</VALUE>

<VALUE description="1024x768">1</VALUE>

<VALUE description="1176x664">2</VALUE>

<VALUE description="1280x720">3</VALUE>

<VALUE description="1280x768">4</VALUE>

<VALUE description="1360x768">5</VALUE>


lemme think for a sec


i could just do it like this


<VALUE description="first choice">0</VALUE>

<VALUE description="second choice">1</VALUE>

<VALUE description="third choice">2</VALUE>

<VALUE description="fourth choice">3</VALUE>

<VALUE description="fifth choice">4</VALUE>






<VALUE description="fifteenth choice">5</VALUE>


and then the user would have to look at his or her emulator options, count down to the one they want,... then choose that one in HLHQ

that would work


i could just do it like this


<VALUE description="first choice">0</VALUE>

<VALUE description="second choice">1</VALUE>

<VALUE description="third choice">2</VALUE>

<VALUE description="fourth choice">3</VALUE>

<VALUE description="fifth choice">4</VALUE>






<VALUE description="fifteenth choice">5</VALUE>


and then the user would have to look at his or her emulator options, count down to the one they want,... then choose that one in HLHQ

that would work


I think so! This way will be universal.


The module not work for me, i am spanish, i download the new module with "abrir", when i run "3 Danhenkei Meka Fuzzy (Craig).XM6" the dos window say "sbst no se reconoce como un comando" (for some reason, the command does not run well, instead of subst says sbst).

Thanks and sorry for my bad english


we need to change the keys sent to the command window

if you look in the module (.ahk) file you will see a portion like this

If TypeDrive = 1
	If romExtension = .XM6
		If FileExist("S:\Hyperspin Roms_Seagate\Sharp X68000\Roms")
			Sleep, 5
			Sleep, 5
				If FileExist("S:\Hyperspin Roms_Seagate\Sharp X68000\Roms")
					Sleep, 10
				StringTrimRight, VDDromPath, romPath, 41
				Run, cmd.exe
				WinWait("cmd.exe ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass")
				WinWaitActive("cmd.exe ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass")
				SetKeyDelay, 50
				SendInput, {s down}{s up}{u down}{u up}{b down}{b up}{s down}{s up}{t down}{t up}
				Sleep, 10
				SendInput, {Space down}{Space up}{s down}{s up}{: down}{: up}{Space down}{Space up}
				Sleep, 10
				SendInput, {" down}{" up}
				Sleep, 10
				SendInput, %VDDromPath%
				Sleep, 10
				SendInput, {" down}{" up}
				Sleep, 150
				SendInput, {Enter}
				Sleep, 150
				WinClose, cmd.exe

it is basically sending keystrokes to command prompt window

see how it does s down, s up, u down, u up, b down, b up etc

here it is again,

SendInput, {s down}{s up}{u down}{u up}{b down}{b up}{s down}{s up}{t down}{t up}

Sleep, 10

SendInput, {Space down}{Space up}{s down}{s up}{: down}{: up}{Space down}{Space up}

Sleep, 10

SendInput, {" down}{" up}

Sleep, 10

SendInput, %VDDromPath%

Sleep, 10

SendInput, {" down}{" up}

Sleep, 150

SendInput, {Enter}

with the end result being

subst s: "%VDDromPath%"

you need to put your keys in there

does that make sense?

i done know what they would be in spanish

maybe someone can help



Thank you Craig! I'm currently going through the xml and adding all year, manufacturer, and genre info. Its going to take awhile. Im up to line 1089 of 9106. When finished ill upload updated xml and genre xmls.

Craig, this system is quite the little gem. It really makes me want to learn Japanese if for nothing else to be able to play some of the cool RPGs on this thing. That Aquales game is cool (robot with a grappling hook). I tested playing the Sorceran or something with like 4 guys following you around. That game has some amazing music. This thing rocks! Funny when I started helping you make wheels and I was making some for the Numbered Games, I have to tell you I was put off. After scrolling through and playing a few of these I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS on ANY setup!

Thanks for all your hard work! Amazing!



Is it possible to adapt this module to a Spanish Windows? I know that in the module Gamecom that possibility exists.

MEmu = GameCom
MEmuV = v29/12/1998
MAuthor = djvj
MVersion = 2.0.1
MCRC = BE94305
iCRC = CCF77D79
MID = 635038268895496903
MSystem = "Tiger Game.com"
; Notes:
; Make sure you have ALL the roms on the emulator dir and also the following files: BITMAP2.BIN, MAIN.HEX, MAIN0.HEX, & MAIN0S.HEX
; Roms must be unzipped
; If you do not have an English windows, set the language you use for the MLanguage setting in HLHQ. Currently only Spanish/Portuguese is supported.
; Keys:
; A,S,Z,X - A,B,C,D (like the console layout)
; F2 - Reset
; F3 - Mute
; F4 - Pause (this seems to reboot the console also)
; Arrows - Digital pad
; Aiming in Resident Evil 2 goes with Z. Then A is shooting

settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
ShowIntro := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "ShowIntro","false",,1)				; Show the Tiger Logo before the main menu, cannot autostart games if true
AutoStartGame := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "AutoStartGame","true",,1)			; Will only work if ShowIntro is false
BlockInput := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "BlockInput","false",,1)				; Set to true if the module works for you and you don't want foreign key presses disturbing the launch process
errorFix := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "errorFix","false",,1)						; Set to true if you get a windows no disk error after the emu starts. It has been reported to happen on 32-bit OSes. This adds 2 seconds to launch if you don't get the error, so set to false for a quicker launch if you never see the error.
MLanguage := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "MLanguage","English",,1)		; If English, dialog boxes look for the word "Open" and if Spanish/Portuguese, looks for "Abrir"

mLang := Object("English","Open","Spanish/Portuguese","Abrir")
winLang := mLang[MLanguage]	; search object for the MLanguage associated to the user's language
If !winLang
ScriptError("Your chosen language is: """ . MLanguage . """. It is not one of the known supported languages for this module: " . moduleName)

hideEmuObj := Object("Game.Com Emulator ahk_class #32770",1,"Windows - No Disk ahk_class #32770",0,"Disassemble Window ahk_class #32770",0,winLang . " ahk_class #32770",0,"Input ahk_class #32770",0)	;Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later

If fadeIn = true
Gui 5: +LastFound
WinGet GUI_ID5, ID
Gui 5: -AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow
Gui 5: Color, %fadeColor%
Gui 5: Show, x0 y0 h%A_ScreenHeight% w%A_ScreenWidth%

7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

errorLvl := Run(executable, emuPath, "UseErrorLevel")

HideEmuStart()	; This fully ensures windows are completely hidden even faster than winwait

If errorLvl != 0
{	MsgBox, 48, Exe Error, Error launching emulator`, closing script., 5

If BlockInput = true
BlockInput, On

If errorFix = true
{	DetectHiddenWindows, on
WinWait("Windows - No Disk ahk_class #32770",,,2)
ControlClick, Button3, Windows - No Disk ahk_class #32770

WinWait("Game.Com Emulator ahk_class #32770")
Loop { ; What window is active at launch determines how the script will react
IfWinActive, Game.Com Emulator ahk_class #32770
IfWinActive Disassemble Window ahk_class #32770
	Goto DisWindow

; If disassembly window didn't open, lets open it
IfWinNotExist, Disassemble Window ahk_class #32770
WinMenuSelectItem, Game.Com Emulator ahk_class #32770,, Window, Open Disasm Window

WinWait("Disassemble Window ahk_class #32770") ; waiting for disassemble window to open
WinWaitActive("Disassemble Window ahk_class #32770")
WinMenuSelectItem, Disassemble Window ahk_class #32770,, File, Load BIN File
WinWait(winLang . " ahk_class #32770") ; Waiting for window to open to select the rom
WinWaitActive(winLang . " ahk_class #32770")
Loop { ; looping this so we don't need a sleep timer, usually 2nd loop text gets pasted in correctly
ControlGetText, edit1Text, Edit1, %winLang% ahk_class #32770
If ( edit1Text = romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension )
Sleep, 100
ControlSetText, Edit1, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %winLang% ahk_class #32770
Send {Enter}
WinWait("Input ahk_class #32770") ; waiting for input box to appear
WinWaitActive("Input ahk_class #32770")
Send {Enter}
WinWait("Disassemble Window ahk_class #32770") ; waiting for disassemble window to come back into focus
WinWaitActive("Disassemble Window ahk_class #32770")
If ShowIntro = true
WinMenuSelectItem, Disassemble Window ahk_class #32770,, File, Load Kernel., Full Kernel
WinMenuSelectItem, Disassemble Window ahk_class #32770,, File, Load Kernel., Test Kernel
Control, Check,, Button4, Disassemble Window ahk_class #32770
WinHide, Disassemble Window ahk_class #32770 ; hide the disassemble window so we don't see it in the background

; Remove window elements
If Fullscreen = true
{	WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, Game.Com Emulator ahk_class #32770 ; Removes the TitleBar
DllCall("SetMenu", uint, WinActive( "A" ), uint, 0) ; Removes the MenuBar
WinSet, Style, -0x40000, Game.Com Emulator ahk_class #32770 ; Removes the border of the game window
Sleep, 600 ; Need this otherwise the game window snaps back to size, increase if this occurs

If AutoStartGame = true
{	SetKeyDelay 200 ; increase if keys are not being sent to the main menu
Sleep, 500 ; increase if keys are being sent to early
Send {Right Down}{Right Up}{a Down}{a Up}

If Fullscreen = true
MaximizeWindow("Game.Com Emulator ahk_class #32770")


BlockInput, Off
Process("WaitClose", executable)


MaximizeWindow(class) {
WinGetPos, appX, appY, appWidth, appHeight, %class%
widthMaxPercenty := ( A_ScreenWidth / appWidth )
heightMaxPercenty := ( A_ScreenHeight / appHeight )

If  ( widthMaxPercenty < heightMaxPercenty )
	percentToEnlarge := widthMaxPercenty
	percentToEnlarge := heightMaxPercenty

appWidthNew := appWidth * percentToEnlarge
appHeightNew := appHeight * percentToEnlarge
Transform, appX, Round, %appX%
Transform, appY, Round, %appY%
Transform, appWidthNew, Round, %appWidthNew%, 2
Transform, appHeightNew, Round, %appHeightNew%, 2
appXPos := ( A_ScreenWidth / 2 ) - ( appWidthNew / 2 )
appYPos := ( A_ScreenHeight / 2 ) - ( appHeightNew / 2 )
WinMove, %class%,, appXPos, appYPos, appWidthNew, appHeightNew

WinClose("Game.Com Emulator ahk_class #32770")

I adapt the .isd file, but I had no luck with the module:



yeah. it is possible for sure

and i will do it but i need to know two things

is the correct word for "open" = "Abrir" on your computer?


and then the only other thing is a command that is sent to the command prompt window!

i needs to send

subst s: "%VDDromPath%" at one point


subst s: /d at another point.

would this command be the same in spanish?? i dont know the answer.

here is a page that talks about the process


Thank you Craig! I'm currently going through the xml and adding all year, manufacturer, and genre info. Its going to take awhile. Im up to line 1089 of 9106. When finished ill upload updated xml and genre xmls.

Some of the years are impossible to find. I started, but gave up. Best of luck!

Some of the years are impossible to find. I started, but gave up. Best of luck!

well then i just resort to 19xx. My main reason for working on the xml is to include genre info to help sort through the long list of games.


is the correct word for "open" = "Abrir" on your computer?

Yes, it is possible . I know in Game.com & Philips VG5000 modules used the parameter mLang := Object("English","Open","Spanish/Portuguese","Abrir")

I'm not sure if it is Windows or emulator problem

but I do not understand programming modules.

What I have to do with this?

subst s: "%VDDromPath%" at one point


subst s: /d at another point.

Thank you for your attention


Yes Craiganderson loaded that game up and both disks show on bottom just like picture thanks again for this great system :cheers:



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