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Virtual Jaguar 2.1 released


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VJ 2.1 has been released.Major improvements.Full screen support,joypad support better overall game compatibility.Virtual Jaguar seems to be coming along nicely,and since it is the only way to emulate the Jag,we are lucky to have it.Yes I know MESS will one day be able to emulate the Jag better,but im 33 years old and by the time MESS emulates Jaguar I will most likely have passed away due to old age.Enjoy


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Yeah the focus on accuracy is starting to pay out and it finally runs at decent speeds with DSP on, definitely looks very promising, I just hope shamus can keep improving it even more, maybe even JagCD support one day.

It's not the only way to emulate Jaguar though, Project Tempest does a nice job on the games it does support, even though it's full of hacks to make the games work and therefore compatibility is not the best the games that do work actually run pretty well.

Thanks for posting this! Is there any way to hide the menu bar in fullscreen?

You know who will probably take of that.

I am......Machine


I tried to on the git from last week but wasn't successful yet. I'll take another look but it looks like the dev decided to go with an ugly non-standard menu bar, so my dllcall doesn't work on it.

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You can right click it and hide it... but then you get a giant empty bar on the bottom of the screen. It's a bizare choice

Mesk, have you seen how well the games run now?

I have.There is still some slow down with the more popular games (lol@ popular Jaguar games) like Tempest 2000 and Missile Command,but Defender 2000 and Attack of the Mutant Penguins seem to be running better.Personally im waiting for Aliens vs Predator to be @ playable speeds.


I got it!

This code will hide the toolbar perfectly.

Run virtualjaguar.exe,,, App_PID
WinWaitActive ahk_class QWidget
ControlMove QGLWidget1, 0, 0, %A_ScreenWidth%, %A_ScreenHeight%, ahk_class QWidget

Process Close, %App_PID%

copy and paste to a new ahk file and place it with your virtual jaguar executable. Set virtual jaguar to start FullScreen.

This is with the latest git. This script will not load a rom nor will you be able to because the toolbar is gone. If you want to load roms you will have to edit the code more.


This is the release I'm using...

Module Working Windows 7 & 8

; Atari Jaguar
; Virtual Jaguar Git - 02/09/2013 - [url="http://www.emucr.com/2013/02/virtual-jaguar-git-20130209.html?showComment=1360460895285"]http://www.emucr.com/2013/02/virtual-jaguar-git-20130209.html?showComment=1360460895285[/url]
; 1.0
; Notes:
; Set Virtual Jaguar to start full screen.

GUI_ID := FadeInStart()

7z1 := 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractDir)

Run %executable% "%romPath%%romName%%romExtension%", %emuPath%,, VJ_PID

WinWait ahk_pid %VJ_PID%
WinWaitActive ahk_pid %VJ_PID%
If (A_OSVersion = "WIN_7"){
MouseClick Right, 1, 1
MouseClick Left, 5, 5
ControlMove QGLWidget1, 0, 0, %A_ScreenWidth%, %A_ScreenHeight%, ahk_pid %VJ_PID%

GUI_ID2 := FadeInExit()

Process, WaitClose, %VJ_PID%

7z2 := 7zCleanUp()

GUI_ID4 := FadeOutExit()

WinActivate, HyperSpin


GUI_ID3 := FadeOutStart()
WinClose ahk_pid %VJ_PID%


Same version I'm using. I get this error




Error: Target label does not exist.


050: mgText2Offset = 70

051: mgUseSound = true

052: mgSoundfreq = 300

053: mgExitEffect = none

054: mgSelectedEffect = rotate

055: mgUseGameArt = false

056: mgArtworkDir = Artwork1

---> 057: Hotkey,~Esc,CloseProcess

071: GUI_ID := FadeInStart()

073: 7z1 := 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractDir)

075: Run,%executable% "%romPath%%romName%%romExtension%",%emuPath%,,VJ_PID

077: WinWait,ahk_class QWidget

078: WinWaitActive,ahk_class QWidget

079: ControlMove,QGLWidget1,0,0,%A_ScreenWidth%,%A_ScreenHeight%,ahk_class QWidget

081: GUI_ID2 := FadeInExit()

The program will exit.




Sorry I'm a lil loaded so bare with me LOL I replace the entire module with your code.




no need for you to install a different OS. Ill check it out on my 7 machine and if the control names are different I can just do a quick OS check in the module. The module you were using was missing the CloseProcess: label. You had the hotkey set but not defined.


Another error :(




Error: Target label does not exist.


050: mgText2Offset = 70

051: mgUseSound = true

052: mgSoundfreq = 300

053: mgExitEffect = none

054: mgSelectedEffect = rotate

055: mgUseGameArt = false

056: mgArtworkDir = Artwork1

---> 057: Hotkey,~Esc,CloseProcess

073: GUI_ID := FadeInStart()

075: 7z1 := 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractDir)

077: Run,%executable% "%romPath%%romName%%romExtension%",%emuPath%,,VJ_PID

079: WinWait,ahk_pid %VJ_PID%

080: WinWaitActive,ahk_pid %VJ_PID%

081: ControlMove,QGLWidget1,0,0,%A_ScreenWidth%,%A_ScreenHeight%,ahk_pid %VJ_PID%

083: GUI_ID2 := FadeInExit()

The program will exit.




I won't be able to change back to Win8 till i get my new mobo :/




I dont know why you are getting that error. Did you copy the entire module? It's telling you the CloseProcess label doesn't exist. If you are using my module then it definitely exists.

I updated the module again. Checks OS version. Win7 needed some extra code.

I need this tested on XP


Just tried it on Windows 8 as well and it works like a charm.. Thanks! Mouse cursor stays up in the corner of the screen but its a hell'ova lot better than the two bars! =P

Just tried it on Windows 8 as well and it works like a charm.. Thanks! Mouse cursor stays up in the corner of the screen but its a hell'ova lot better than the two bars! =P

Set the mouse cursor to hidden in Atari Jaguar.ini

I just want to make it clear that the Module works on Windows 7 & 8. I just need someone with XP to test it.


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