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About richie_jones

  • Birthday 09/20/1977

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    mold, uk


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  1. anyone had any success getting this to run through rocket launcher...
  2. anybody know of an original half life theme
  3. Hi, Thanks for these there great, did you get round to doing the Next game and Previous game swf files also. Cant find them here.. Thanks
  4. Hi How do i get the sound to play, got the theme working but not the sound
  5. Forgot to add this sry Lucian. Gfx look great but that new system with the extra layer on the background was a pita to fit..bubble nightmare!!
  6. Hey Lucian josh should be sending some artwork your way when we've finalized the design. What choices do you have for back lit marquee vinyl. It's not an actual marquee but a large backlit perspex panel?
  7. It's great to see these as I've signed josh up for my next build. Amazing mate looks great
  8. Quick question I've been vinyl wrapping my cab with car vinyl, easily heated and moulded round external corners. I'm in talks with josh for some gfx, can your vinyl be persuaded around corners if a little heat is applied.. Thanks Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
  9. Ah thank you I had that email address but he'd missed a t off the att. Kept getting returned..ill try him again thanks.. .
  10. Hey Lucian who do you recommend for designing gfx. We're you working with someone I can't find the thread with there email address in?
  11. Hi mate. Just after some advice and your services in the not to distant future... I plan on having a lot of Plexiglas in my build..with the cp controls etched into it..what sort of file would you supplie me with if you did the artwork. Is there anything I need to think of regarding artwork for etching.. Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  12. CAN SOMEONE HELP LUCIAN hes just emailed me to say he cant acces the forum.."needs approval" apparently. .. Sort him out or our cabs will never be the same!!!
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