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floatingyeti last won the day on February 14

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About floatingyeti

  • Birthday 01/25/1980

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    Burbank, CA


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  1. Those are both mult-part roms. I think you have to remove "prg" file extension from RetroArch module so it only sees .com or .bas files. Multi-part roms must only launch .com file. You can test in RetroArch (extract rom to folder then load .com file)
  2. I'll do my best to explain. Only extensions "com" and "bas" are required Rocketlauncher Main Settings: 7z=Enabled Settings -> Skip Checks = Rom and Emu Using Ep128emu RetroArch Core I hope that helps
  3. @Creezz67 I appreciate how much effort you're putting into testing the beta. You keep trying to make it work despite your frustrations and I respect that.
  4. You would need to find a more expansive xml or manually add to your existing xml.
  5. Here you go: Audit Tools - HyperSpin Forum My personal favorite: Hyper Checker - Audit Tools - HyperSpin Forum
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Enterprise 64/128 Main Menu Theme Main Menu Wheel System Video Default Theme Complete System Setup Here
  7. Version 1.0.0


    The Enterprise is a Zilog Z80-based home computer first produced in 1985. It was developed by British company Intelligent Software and marketed by Enterprise Computers. Its two variants are the Enterprise 64, with 64 kilobytes (kB) of Random Access Memory (RAM), and the Enterprise 128, with 128 kB of RAM. This setup was a collaboration with @brudibru These are the only the 96 commercially released games (compilations split for a total of 99). There are hundreds of hobbyist ports from ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, and Videotron due to the Enterprise's similar hardware being able to run them natively. We left them out because it would be a huge amount of redundant games from those systems. Full Setup includes: HyperSpin 1: Main Theme + Default Theme Database (with genre xml) HyperSpin 1 & 2: Main Menu Video + Wheel 99x Wheels (with brudibru) 99x Videos 99x 3D boxart @brudibru 99x Cassette Images @brudibru 99x Game Snaps @brudibru Modified TOSEC files + bios Bezel Includes Module Instruction for Rocket Launcher (RetroArch - ep128emu core) System can be launched from HyperHQ 2 and is a standard system selection
  8. I also request this. Database control is crucial. Lately all the bug request have been about MAME rom filtering settings and missing games after importing roms. Having control over databases would fix all that. Without importing a user created database, how can MAME be updated on a monthly basis? For that matter, how can MAME Software List systems be added? There's no way the shortnames of all MAME roms can be identified with the scaping tool. I'm not just talking about arcade games. MAME is the largest and most consistently updated emulator covering hundreds of systems. None of which can be matched to any media with the current scraping tool. I could only see that working if we could maintain our own databases and could scrape media based off the database game "description" info and not "rom name" info. Maybe HyperHQ could use MAME Software List Hash files to identify match roms to media? Still that would be so much work to set up. The easiest solution is to give us access to creating or using existing xml databases. There's no way to automate this and please everyone. So make it the users responsibility to maintain.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    14 new (working - arcade only) games this month. New Parents: Gwasuwon (Korea) [gwasu] IPM Invader (set 2) [ipminvad1] Magic Touch (v. 28.05) [magictch] Namco Classic Collection Vol.1 (Japan, v1.03) [ncv1j2] Pyuuta-kun (Japan) [pyutakun] New Clones: Gradius III: Densetsu kara Shinwa e (Japan, version 3, newer) [gradius3j] N-Sub (cocktail) [nsubc] Rocket Convoy [rocktcnvy] Run and Gun (ver UAB 1993 9.10, dedicated twin cabinet) [rungunuaad] Toride II (Japan, revision I) [toride2ji] Updated Roms: Evil Night (ver UBA) [evilngt] Hell Night (ver EAA) [hellngt] Total Vice (ver EBA) [totlvice] Triple Hunt [triplhnt] Removed: IPM Invader (set 1) [ipminvad] Namco Classic Collection Vol [ncv1] Required CHDs: evilngt totlvice ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAME Project Uploads: 01: MAME Project Upload 02: 0.250 Update 03: Clone Media Update 04: 0.251 Update 05: January Mame Media Update 06: 0.252 Update 07: 0.253 Update 08: 0.254 Update 09: 0.255 Update 10: 0.256 Update 11 : 0.257 Update 12: 0.258 Update 13: 0.259 Update 14: 0.260 Update 15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update 16: 0.265 Update 17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru) 18: 0.266 Update 19: 0.267 Update 19: 0.268 Update 20: 0.269 Update 20: 0.270 Update 21: 0.271 Update 22: 0.272 Update 23: 0.273 Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Missing themes project: THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  10. I had to make an assumption because we don't have an audit tool to show us exactly what's being filtered. I agree with your interpretation of how the settings should work but I was not able to import my entire non-merged selection either. It will probably be addressed soon.
  11. I'm pretty sure that has to do with the region you selected when setting up MAME.
  12. That looks great! I think that covers everything for now. CL is not my strength so I would be referencing HyperCL more than contributing to it. I'm sure it will reduce the amount of troubleshooting questions. Thankyou for adding it so quickly!
  13. System | Emulator | Supported Filetypes | CL | description of what CL does I'm sure there needs to be more nuance but that might cover the basics. Thankyou
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