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32assassin last won the day on February 13 2024

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About 32assassin

  • Birthday 08/25/1974

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  1. I did multiple install and uninstalls of HQ because of some bugs I could not clear deleted the folder C:\Users\User\.HyperHQ but I still have multiple HQ clients installed, is their a way to remove the extra ones
  2. @baddeolv can you please add a second version of the 3ds themes; so that the video includes both screens similar to this all the emumovies include the second screen; your themes are compressing both screens on to the main screen
  3. Their is no Main Menu - PSP minis Their are multiple missing system themes for multiple popular Handled systems.
  4. I hope that we get the feature to import game lists from existing Hyperspin 1 XMLs. this way we can create any game list we want with the current XML editors we have and then simply import our game list to HQ 2.0 without the need of filtering our rom folders. I just imported Neo Geo MVS to my game list and it looks like we have to pull all the MVS roms from the MAME roms folder to create a dedicated MVS rom folder or delete 1000s of games from the created game list.
  5. I had an issue where the meta data scan for the Xbox system froze, none of the games added had any meta data. I deleted the system and removed all the Xbox folders from the Hyperspin folder. I proceeded to add the system but the game list now has each game listed 3 times. The rom refresh option does not give me an option to remove duplicate games, Can I delete the full game list and have HQ re scan my rom folder or do I have to manually delete all the duplicated games
  6. Can we please have the option to import existing Hyperspin XMLs as new game lists. I do not want to manually create a Neo Geo, Capcom 1-2, Cocktails Only ect. Collections for each MAME collection I have. And it would be great if It could show up as a Main system and not a collection.
  7. I also noticed that some games such as Atari Jaguar Battle Sphere Gold (World) NBA Jam T.E. (World) The meta data was not scraped but HHQ was able to download media for it. is their a Hyperlist where we can look for the game manually and import the metadata from. just incase the metadata was not added to the rom because the name is not the same as what's on the metadata database.
  8. take a look at the left side of the screen on the hypertheme home page, Under "Media Type" look at "Box and Cart" tab. their are no uploads yet, if you click on "Create" next to your profile on the top right it will take you to the page where you upload your media. at the moment, you still can't upload box art or carts. I still don't know if you can manually add media to your system as I made official 2d carts for the 3Ds and NDS and I can't currently use them.
  9. I did no find a decent quality cart image for Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 (Japan) https://mega.nz/folder/IxlyVApa#qzOWwcGiuXhxR-R-_-vRJw
  10. I only have USA titles on my game list. if anyone is willing to collect decent artwork for any of the missing PAL or JAP exclusives. I will be more than willing to make what is missing. Paper Mario - Super Seal ---> Japan exclusive no USA version Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3---> Japan exclusive no USA version Super Robot Taisen UX ---> Japan exclusive no USA version
  11. if anyone is interested. I uploaded a USA 2D set of retail carts to emumovies and the download section I also updated the 3D box set. I replaced multiple boxes that were incorrectly labeled or where not the retail version.
  12. your set up "Execution : Normal" will only work if you are using Hyperlaunch 1.0 (may work with Hyperlaunch 2.XX) you need to set your Execution to "Hyperlaunch", so that it uses Hyperlaunch 3.XX or Rocketlauncher.
  13. multiple versions with that perspective are available https://emumovies.com/files/category/1780-artwork/ I'm currently working on offiical carts for NDS and 3DS. The Ms for the NDS are done
  14. thanks I found 3 games that are not in your XML I have boxes and files for the 3 games CSI - Crime Scene Investigation - Dark Motives (USA) https://www.amazon.com/CSI-Dark-Motives-Nintendo-DS/dp/B000Q4SRBO?th=1 Learning To Spell (USA) https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Spell-Nintendo-DS/dp/B0030GBU7S TouchMaster - Connect (USA) https://www.amazon.com/Touchmaster-Connect-Nintendo-DS/dp/B0045EI7IE I also removed Finding Nemo - Escape to the Big Blue (USA) and added the limited edition version Finding Nemo - Escape to the Big Blue - Special Edition (USA) (same thing was done for Bolt (USA)) I made more boxes the 3D box collection for US retail releases is now complete. Winx Club - Saving Alfea (USA) Tetris DS (THQ) (USA) (Proto) SpongeBob's Surf & Skate - Roadtrip (USA) copy Petz - Horsez Family (USA) copy Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Anniversary Edition (USA) (DSiWare) copy not in the XML 2 games in one rerelease Transformers - Ultimate Autobots Edition (USA)
  15. I just made more missing 3D boxes https://emumovies.com/files/file/2234-nintendo-ds-3d-boxes-pack-alt-2/ based on the XML I have all USA boxes are accounted for, but the XML I have is missing allot of titles and it does not have the meta data so the question is. is their a more complete XML available. Or should I consider my 3D box project complete. if anyone is using my box artwork here are the 74 box update. they will eventually go to the download section or emumovies once I confirm that nothing more needs to be added https://mega.nz/file/t8s3hLoZ#dsst4hQ1OVNPNUZaQaxY-HA8o2qr3ycYWS7otXrWF2A
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