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ninja2bceen last won the day on June 11 2021

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About ninja2bceen

  • Birthday 01/07/1985

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  1. Hi There,

    I've been a big fan for a while now.  I used a lot of your training videos to set up my arcade machine, so thanks for that.  I just left a post for BoOgieman, but I see the last time he was on his page was in December.  Maybe you can help.  I've added what I posted on his page below.

    I'm running into an issue with HyperSpeech I have never encountered before.  After pressing the button to load a MAME game, it states a phrase from the [HSGameStart] section in the INI file like it should, then anywhere from three to five seconds later, it states a phrase from the [HSGameEnd] from the INI file.  I believe I know what the culprit is, but would like to know if you agree with my theory.

    I recently installed UltraStik 360 Programmer to load directional maps into my joysticks when starting a game.  The AHK file in RocketLauncher opens the UltraMap software, downloads the directional map to the joystick(s) and then closes again.  I believe the closing of the UltraMap software is causing the issue with HyperSpeech.

    I'm not even sure if any log would capture this flow to show it happening.  Any input from you or the rest of the community would be greatly appreciated, as it's DRIVING ME NUTS!


    1. ninja2bceen


      hello sounds like your ini is messed up. Try downloading my file on the download page, its already got everything preloaded or chat on my discord, i can drop the file

  2. you are amazing

    1. Elfhuo


      you are still amazing!😁😁

  3. shoot me your email address and ill link you to the dropbox bud


    1. ninja2bceen


      [email protected]

      welcome back dude. I've accomplished so much stuff, everyone left dude

    2. baddeolv


      email sent


      instructions are in the shared folder bud

  4. No issues here on windows 10 latest update Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Great work but this theme has already been done! I really think you should join the emulation theme project! 90% of nes is done!
  6. join us! The nes theme project is 89% completed. Only 200 some remain! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1261543240673631/
  7. join us! The nes theme project is 89% completed. Only 200 some remain! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1261543240673631/
  8. hi everyone, yes bliss box really needs joytokey set up in hyperspin for this to really work I think. I do have a video on setting up joytokey. Once you have joytokey set up and at least a default profile, making sure the keys match your standard set up across all emulators, just plug in blissbox and you are set! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRd3XDF_cZQ
  9. great nec theme set


  10. fantastic job on jaguar theme set! I see that its missing just one theme and that is space war 2000. Do you have that one too?

  11. About ready to do this, I know I need to call you to discuss pricing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I’m not sure I know what you mean. You can have as many genres as you want, you can control the size of the wheel images for genres. I’m not sure what this enhancement would be as it currently supports all of this Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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