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45 files

  1. These are some samples from my collection of 140 rare and English translated titles for the Super NES. They were modeled from the same template as "Super Nintendo 3D Boxes Pack (HyperList) 1.4" from EmuMovies and have a matching resolution and bitrate. This version is also free of all the color-bleeding on the top and bottom edges which was prevalent in some of the older versions.
    Please make a contribution at my crowd-funding page if you would like me to upload the full set of 140 box arts!
  2. Tin Star ( Assets ) to make themes for SNES including 2 logo's & 5 images which I did for someone & they never made it. Picture logo doesn't have Agard on when downloaded.
    Enjoy & give credit always to creators.
    Picture logo isn't 100% perfect depending on the size you use just click on image & it will be full screen.
  3. Drop a different style of wheels hope you like.
  4. 593
  5. Letter pack for the Super Nintendo/Famicom system.
    Image measurements:
  6. For my personal use. Use it if you like it.
  7. When Kondorito and I started on this set, we had decent source material to work with - but the boxes were aged, rough, and somewhat worn. We proceeded to crop fronts, sides, and bottoms (in case we wanted to go a different direction), and we began to realize... these worn boxes didn't look *that* bad. In fact, they looked like they could realistically be a part of someone's actual collection (because they were, in fact).

    Personally, when I determine a box's overall condition when shopping on ebay, I have an idea in my mind of what is acceptable condition. If the box is a solid B, I'll buy it. The same principle applies here - if the box was a B or better, we didn't bother airbrushing them. To us, there is a certain charm to an age worn box. Not to mention, we also concurred that spending hours making the blacks pitch black, whites whiter-than-white, the colors too vibrant, airbrushing all dust specks, etc. was not the direction we wanted to go.

    Of course the argument could be made that we just didn't want to put forth 10x more effort into making them look perfect. And there's some truth to that, at least for me. But it was a solid 120 hours of work on my end (at least), plus however long it took Kondorito on his end of things. I'm glad it's done, I'm satisfied with the less than perfect result, and I have no plans to improve on it.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    This set isn't for everyone. If you want a perfect looking set, look elsewhere. However, if you like the 'realistic' look, I think you'll be quite happy with this set. Many of the boxes look like actual photos - the cardboard looks realistic, and the wear and the dust adds to that effect.

  8. This is a complete pack of wheels/logos for the Super Nintendo European releases, it should include all 516 officially released games in that territory, plus Super Copa released in Brazil.
    Most logos were gathered from various places, but I had to cut dozens myself and fix a bunch of others, they should all match their cover arts.
    3D Box pack:
  9. This is a complete pack of 3D boxes for the Super Nintendo European releases, it should include all 517 officially released games in that territory, plus Super Copa released in Brazil.
    This pack is based on a work from other users,NailbombRP worked collecting 2D covers, cleaning and improving their scans and posting them on Github and some forums as well as this one, the other being @SwedishGojira which made a 3D script to turn those in 3D. There were extra boxes for games never released in PAL territory and some PAL even using their US counterparts a few were missing from the PAL database, which I mostly fixed applying the correct covers on the 3D ones.
  10. This is a complete pack of carts for the Super Nintendo, it should include all 517 officially released games in Europe, plus Super Copa released in Brazil.
    This pack is partially OK, by that I mean most of the carts are from and old pack from Emumovies, which isn't 100% accurate, on the plus side it uses the newer ones from @Kondorito's pack, anyway, it's mostly a placeholder for a future accurate and higher resolution pack. If someone is interested in making them, contact me.
    3D Box pack:
  11. 803 Wheel Game Super Nintendo Entertainment System
    By Cyclair
  12. 21 Wheel Game Super Nintendo Classic Edition
    By Cyclair
  13. 57 Wheel Game Super Nintendo Hack
    By Cyclair
  14. Super Nintendo Silver Ring Games Wheel Pack Full
  15. Here is another fun pack for everyone.
    Since there was a bunch of vanilla box packs on the site, I decided to tackle the dvd boxes instead to mix things up a bit.
    This pack contains 63 box arts ranging from regular, custom and japanese covers.
    If there's a huge demand for it, I might start a topic for requests to keep the project going. Otherwise I hope you guys enjoy.
  16. I have converted all the awesome PAL style SNES covers that NailbombRP collected and cleaned up into a set of 3D PAL Style boxart, 808 boxes in total.
    All the art was collected by NailbombRP and cleaned up by him. I just put together a script to convert them all into 3D and then adjusted each and every generated picture to look it's best. Sadly as there are no spines I just went with a generic spine for the set, but it looks good enough to me as I am sick and tired of the dark US SNES art that is usually used.
    I also have a few supplemental packs for this that I am working on. The first pack consists of a few extra titles that was missing from NaibombRP's collection and the second pack is PAL style art for some translated Japanese titles. But that will come later...
    The forum topic for this pack is here.
  17. This pack took more time that what I planned, but I am very happy with the final result!
    It has the entire USA set, plus PAL region locked games, plus Protos, plus Unreleased.
    The cart shapes, colors, and stickers are 100% accurate as the original games  
    Thanks to @Yeuxkes for the SFC cart template I used as base for the PAL ones 
    PS. Because of an issue there is when uploading files here related to its size, I had to split it into 9 parts (to not surpass the 100MB limit).
    This means that you will need all the parts downloaded before trying to extract the content from part 1.
    Once the issue is resolved I will reupload it in just one part or a couple.
  18. Extra custom covers created for usa/euro prototypes without official release and art available, i've added also covers for some homebrew games and a european cover for the snes mini starfox 2 in euro style (calling it starwing 2). I've used pal version box style and tried to mimic the style of oficial releases, i used some adverts art and other platform boxes. Hope you enjoy.
  19. Following an official xml we have today, I did not all just the ones was missing, Thanks to those who initiated this.
  20. For those who are familiar with my "MAME  0.181  full wheels (minus casino), genre art, databases" project, you should already know what to expect.
    The idea is, you get everything you need as a one stop solution. Hopefully I'm saving someone else time that they could be spending actually playing the games.  
    Included in this pack is an edited version (for typos, errors, and inconsistencies) of the official database, 132 (genre, publisher, and custom) genre databases, genre wheel art to go with it, every theme I could get my hands on, a default theme, wheel sounds,  letters, the official wheel art, and complete 2D, 3D, and cartridge art.

    When I say 'complete,' I mean even the protos and homebrews. Every game in the official list has a 2D box, 3D box, and cart.
    Credit and thanks:
    Themes: Everyone who contributed an SNES theme. Too many people to name. I'm not sure who made the default theme included in this pack but it wasn't me. I simply tweaked it to make the videos display properly. If you know who did it, please PM me so I can give proper thanks.
    Box Art: (see the following thread) https://gbatemp.net/threads/cover-collections-for-emulators-with-cover-support.324714/
    Azzbarb @ Hyperspin
    Koolbrez67 @ Hyperspin
    Mildanti @ Hyperspin
    BajaResident @ Hyperspin
    Donnie1979 @ Hyperspin
    JuniorUnderground @ Hyperspin
    BBB @ Hyperspin
    WallyWonka @ Hyperspin
    Crapahute @ ColecoBoxArt.com
    Shenske @ TheCoverProject.net
    Arseen @ TheCoverProject.net
    Lumberjack42 @ TheCoverProject.net
    Rx_79 @ TheCoverProject.net
    segagamer @ TheCoverProject.net
    EktoPhase @ TheCoverProject.net
    Sheep2001 @ TheCoverProject.net
    1980coelho @ TheCoverProject.net
    mel @ TheCoverProject.net
    PeachWaffles @ TheCoverProject.net
    Raven1280 @ TheCoverProject.net
    Other Cover Artists @ TheCoverProject.net
    mastershoes @ DarkUmbra
    Jabossi @ DarkUmbra
    ToddofWar420 @ gbatemp
    Tetsuo Shima @ gbatemp
    sion_zaphod @ gbatemp
    mike1 @ gbatemp
    drakorex @ gbatemp
    RiCK420 @ gbatemp
    halen @ gbatemp
    Cypher16 @ gbatemp
    Seam @ gbatemp
    halen @ gbatemp
    Wiimpathy @ gbatemp
    Pepois @ gbatemp
    ModdingBird @ gbatemp
    Keith_Loving @ gbatemp
    Beast @ DarkUmbra
    Timothy Rooker
    NeoCverA/loopyeddie @ Southtown
    Other Cover Artists @ Southtown
    travistouchdown @ AtariAge
    Felyx @ AtariAge
    Jeffrey_Bones @ AtariAge
    2D box: Basically all I did here was set up a batch routine in photoshop to crop out the fronts and backs, using the art from the above link. It took me all of 5 minutes to make the best quality SNES box art I've seen. Then I used azzbarb's set to fill in some blanks. Fixed Barbie Vacation Adventure box, Super Copa box (looked kinda rough). 
    Box Backs: All the box backs (700 out of the official 807 games) are in Artwork4 folder by default. If you have Rocketlauncher configured properly, you can read the backs of the boxes in the 'Artwork' tab in Pause.
    Cartridge: I used the Official HyperSpin set and filled in the blanks.
    Database: The official of course. This database needs some work in my opinion, particularly to double check the 'manufacturer' field. 

    I fixed the following entries:
    Jim Power - The Lost Dimension in 3D (USA) database entry, manufacturer is Electro Brain (with a space), consistent with other games containing the space
    Ultima - Runes of Virtue II (USA), manufacturer/publisher is FCI, not Electronic Arts Victor
    Legend (USA), manufacturer/publisher Seika Corp. (entry did not have the period before, added for consistency)
    Changed all entries of 'Sun Soft' as a manufacturer to SunSoft, there should be no space, all other databases I've encountered have it as one word. Plus, there were both Sun Soft and SunSoft in the original database. 
    Ninja Warriors, The (USA), changed manufacturer 'Taito corporation' to 'Taito Corporation.'
    Super Caesars Palace (USA), changed manufacturer from 'Virgion' to 'Virgin.'
    Added, created, or edited artwork (Box 2D, Box 3D, Cartridge) for the following games:
    Apocalypse II (Europe) (Proto)
    Arcus Odyssey (USA) (Proto)
    Batman - Revenge of the Joker (USA) (Proto)
    Classic Kong (World) (Unl)
    Congo - The Movie - The Secret of Zinj (USA) (Proto)
    Dragon Ball Z - Hyper Dimension (France)
    Dragon Ball Z - La Legende Saien (France)
    Dragon Ball Z - Super Butouden (France)
    Dragon Ball Z - Ultime Menace (France)
    MazezaM Challenge (World) (Unl)
    Miracle Piano Teaching System, The (USA)
    Mr. Bloopy - Saves the World (USA) (Proto)
    Network Q Rally (USA) (Proto)
    Nightmare Busters (Europe) (Proto)
    RHI Roller Hockey '95 (USA) (Proto)
    Skipp and Friends (World) (Unl)
    SpellCraft (USA) (Proto)
    Super Probotector - Alien Rebels (Europe)
    Super Shadow of the Beast (USA) (Proto)
    Tinhead (Europe) (Proto)
    Uwol - Quest For Money (World) (Unl)
    Wheels:  The official set. I edited 'Mr. Bloopy Saves the World (USA).' It is spelled 'Bloopy,' as per the title screen, original logo had 'Bloppy.'
    A brief description of some of the custom genre database wheels.
    All Games: Takes you back to the main wheel. Serves no purpose, other than a starting point.
    Publishers (Activision, Acclaim, Konami, etc): I've included genre databases (and wheel art to go with them) for 72 different publishers. I didn't get them all, but I got most of the well known ones. I also tried to use a logo that was consistent for the SNES era, but there's a few I couldn't find quality scans for (Gametek and Bulletproof Software comes to mind), so I had to use what I could find. If you'd like to contribute SNES era logos to this project, or higher quality logos than what I've included, please feel free to share them. I have very amateurish photoshop skills. I attempted to do a few redraws (Koei, Sofel, FCI, Hot-B, THQ Toy Headquarters, and Ubisoft. They're acceptable but they could be better.
    European Games: All games from the official database with (Europe) and (France) in them.
    Prototypes: All games from the official database with (Proto) in them.
    Homebrew: All homebrew games that I am aware of from the official database.
    2 Player Games: A list of most (if not all) 2 player games. Credit goes to MPQC, see this thread for more details: https://forums.emulator-zone.com/showthread.php?t=15458

    Multiplayer: A list of most (if not all) games that use the multitap. I found a google group dedicated to this list. Credit goes to them. Not linked, because I'm not sure if they'd like to be associated with this or not.
    Super Scope: All Super Scope games.
    Super: Ever needed to find a game that begins with 'Super' in your alphabetical list, and been frustrated at the hundred thousand regular 'S' games you had to scroll through, then the additional hundred thousand 'Super Something' games you have to scroll through to get to the one you actually wanted? Well, you're not the only one.  This was my solution.
    Themes: All games that have themes.
    Hacks: A list of unofficial hacks.

    Action, Adventure, Sports, etc.: Your typical genres.
    Brief instructions: This should be self explanatory, if you've even found this. But a quick rundown.
    Copy all 139 database files included in this pack to wherever your SNES database is located. You need all of them in order to make the 'genres' function properly. The genre.xml file is already set up and ready to go. Just drag and drop. In my setup, the folder is Databases/Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
    Copy the 'images,' 'sound,' and 'themes' folders to wherever you have these located. On my setup, it is Media/Super Nintendo Entertainment System. If you want to test the new stuff out without losing the old, just change the folder names of the old by putting a '1' in front of them (e.g. 'Images' becomes 1Images). If you're using 'details' view sorted by name, the folders you just disabled will auto-sort to the beginning of the list. If you don't like the new stuff, just delete it, and rename the old stuff back by removing the '1.'

    I think that about covers it.

    If you find any errors, please post them here.

    This *could* be an ongoing project. The whole idea behind this is to have the 'ultimate SNES' solution. If you have ideas on how to make it even better, and would like to contribute, be sure to share them.

    I have more of these up my sleeve. Particularly, my NES wheel, which puts this project to shame. But it's also a lot of work organize, put together, and upload. So, we'll see.  

  21. I have, I believe, every USA game on here and a few imports as well. In the folder I left the items used to make your own for games you don't see on there and the original title art as well. Hope you enjoy. Plan to do more imports later. Let me know if you would like me to add them. 
  22. Super Nintendo Entertainment System 3D Box pack 16x9 - Woryon Games
  23. Loved the Crylen framed wheel pack, but didn't see one for SNES Hacks, so made a basic one.
  24. Set of 773 Super Nintendo Entertainment System 2D boxes with reflections added and reformatted to be aspect-correct in 16:9 widescreen setups. The boxes themselves are sourced from other 2D box sets. This set matches HyperList as of December 2017, but does not include images for games marked as prototypes, unlicensed, or non-English games.
  25. Fade do sistema Super Nintendo Classic Edition (1920x1080)

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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