Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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Somebody have setting correctly PoP With D-Fend and Dosbox? I've little lag from the sound during game, like the clank and other effects with a 1 sec delay.... my settings: SORRY I'VE SOLVED...i add right profile when install first time the game....
Last reply by Marcoqwerty, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Anyone know how I can bulk convert some sega Saturn IMG games to BIN/CUE?
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 2 replies
I have pinball Fx2 running no problem boots straight into the selected table etc. The problem I have is I have to go through to main menu then exit game from there. Anyone know how to exit from the table back to hyperspin? Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
Last reply by xsk8zorsx, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys, Im trying to set up both my xbox controllers in retroarch. When I configure user 1, everything works fine. Then I try to configure user 2 and it changes user 1 to user 2. If I go back to configure user 1 it works again, but user to is not configured.. anyone else have this problem? does it think im using the same controller for both?
Last reply by C_Wilson009, -
- 0 replies
i need help on converting ccd,mdf to iso like batch conversion script or program that can convert more than one
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 1 reply
hey guys, having some issues with this hyperlaunch. I'm trying to load emulators in hyperlaunch to test and see if they work, It's really annoying and I don't know what this error means? thanks.
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 3 replies
hello. what is an easy way of converting multiple playstation bin files to a single cue and bin file to work with the epsx emulator, thanks
Last reply by juicelee, -
I'm using the most recent version of Retroarch (1.2.2), and I use two PS4 controllers via bluetooth / xinput using InputMapper (formerly DS4Windows). When I configure the input settings within Retroarch to have player 1 be Xinput Controller 1, and player 2 to be Xinput Controller 2 - everything works fine. The problem is that I have to have both controllers connected at all times for it to read either one. If I boot up hyperspin/retroarch w/ only one controller on, it doesn't recognize it. Sometimes I only play 1 player games and don't need the 2nd controller to be on. In the past Retroarch use to be able to run w/ 1 controller just fine, and then if you turned …
Last reply by SuprVgeta, -
- 4 replies
hey guys, following austins tutorials and currently abit lost on his dreamcast video using nulldc. i feel i have it set up i just cant get rocketlauncher to see the games i will upload this photo and hopefully it makes sense to you guys.
Last reply by jrock1000, -
- 14 replies
Can daphne be installed on different drive?
Last reply by jimmyuk86, -
- 1 reply
hi guys, i have turned off my shaders and vysnc and the game still lags. are there other possible options i can alter to make them run better?
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
im just finishing my megadrive tutorial of simply austin and for sum reason each time i load a game in rocket launcher or hyperspin my pc volume gets turned off to 0. but if i load a mame game the volume is stays at what i set it @ e.g 100% it was working earlier then just stopped :/ iv checked the volume mixer and as i load a genesis game it sets all volume controls to off. i turned it up had sound and exited the rom, tried to load again and it returns it to nil. has anyone had this issue before?
Last reply by jrock1000, -
- 0 replies
Hi got ePSXE set up works great just trying to find out if the enable Analog in Modules works seems ePSXE takes over and displays icon start of game tryed to set on a game setting no look old module was F5 also has any one got the change exit key to work to joypad seen there is a bug on this
Last reply by Emu54, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Ok... I am at a loss with these disc-based systems... I've been able to load up Sonic CD on Sega CD via fusion. I've even been able to mount Sonic Jam for Sega Saturn with Daemon Tools Lite 10 and load it with SSF. But whenever I try to do anything with Hyperspin and/or RetroArch, all I get is errors. I can't find a proper tutorial. Everything uses an old version of Daemon Tools, or it tells me to do things that I don't even see. I've tried Daemon Tools 4, but the options for the SCSI drive aren't even there... This is one of the last big obstacles in my way of completing my build and I would really appreciate any assistance with this, it's driving me mad lol. …
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 5 replies
So here's the thing. I have all of my Game Boy, Game Boy Color, & Game Boy Advance games in one wheel. I'm able to do this flawlessley with VBA-M, but I want to load them via RetroArch because of the crtgeomcruved shader it has that makes your TV look like a retro one. So here's the issue: RetroArch's Game Boy Module loads up with the gambette core. This will load GB and GBC games just fine, but not GBA. I used the module settings to force RetroArch to load in this wheel with VBA-M's core. It then loaded GBA games just fine. However, it won't load up GB or GBC games now. So here's my question: Is there a way to somehow have it load the VBA-M …
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 5 replies
I was sure this had been discussed thoroughly somewhere, but I couldn't find it so I thought I'd make a new thread. Basically, I want some opinions regarding the use of scanlines. Previously, my go to filter/shader (are these different?) has been Hq2x. I think it makes pixel art look smooth as butter. However, I recently played around in Nestopia's NTSC filter, and I felt like I'd been given a dose of sweet sweet retro-drug. So... I am torn. On one hand, the HQ filter makes games look absolutely amazing and colorfully vibrant and smooth. On the other hand, the NTSC/CRT/Scanline filters make games not only look like they used to (should look) but they add some…
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 0 replies
Hey Guys I am running my final testing with HS setup and have a few mame questions. 1. With Nintendo classics is there a way to turn off the Nintendo split screen? 2. Nintendo Classics- shows the top but says hit key for enter? I cant skip it so the bottom part where game is never loads? 3. Mame games such as Crusin USA, is there a way to skip the wheel/pedal etc setup? Everytime I boot a game it re does it. 4. Is there a save state or way to do a save state with controller? thanks Jim
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
could anyone please help with with this problem with model 3 emulator. i am running Supermodel-r271-x64 version with the Supermodel-UI. everything is fine when i play the games outside hyperspin but when i run hyperspin and play the games they all run too fast .i think this is down to the (no throttle) option not selected. how would i solve this, i have selected it the ui but the settings are not working inside hyperspin thanks
Last reply by juicelee, -
- 0 replies
I m trying to play MAME games using retroarch but I can't After I load the game it get "RetroArch has stopped working..." Any help ?
Last reply by ryuuji, -
- 2 replies
Hey Guys, Is Capcom play system 1, 2, and 3 just mame games? Like will I find the games I need to set those wheels up in my rom set for MAME?
Last reply by C_Wilson009, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I can play the game fine when I only use Retroarch but when I try to launch it with RL I get the above error. Any ideas? Why is RL trying to look for the bios in the "default" folder. SOLVED: Had to rename the config file to Sega CD.
Last reply by mccorkled, -
- 0 replies
I've been trying to compile Mame0.165 with no nag and hi score but have consistently failed. The no nag is fine but I can't seem to get high scores to save. Has anyone managed to achieve this, or is it a known problem? Any comments or thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Last reply by ANX, -
- 5 replies
ts in russian,anyway to make it into english?
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 5 replies
Yo, guys. So, to my shock and amazement, I recently discovered that there is a home brew Super Mario Bros. game for Sega Genesis. The only thing is, I have grabbed probably four (4) different roms and none of them will run properly. I am using Fusion and have no issues running any other game roms. One of the Super Mario Bros. roms brings up a screen resolution issue (black screen, floating box with monitor resolution error message), another has some kind of Chinese lettering at the bottom but won't advance to the actual game, etc. Anyone have any luck with this and if so, any advice?
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 7 replies
can anyone help me with this problem i am having in RetroArch Master v1.7z. i downloaded it from simply austin from his youtube channel. the graphics (textures ie cloulds ,marios eyes ,trees etc)are very pixelated on the n64 games thanks
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r,