290 topics in this forum
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Still going..... It's a great summer of new content at EmuMovies and next up on the list is a BRAND NEW video snap set for the Sega Master System. It's ridiculous how much better these retroarch captures are vs the old Kega Fusion recordings. But we keep at it and the quality keeps improving, and today we have 334 new captures, hand edited to perfection. Initial captures and edits by @DamnedRegistrations also known as the man under the stairs. Final edits and encoding by @Circo. DR put together this handy dandy screenshot that we all had a good laugh over. Not even comparable. Here is a video sample from the new pack …
Last reply by Circo, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
We just released the new version 2.0 Nintendo Game Boy video snap set a week ago and we already have an update to the set bringing it to version 2.1. We have 2 more video snaps for you guys both recent translation, which are always awesome. (Where are the Dreamcast translations???) Thanks again to @DamnedRegistrations, who we are keeping locked in a dark basement and the only way he gets fed is to play old games... Your welcome people! Anyway he did the initial captures and edits for these videos. We have also added the Standard Quality videos to the website for the 2.x videos. Continue past the samples for info on exactly what is new. High Qu…
Last reply by Circo, -
- 0 replies
Because there is nothing better to do during a blazing hot summer than play classic video games we present to the world the brand new EmuMovies Official Sega Game Gear version 2.0 video snaps pack. As many of you have commented on our previous full set updates, this is yet another huge quality increase. These videos are all 60fps with great sound and a nice healthy bitrate. If you havent noticed our new High Quality videos take up more space than they used to. All I can tell you is, it's the future, progress has a price. But we still have the Standard Quality versions for you space conscious folks. Here are some tasty before and after samples: First up this i…
Last reply by Circo, -
- 2 replies
Today is a day for a bunch of Video Snap updates and first on our list is the Nintendo Famicom. Our Nintendo Famicom category includes Japanese games and we also include these videos in the Nintendo Entertainment System category on EmuMovies Sync as well. This update includes six brand new videos for recently released translations. @DamnedRegistrations did the initial captures and edits and were finalized by @Circo. As always you can grab the High Quality versions through the EmuMovies FTP or EmuMovies Sync or the Standard Quality versions directly through the EmuMovies website. Continue reading for a breakdown of the exact changes included in this update. …
Last reply by fire10, -
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Next up on our list of small updates for the day is another video snap for the Nintendo Famicom Disk System. Today's update brings you the addition of Gyruss (Japan) (Translated En). Thanks go out to our resident workhorse @DamnedRegistrations for the capture and initial edits. High Quality Sample Standard Quality Sample Grab the new video snaps and artwork immediately via: EmuMovies Website (SQ Only) Directly through your front-end or our app using EmuMovies Sync (HQ & SQ) EmuMovies File Server (FTP) (HQ & SQ) View the full article
Last reply by Circo, -
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Another small set for you guys that absolutely must have everything, the Nintendo 64DD now has a Video Snap set and an EM Default platform video. I could not get Sim City or Dezaemon DD to run so those are not included as of yet. But we do have 11 video snaps in both HQ and SQ formats ready to add to what must be a vast collection if you are adding this system. For those of you not aware of what the Nintendo 64DD is, here is what the Super Mario Wiki has to say about it: The Nintendo 64DD (short for 64 Dynamic Drive) was a disk drive unit that, like the Family Computer Disk System, attached to a Nintendo 64 and could play games in a magnetic disk format, with the disk…
Last reply by Circo, -
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Really excited to announce our next release, Version 2.0 of the Nintendo Game Boy video snaps. This was another set that had pretty much aged out and had been highly requested that we redo. The wait is now over and with this latest update of 572 more videos we have a beautiful high quality set. Version 2.0 has 863 video snaps and the High Quality (HQ) videos are 60fps with a total size of 2.7GB. A huge thanks yet again to our video snap super workhorse @DamnedRegistrations for the captures. This pack is currently available in HQ or SQ formats on the EmuMovies Sync Service and the EmuMovies FTP. We will get the SQ pack in the downloads section replaced in a future u…
Last reply by Circo, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Today we have a brand new video snap set so you can set up yet ANOTHER system in your front-end of choice. According to SNES Central the Bandai Sufami turbo was released in 1996 by Bandai in a rare agreement with Nintendo. In an effort to cut the costs of cartridge manufacturing, Bandai created this little system to go on top of the Super Famicom & use smaller cartridges that Bandai themselves could make in house without using Nintendo’s own expensive process. This saved Bandai money which in turn ensured they could sell their games for a cheaper price. There were only a handful of games released for this system but I found that while they are all in Japanese all ar…
Last reply by Circo, -
FTP Uploads
by Avar- 0 replies
Hey y'all, just a quick notice that while all of the files on the FTP are still accessible, it's been locked for upload. This is to avoid media being added undetected now that I've finished downloaded the unsorted submissions after several weeks. A new method of uploading and distributing media is coming but in the interim, please continue to share with the community by adding your files to the Upload Here section of the download section. This will make it easy for everyone to see when something new is available and it will be much more easy for me to track for the ongoing audit. Cheers!
Last reply by Avar, -
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One of the major projects I have been quietly working on this past year is a proper video snap set for the Sony PSP. It's not finished yet but it's time to release what I have done so far. Here are 873 new video snaps for the System, as this is still a WIP set it's currently only available in HQ format on the EmuMovies FTP and EmuMovies Sync. As always these videos are hand edited new recordings, all are 60fps with 192kb AAC audio. Currently the HQ set is 11.6GB. Continue reading for a breakdown of whats included in this release. Videos Added - 873 @Circo 1000 Tiny Claws (USA) 101 in 1 Megamix (USA) 2010 FIFA World Cup - South Africa…
Last reply by dougan78, -
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If anyone ever has any HyperSpin fan art they'd like us to put on display anywhere feel free to PM me or post it here! We can even use it to keep the YouTube, Facebook, and Reddit banners looking fresh and will update it with anything the community posts as long as it's tasteful! Here's what we're using right now: Would love to swap in peoples' unique creations to show off the community right at our front door. Cheers!
Last reply by Avar, -
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Last reply by Avar, -
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Another tiny update but a good one if you are a completionist.... come on, you know you are. @DamnedRegistrations keeps a close eye on new game translations being released and submitted captures for Magical Vacation (Japan) (Translated En). Nintendolife did a nice writeup on the game release. Sounds like a good one! This update brings the Game Boy Advance video snap collection to 1,304 videos. EmuMovies Official Video Snap Collection for the Nintendo Famicom Standard Quality - Site, FTP, Sync High Quality - FTP, Sync If you would like to help make this collection better, please submit missing or replacement media in our Submissions Area…
Last reply by albert777, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
http://store.steampowered.com/app/218620/PAYDAY_2/ As title suggests, 5 million free, full copies of Payday 2 are being given away on steam right now to keep the game forever. Get it right meow before they reach their total!!!
Last reply by Avar, -
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http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HyperSpin_FE In our ongoing efforts to bring the community closer together in as many ways as possible, we present to you the HyperSpin Steam Group! Join up and frag with the best of us! Join our army at http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HyperSpin_FE http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HyperSpin_FE As Steam integration continues to improve we look forward to gaming with and against all yo punk asses! So come get some!! Note: Since Avar is balls deep in audit and such he seldom has time to frag right meow but rest assured there will one day come a reckoning and he shall return to the hallowed battlegrounds of Steam…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 12 replies
I made a few changes to the forums recently you probably noticed. First, some light reorganization: HyperNews was renamed to "Believe the Hype!" and within it Announcements was renamed to "HyperNews" HyperMedia was brought to the top of the page just under Believe the Hype! to increase artist exposure and project awareness HyperMedia was renamed "HyperStudio" "HyperSpin Cabinets and Projects" was moved to HyperStudio and renamed to "Cabinets and Project" The "HyperSpin" sub-forum was renamed to "HyperSupport" HyperPin -> HyperPin was renamed HyperPin -> Content and Support HyperScore Challenge was moved to HyperNews to incr…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 2 replies
No idea why I have waited so long to make this one, it would have only made sense to do it first. At least it's finally done. I present to you, our twelfth video in the Parallax series, MAME. Enjoy! EmuMovies MAME Downloads Area View all EmuMovies Parallax platform videos released to date Soundtrack: VexD&B - Pacman Dubstep Remix View the full article
Last reply by Kondorito, -
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Just a small update for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance video snap collection. This update adds 2 new videos to the set giving us a total of 1,305 GBA Video Snaps. Continue reading for a breakdown of what has changed and links to download. HQ Sample What's New in Version 1.6 Added 2 Videos - @DamnedRegistrations Hagane no Renkinjutsushi - Meisou no Rondo (Japan) (Translated En) Magical Vacation (Japan) (Translated En) Grab the new video snaps immediately via: EmuMovies Website (SQ Only) Directly through your front-end or our app using EmuMovies Sync (HQ & SQ) EmuMovi…
Last reply by Circo, -
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One more update to close out the day, we have 19 more video snaps for the Super Famicom (also under SNES on EmuMovies SYNC). This update brings the total number of Super Famicom video snaps to 701. Update your front-end today and enjoy! Video Added/Replaced - 19 Captures & Edits - @DamnedRegistrations Final Edits & Encoding - @Circo 3x3 Eyes - Juuma Houkan (Japan) (Translated En) Amazing Spider-Man, The - Lethal Foes (Japan) (Translated En) Daikaijuu Monogatari (Japan) (Translated En) Dragon Ball Z - Super Gokuu Den - To…
Last reply by Circo, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Another entry in our Parallax platform video collection, Nintendo Game Boy Color. Enjoy! EmuMovies Nintendo Game Boy Color Downloads Area View all EmuMovies Parallax platform videos released to date Soundtrack: DSC - Zelda Oracle of Ages/Seasons Guitar Medley View the full article
Last reply by Kondorito, -
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This video I actually finished a few months back and forgot to release it. This is now the 11th video in our Parallax series. The GameCube is right up there as one of my favorite consoles of all time. Enjoy the video. EmuMovies Nintendo GameCube Downloads Area View all EmuMovies Parallax platform videos released to date Soundtrack: GuitarGeek25 - Super Mario Sunshine Medley View the full article
Last reply by Circo, -
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The Nintendo Game Boy Color video snaps were really showing their age. As one of the oldest existing sets we were still offering the quality was no where near where our current standards at EmuMovies are. I am excited to announce that this is no longer the case as today we officially release version 2.0 of the Nintendo Game Boy Color video snap collection. While we have had some minor updates over the last year, today's additions finish off the set with 546 new video snaps. I have included before and after samples so you can see just how big a change this is. GBC 2.x HQ Sample (After) GBC 1.x HQ Sample (Before) …
Last reply by Circo, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
This thread is to give you a pre-warning of forum downtime this weekend (26th May 2017 - 28th May 2017.) The downtime is due to a server move and should be down no longer than half a day. So enjoy the sunshine and have a great weekend.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 3 replies
HyperSin is back on Twitter @HyperSpin_FE. This will be a convenient place for everyone to stay up-to-date with HyperSpin news, socialize, and spread the word about all the great steps forward being taken by the frontend. Cheers!
Last reply by thatman84, -
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I just wanted to give everybody a heads up that we are starting the process of migrating servers here at EmuMovies. Because of this we expect a period of downtime this weekend. We are doing everything that we can to keep downtime to an absolute minimum but it may be as much as half a day or more. The good news is that this upgrade will make the site and site downloads even faster. Thanks you all for your patience as we make this upgrade to the website. View the full article
Last reply by Circo,
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