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State of my Android setup


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I'm pretty happy with the current state of many Android emulators and my wheel.   Here is a quick video showing it:




--I recently managed to get new Retroarch cores working -- Gamewatch and Mess cores with 5200, 7800, and Intellivsion.

--Hyperspin is pretty snappy.   Once you get above 40 wheels and several thousand games, the speed and convenience of the launcher is undeniable.

--Retroarch is driving the mass majority of the wheels and the latest nightly is working perfectly with Shield.    



BAD: I've still got a lot of missing media (not available on this site yet) and I really want to get Dolphin working with Hyperspin.



Would love to hear how things are going for others!



Unfortunately I'm hold with this, my tab is one of the ones that has been recalled but had the 16 bit consoles setup pretty good. I have the shield tv but weirdly that is just used as a kickass htpc lol 


I'm still hoping i can keep the tablet, So far people in Portugal and Germany don't have to so me being in EU hope its the same :)


That's just awesome!!! Still getting my head around Hyperspin, and thought I was doing quite well!!! Obviously not!!! :D How did you get the bezel on donkey Kong? And how much storage is your setup taking up?


I'm pretty happy with the current state of many Android emulators and my wheel.   Here is a quick video showing it:




--I recently managed to get new Retroarch cores working -- Gamewatch and Mess cores with 5200, 7800, and Intellivsion.

--Hyperspin is pretty snappy.   Once you get above 40 wheels and several thousand games, the speed and convenience of the launcher is undeniable.

--Retroarch is driving the mass majority of the wheels and the latest nightly is working perfectly with Shield.    



BAD: I've still got a lot of missing media (not available on this site yet) and I really want to get Dolphin working with Hyperspin.



Would love to hear how things are going for others!


Is there a guide somewhere to getting game and watch running? I cant find the core in retroarch update menu.




As for the experience I love it!  I've been building htpc's for hyperspin for myself for years (even built one into a snes once).  Its always been good but something occasionally will go wrong either Bluetooth controller issues or loosing focus on emulators. It wasn't perfect but it was really fun. I bought a shield tv because of your work on hyperspin and kinda had my fingers crossed as I've never owned a shield device, and I was already happy with my combo of htpc and my roku.  I'm really glad I did, Hyperspin on shield is the best experience I've had with this frontend.  For the most part everything seems to just work, and if it doesn't a little tweaking and thats it I never have to mess with it again.  I find myself actually playing more of my classic games because its as accessible as netflix is.  


Love your work on this port of Hyperspin, and as hyperspin grows I really hope your android version grows right along side, as it's made all the years I've been tweaking my HS setups seem worth it.  It's completely replaced my previous setups.


That's just awesome!!! Still getting my head around Hyperspin, and thought I was doing quite well!!! Obviously not!!! :D How did you get the bezel on donkey Kong? And how much storage is your setup taking up?


I'm using mame2014 or mame (currently broken) cores in retroarch.

You define a 'system' folder for retroarch for cores like mess, etc.   You put /artwork and /samples in mame subdirectory.

Without the CD/ISO systems, it fits on a 128GB sdcard.   As shown, it's up to 220GB or so.   Once I add dolphin and amiga cd32, etc., will be tempting to expand to much bigger than that..


Is there a guide somewhere to getting game and watch running? I cant find the core in retroarch update menu.


As for the experience I love it!  I've been building htpc's for hyperspin for myself for years (even built one into a snes once).  Its always been good but something occasionally will go wrong either Bluetooth controller issues or loosing focus on emulators. It wasn't perfect but it was really fun. I bought a shield tv because of your work on hyperspin and kinda had my fingers crossed as I've never owned a shield device, and I was already happy with my combo of htpc and my roku.  I'm really glad I did, Hyperspin on shield is the best experience I've had with this frontend.  For the most part everything seems to just work, and if it doesn't a little tweaking and thats it I never have to mess with it again.  I find myself actually playing more of my classic games because its as accessible as netflix is.  


Love your work on this port of Hyperspin, and as hyperspin grows I really hope your android version grows right along side, as it's made all the years I've been tweaking my HS setups seem worth it.  It's completely replaced my previous setups.


Game-watch core disappeared for a few days but it's back.   

The games are available on the libretro git.

Setup was a bitch because all of the data is _everywhere_ and no one has done a proper wheel for it yet.  


The mess-core setup was fairly specific to Android.  I may post my work to ftp so you don't have to redo it.


Thank you very much for the kind words.   I've been playing more retro games lately too.


It's amazing how it's working, Hyperspin is finally getting rid of Windows (Not that I don't like Windows or prefer other platform, but it's good having softwares that can run in multi systems).

I saw you have a Android wheel there, amazing! Running Android games inside Hyperspin for Android seems to be the solution for this system as it's the host.


So the same question I made some time ago, Hyperspin for Android will be expanded for other devices in the near future?





>> So the same question I made some time ago, Hyperspin for Android will be expanded for other devices in the near future?


Yes, it's just a function of time.  There are numerous bugs and features that need attention first before starting work on other platforms.

We've estimated the linux port will probably take a month for an experienced coder, 


>> So the same question I made some time ago, Hyperspin for Android will be expanded for other devices in the near future?


Yes, it's just a function of time.  There are numerous bugs and features that need attention first before starting work on other platforms.

We've estimated the linux port will probably take a month for an experienced coder, 

That's exiting!

So, I have an Xperia SP, it runs all emulators up to Reicast flawlessly (just limited by the emulator itself regarding bugs and other stuff, but still runs Sonic Adventure, Shenmue, Soul Calibur and others at 60 Fps), it means that probably it will handle hyperspin as well. It's limited to Android 4.3, but maybe next year I'll migrate to a more powerful device, I'm waiting for these builds for other systems!


  • 3 months later...

Much of the random artwork in my video has been scrounged from all over.   I'm hoping when Hyperbase is setup, that all of the available art can be found in one place.  There are different versions, many are incomplete, but I love having the choice.  

  • 1 month later...

Please can you give me some more info on the bezels Reznnate??? I can't seem to work it out :/ Do they load up Automatically to match the rom name, or do I have to adjust manually??? Also in your video, is that done through RetroArch, or the standalone arcade emulator's??? And do I have to have custom bezels at a certain size???


Bezels in MAME?   For retroarch mame, they go in the <system/bios>/mame/artwork folder.   

I'm using Retroarch whenever possible because it unifies the overall experience.   I do use external emulators too.  

Specifically, I'm using Reicast (although this is being added to Retroarch soon), Dolphin, ColemDeluxe, C64.emu, fMSX Deluxe, Drastic, and uoYabause.


Retroarch also supports it's own Bezel system for the other consoles/platforms.

This guy made a nice blog about them - http://retroarchborders.blogspot.com/


Great blog!!! :) I've messed about with the default overlays/bezels, but not to that degree :) Did you create the artwork folder??? And does it work in the same way as Hyperspin does when it looks for media example: (dkong.zip) game rom would automatically launch (dkong.png)???


The retroarch bezels are separate from the MAME bezels.   I was showing the MAME bezels above.   The /artwork for MAME is the standard files found everywhere.


Right so I make a system folder for mame example: (System/mame/artwork) but then does it load the bezels automatically??? On your video you click on Donkey Kong and the DK bezel is loaded automatically. Or if you clicked another game, would that same bezel load up???

Yeah, I know the Retroarch bezels are separate from the MAME bezels. I've played with them before, I never managed to get the setting's right for the handhelds though, until I followed the setting's on that blog, and I got GBA overlay sorted first time, thanks :) I'm well impressed!!! :D


In the case of MAME bezels, they will load automatically if they're in the right folder.   I think <system>/mame/artwork should work for the various cores but for mess, it was necessary to rename that folder mess2014 (when the core name changed).


BTW, I disabled the MAME bezels due to 4:3/wide screen real-estate issues but I DO like the mame/sounds (games like Thief!) so it's worth getting this working.   

  • 2 weeks later...

My Hyperspin setup progress :) Thanks for all the help on this forum, especially from Reznnate :) Would love to see other setups for more ideas :)


Hey Rez, I like your setup but tooo many systems and games for me.

Call me crazy but in my setup I'm trying for just systems/games that the family or myself will play often.

In your video you didnt go into many games and exit, how do you have your controller setup to exit out of of the game and back to HS ?

seems some emulators have the Back button mapped to exit or to the Emu Menu and some use the Nvidia button. I need to make it universal so the wife & kids can do it.


The exit feature is a function of the emulator itself.   Universal controls is one of the reasons I lean toward retroarch.

Indeed, for the arcade cabinet setup, I've got 'back' set to 'exit retroarch' so it drops back to Hyperspin directly.


Yes I would like to use Retroarch if the core is available but so far I only use for NES, SNES, and PSX.

The other arent available for it yet, like Reicast, Dolphin etc


For the msx wheels i used fmsx and msx emu. As far as arcadia is concernerned most of the games are missing various elements and i wouldn't exactly call them playable at the moment i am afraid - i check them one by one to see if i can add some others in their place which can be playable.


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