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Neo Geo - what's the crack?


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I appreciate this is probably a total n00b question... BUT...


I have Neo Geo Pocket and Neo Geo Color set up, and I have a complete Mame set up...

Am i right in thinking that all Neo Geo console games are covered by the Mame set up? Because i don't see sets for Neo Geo console on it's own anywhere...


I also have Neo-Geo CD - i'm guessing these are not covered by the Mame games? Or are they...


As you can see... i'm a little bit confused!


Thanks :)


As far as I know, all games from Neo Geo MVS (the arcade version) is in the complete MAME setup. Any games that only came out to AES will not be in there (Was there even any?) and Neo Geo CD is separate, as you say.


Never seen an AES package.. Only real difference would be the lack of "insert coin", I guess.

Mame related stuff: FTP: grandis.nu, port 21, user:misc, pass:misc


Tur-Matcher - Match your roms/media/XML files.
Another Idle Volume Adjuster - Automatically control the volume.
How to: Use MAME Extras as material for HyperPause
How to: Use eXoDOS 2.0 as material for HyperPause


Neo Geo AES removes the insert coin but also offers different difficulty modes and trainers.


You use the mame roms but change the Bios it uses to AES bios. 


As far as I know, all games from Neo Geo MVS (the arcade version) is in the complete MAME setup. Any games that only came out to AES will not be in there (Was there even any?) and Neo Geo CD is separate, as you say.


Never seen an AES package.. Only real difference would be the lack of "insert coin", I guess.


Okay, cool, so pretty much what I was leaning towards. Thanks


So, people who have a separate Neo Geo wheel are just using a filtered mame xml i guess, maybe with altered Bios option...

Is there any reason to use a separate Neo Geo emulator or is Mame as good as anything else?


Also, is this similar with Sega Model 2? I see things like Daytona in the mame set - is this the same as the SM2 version?


I use mame for mine. If you want Neo Geo CD then you will need a separate emulator but the games are the same but with CD quality music.

I didn't realise that was the only difference... I'm not bothered about the cd quality audio at all, so I'll stick with what I have!!


Don't feel noob, I had the same question..and I asked it like three times before I understood lol.

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If your system is named "SNK Neo Geo AES" it will automatically use the aes bios.

Awesome, thanks!

I'm a bit torn as to which to go for... I'm building a cab, but reading around the differences it seems that in general the AES gain extra features, such as practice modes etc

So, authentically, the MVS version makes most sense given the setup, but the AES version seems to offer benefits for home use!


My setup is in a cab so I run it as MVS arcade style.

Especially since I would probably never even bother with any AES extras, and if I wanted to I could just pull up the MAME menu in-game and toggle it to an AES bios on the spot.


My setup is in a cab so I run it as MVS arcade style.

Especially since I would probably never even bother with any AES extras, and if I wanted to I could just pull up the MAME menu in-game and toggle it to an AES bios on the spot.

I think I agree...

Annoyingly I set up mame before I set up Neo Geo and now I think I want to exclude Neo Geo from the mame wheel for easier browsing... Wouldn't be a problem except I already set up genres (which required some tweaking)

Don't suppose there is an easier way to just remove these games from all the separate files (without recreating them all?)

Also, before I do this, are there any other systems that are similar that I might want on a separate wheel?


I'm not sure what you mean exactly.

I have a bunch of separate manufacturer wheels (Technos, Seibu, Tecmo, Capcom, SNk etc...), but I also leave all of them in my "Arcade Classics" wheel because I want that wheel to contain everything (not just the leftovers).


I'm not sure what you mean exactly.

I have a bunch of separate manufacturer wheels (Technos, Seibu, Tecmo, Capcom, SNk etc...), but I also leave all of them in my "Arcade Classics" wheel because I want that wheel to contain everything (not just the leftovers).

I guess that's kind of what I mean... Its difficult to think through the actual usage given that nothing is built yet - and balancing the right number of system wheels with the right number of games in each wheel seems key... My Arcade classics wheel is cut down but still has 2000 odd games in it... Having Neo Geo separate but out of it might make navigating easier but as you say a friend may look for something in there and not find it...

but as you say a friend may look for something in there and not find it...

Yeah, if a guest wants to play a certain game they probably aren't going to know who the hell made it (or care). So if they are all in Arcade Classics then it doesn't matter, they can just find it in there.

I also don't know how you could balance the number of games in each wheel since every manufacturer made different quantities of games.


Yeah, if a guest wants to play a certain game they probably aren't going to know who the hell made it (or care). So if they are all in Arcade Classics then it doesn't matter, they can just find it in there.

I also don't know how you could balance the number of games in each wheel since every manufacturer made different quantities of games.

I don't quite mean out like that. I more mean to remove any games that aren't ever going to get touched.

My DS wheel is a good example - it's a top 100 only (XML shared on here last week )

So really I mean balancing the completionist ocd side of me with the practical side of me.

So far ocd is winning...


Awesome, thanks!

I'm a bit torn as to which to go for... I'm building a cab, but reading around the differences it seems that in general the AES gain extra features, such as practice modes etc

So, authentically, the MVS version makes most sense given the setup, but the AES version seems to offer benefits for home use!


I went with AES on my setup for 2 reasons:


1. It provides different difficulty levels including MVS difficulty (which is quite a hard difficulty setting - the goal was to milk your money from you)


2. I find it annoying to play a game like baseball stars and have a pop up out of no where telling me to insert more coins.


I went with AES on my setup for 2 reasons:

1. It provides different difficulty levels including MVS difficulty (which is quite a hard difficulty setting - the goal was to milk your money from you)

2. I find it annoying to play a game like baseball stars and have a pop up out of no where telling me to insert more coins.

you sold me

I used the lists here (http://hyperlist.hyperspin-fe.com/)%C2'> split my MAME stuff out by manufacturer.  I still have the full-blown MAME wheel but it gets overwhelming to look through, especially for friends that trying to find something to play.  It's easy to look for games by Capcom, or Kanomi, etc, because a lot of them have a similar feel or look to them from game to game.


Just search for systems using MAME on that page.  There's separate artwork available for all of those too.


I used the lists here ( split my MAME stuff out by manufacturer.  I still have the full-blown MAME wheel but it gets overwhelming to look through, especially for friends that trying to find something to play.  It's easy to look for games by Capcom, or Kanomi, etc, because a lot of them have a similar feel or look to them from game to game.


Just search for systems using MAME on that page.  There's separate artwork available for all of those too.




Just been looking and am i right in thinking that, for example, SNK Classics - would not include the Neo Geo stuff?

Same with Capcom Classics is all the older stuff and the play systems would not be included?


Or is there crossover between these lists?


I don't have a MAME setup (anymore, seriously what ARCADE games am I ever going to play are there even any decent ones from the 80s and 90s that weren't on consoles???) My entire build is setup inside a Console/PC.

That being said MVS was never even a consideration of mine.

"SNK Neo Geo" is what I have my wheel titled, RocketLauncher recognized it instantly. I set them all up using RetroArch's Final Burn Alpha Core, then set the UniBios to USA-Console. Now whenever I pull up a game, It's just like every other console emulator.

As a side note, I am a HUGE fan of altering the default XML/Wheel setups.

I didn't like how Genesis, 32X, and Sega CD were seperate... so I combined them. Same with Game Boy, GB Color, & GB Advance. I was going to add Neo Geo CD to the Neo Geo wheel, but as the CD quality audio was the only difference, it didn't seem worth it. (Unless someone wants to PM me with an english translation of Crossed Swords 2) I also did this with the NES & Famicom Disk System, and then the NGP with the NGP Color. Do keep in mind, I run ALL of my systems like you do your DS system, only the best, favorites, and classics are allowed. NO Shovelware in my build. EVER. So my wheels are smaller than average. Though I also deleted all the country, genre, version, year, manufacturer, yadda yadda yadda nonsense from all my XMLs, which made them shorter and easier to manage.

On the flip side, I do not understand how people can tolerate wheels of so many games. So I would be doing absolutely what you are with the MAME wheel. "Arcade Games" is about as vague as "PC Games" There are decades worth of entries, as opposed to something like 5 year groupings in the others.


Ha! Yours is basically the opposite of mine for similar reasons. I removed all console emu's and deleted all my console roms, iso's, images, media, bezels etc...

Now my Hyperspin setup is nothing but Arcade games and modern Arcade-like PC games. I run an Arcade Classics wheel with everything in one spot and then all the Manufacturer wheels and Specialty wheels (Laserdisc, Vector, Pinball etc...) as filters with less games.

Actually I do have a single console game on there. Ultimate Ghosts'n Goblins for PSP because the series is so iconic and I'm thinking of making a GnG wheel (the only game dedicated wheel I'd have)


Hm, you know... you've given me quite the idea.

Perhaps after I finish my custom console, I can work on doing the arcade thing in it's own cabinet, but have only arcade games.
Then maybe make a video pinball table just for those.

Dude, omg what if I created my own jukebox with a HDD full of MP3s, and give it a menu where you can just download any song not already on there.

Or OR!!! A TV with absurd amounts of movies/TV shows packed inside. Modern TVs all have USB ports right??

Seriously... my head is spinning right now thinking about it all hahaha



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