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*Planned and Possible Feature Requests*


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1 - In the main menu, after selecting a system, use a transition into the new menu wheel not a blank screen

2- After selecting a game some kind of visual notification bubble displays like "Get Ready...".

3 - More built in lists, there are quite a few of these about now and it would be neat for new users to have multiple lists to choose from.

4 - When adding multiple themes there is often a problem and HS just shows a blank black screen, it would be nice to know (via the log) which theme/s it is having a problem with.

  • 2 weeks later...
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I would like when skipping to the next letter in the wheel to be able to have the option to actually skip right there and not have the wheel actually spin to it, can take a while to get from a-m... kinda like Mala does

open up mame.ini and set wheel speed to 'high'

Thanks SophT, on the beach now ;) but will give this a try when I get back tommorrow!



Instead of using keys from a keyboard to search, how about a phone style lettering system, halfway between old style and texting. It'll work with joystick or trackball control and would only take a few button presses to add your initials. Just a thought.


; clear the runway, HyperSpin is coming through!

for /f "tokens=not_enough delims=gameover" %%A in (HSKicksAss.txt)

do echo believe the hype > badassfrontend.txt[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]

  • 2 weeks later...

#30 sounds the most interesting to me.

launching mame32 . 86, mame32k fighting roms, and CPS3 emulator all from the mame wheel, depending on which game i select would be perfect!!!!

if i select SF3 3rd strike from mame wheel, it launches CPS3

if i select SVCC or metal slug 4, it launches mame32K fighting roms.

everything else, mame 32 .86

cant wait!!!

  • 3 weeks later...
#30 sounds the most interesting to me.

launching mame32 . 86, mame32k fighting roms, and CPS3 emulator all from the mame wheel, depending on which game i select would be perfect!!!!

if i select SF3 3rd strike from mame wheel, it launches CPS3

if i select SVCC or metal slug 4, it launches mame32K fighting roms.

everything else, mame 32 .86

cant wait!!!

This function would be great for custom wheels/lists for games that cross platforms..stuff like Zelda, Mario, Mega Man, etc.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Just an FYI below is a post Bill has responded to the HS community with a recap of some of the new features he plans to implement. I will be updating the feature request list shortly to reflect whats in store. I am sure many after reading this can get excited of whats to come which will undoubtedly further solidify what an amazing front end Hyperspin is and how in such a short time its come along way, thanks to Bill!

Ive already added "last game support" for the next version.The next version has lots of new fixes and additions that will make it even more fun to play and more convenient features like deleting games from the wheel which will be more of an admin option, since users should not have access to features like that.

Half the features people request I never wanted and dont particularly need. Its meant to be simple and do simple things like launch games like the Ultracade and not to get fancy with a million features that takes me my own personal time out of my life to add. Some people want HS to be an all in one media center, some want detailed game statistics and game history, some want it to be the encyclopedia of gaming,some want hundres of filters for their collection that they dont play 80 percent of the games on. I just wanna play games from a fun unbloated interface that looks great in an arcade machine, not feel like a pc program, and that doesnt confuse kids and guests. There are certain features HS will never have for sure, because then it starts to take away from the vision of what HS is supposed to be and thats a "Simple Interface". Thats why theres other frontends for those other features. I know that by adding some features that HS will be better for some reasons yes but overall will make the FE go downhill. I have friends that use multiple frontends and they say that when they have parties or guests they prefer the ease of use of HS because they dont get lost in its interface and are entertained by the FE at the same time. I would like to keep it this way.

A good example is the genre system. Some people find it to simple and not in depth enough. This was done on purpose, I could easlily add support to parse catver.ini and create a hundred on the fly listing options for you. This to me would be the worst addition (just my opinion). Its much nicer for an average user to see:

"Fighting Games"

instead of

"Fighter 2.5d"

"Fighter Scrolling"

"Fighter Versus"

"Fighter 2D"

"Fighter Field"

"Fighter / Versus *Mature*"

and on and on....

This to me is not necessary so we allow named genre lists. If you want to have all those then you still can but your gonna have to make it yourself, the frontend wont do it for you and it probably never will, it simply makes the FE look less attractive and probably the biggest thing I want to leave out of the FE is text , minus the small game info we already have. Next version will remove our current genre list selection altogether and use image wheel genre selection for a nicer looking interface. Fortunately users that have wanted more detailed lists have created utitlites downlaodable here to create that for you. I think the commercial mutli game arcade go this route also because by confusing the users they would not sell anything and unattract users with the information overload, and take away from the main point of the system which is to have fun for "everyone", not some complicated database management system for games with lots of text selection options, galleries, addons, etc.... HS has taken a different approach to playing emulator games through purposeful simplicity and is doing pretty good I think.

I used to love game launcher back in the day. Pick a game and play it. A kid can do that, and in our generation, there are going to be kids around to play this stuff.

There are certain features that it doesnt have yet but its all coming in due time. HS is still the baby FE compared to others that have been around many years before it and will be comparible on alot of features in the same given time the others have been around. I think I just worked on to much to fast for what Ive done so far , which burned me out a litte but which is why theres been a lack of updates. But im still very active in the forum and still listen to what people are wanting, which is more to say than some FE's that the creators rarely participate with the community or are no longer around. That could be me someday but probably not anytime soon.


The last build came out maybe 9 months ago and I needed a break from HS, but lately I've have found some new motivation starting after the wheel image contest since I want to add a wheel's only feature which I hope to have all in place by the end of the contest so everyone can enjoy them not mixed in with text. I will be trying to add as many of the feature requests as possible also that I see useful for the majority of the community as long as those features are both useful and don't bloat the FE's interface.

Expect some things like:

Launching exe's from the main menu

Launching multiple exe's from submenu's

Genre wheel with images for your genre's, we'll be putting some basis ones together for you.

Index tag in xml's to allow for jumping to specific parts of the game list in a few clicks all the while allowing custom sorted lists, i.e group games together on your lists the way they should be and not sorted by name. Your games will be on your list in the same order they are in your xml with this option turned on.

Built in betabrite support.

New background transistions.

Return to last game.

Seperate keys for number jump and letter jumping.

Joy button support.


No more resolution switching on HS's part.

New Flash Player 10, currently using 9.

Better memory handling.

Bug fixes. Im still sifting through these.

I will also be going through the feature request forum to see what other requests there are. So dont think your requests are going unnoticed. I'll fit in what I can.


Great work bill, I look forward to full joystick support.

The idea of the wheel image contest is a great idea, and looks like its progressing very well.

One small request (which I had probably mentioned in the past) for HS, if it could be slotted in is for font support. ie. allowing the user to select a font.

Look forward to the nest release.


I really look forward to the next release. HS is almost perfect for me as is but any improvements are a good thing. Good to hear you don't want to over do anything that isn't already supported. Looking forward to joystick support!

Great work bill, I look forward to full joystick support.

The idea of the wheel image contest is a great idea, and looks like its progressing very well.

One small request (which I had probably mentioned in the past) for HS, if it could be slotted in is for font support. ie. allowing the user to select a font.

Look forward to the nest release.

Flash cant load font files at runtime but theres a trick and thats to embed any fonts you want to use into an external swf. So there will be user font support in the next release, but only if the font is a swf file, which is easy enough to do if you have flash installed. I did already plan on adding this feature.

Flash cant load font files at runtime but theres a trick and thats to embed any fonts you want to use into an external swf. So there will be user font support in the next release, but only if the font is a swf file, which is easy enough to do if you have flash installed. I did already plan on adding this feature.

Ooh, that will be nice, I would love to be able to have some more control over where to place hiscores, and the idea of choosing fonts or even making your own in an swf is one step closer to what I've always wanted to see. A ghosts N goblins theme with the actual high scores on a tombstone. =D

Glad to see the motivation come back, it comes and goes so quickly.

Instead of using keys from a keyboard to search, how about a phone style lettering system, halfway between old style and texting. It'll work with joystick or trackball control and would only take a few button presses to add your initials. Just a thought.

I love this idea...I have posed a thread about a search feature before but I think that this would solve everyones problems. Even those who dont have a keyboard on their cabs.



  • 4 weeks later...

I was wondering if there is anything to accomodate people with wider screens than 1048 x 768. I know this has been brought up in the past. Hyperspin was not made for wide screen users and those of us that use it full screen have to live with a bit of screen stretching. Although I would prefer not stretching the screen, I live with it because even stretched HS beats every other FE out there graphically and effect wise. I also know one of the reasons it hasn't been considered is because all the themes are made at 1048x768 and there is no way it would be reasonable to redo all the themes for people with wide screen monitors. There then would be the issue of themes being released and having different versions for different resolutions and it could become a nightmare. I understand and completely agree that in that way it would be more trouble than it's worth...

However... just an idea...

How about if there was a choice for regular size screens and a choice for wide screen monitors in the config settings. Regular size monitors would continue to display the way they do now. Wide screen could display the whole Hyperspin wheel non-stretched at 1048x768 but there would be a seperate image placeholder off to the left or right of the wheel for putting a system or theme related image like in the whole media folder image1 image2 etc area. Think of it kind of like the way you see MAME displays an artwork overlay on the sides of some vertical shooter games.

It could be like an "Overlay" or "Widescreen" image folder alongside the other media folders for themes and sytem themes. Maybe with a "default" overlay image if no custom one is there. I could imagine custom images could be made containing maybe the game or system logo or text description of the game or something in this regards.

I don't know if it would be possible, but it would certainly be a way to accomadate the widescreen owners by letting them run HyperSpin non-stretched in a practicle way and would not require a complete redoing of any of the themes. I can't be the only widescreen user out here? What do you think?

  • 1 month later...

Hi there! I'm working on this project, and i need possibility to load a *.txt file for every game so i could see history for every game shown in Hyperspin Mame.

I already splitted History.dat in thousand of *.txt files everyone with the name of game.

But this feature is not in Hyperspin. I ask if is it possible...:top:

This is the preview of what i am working on...


  • 1 month later...

I'd like to request the possibility to sort the game list in order the roms are entered into the xml. If I am not completely wrong, the main menu works like that but all other wheels don't. The reason is that I want to sort my roms a bit different, like first the SF Alpha series, then the Marvel/ X-Men series and so on...

I'd like to request the possibility to sort the game list in order the roms are entered into the xml. If I am not completely wrong, the main menu works like that but all other wheels don't. The reason is that I want to sort my roms a bit different, like first the SF Alpha series, then the Marvel/ X-Men series and so on...

Open the Mame.ini in the Settings folder and under the navigation section you can sort_by_name or by however the games are listed in the Database XML.


sort_by_name = true


I'd like to request the possibility to sort the game list in order the roms are entered into the xml. If I am not completely wrong, the main menu works like that but all other wheels don't. The reason is that I want to sort my roms a bit different, like first the SF Alpha series, then the Marvel/ X-Men series and so on...

This was a priority on the next release. So yes you can do this in the new HS. I think even Dazz was slightly confused about the new indexing feature since I havent explained it well. But basically how it works is if you turn indexing on in the settings file, then that means that your wheel will be ordered by the xml and NOT sorted like it does now. The hurdle that had to be overcome is then how to skip letters when pressing left or right. Say your list is all jumbled up (because you wanted it that way), then really the alphabetical ordering is possibly out of order and HS won't know how to skip to the next letter since your list is out of order. This is where indexing comes in. In your xml you can set which games are the jump points when pressing left or right, this way you get the best of both worlds, which is custom sorted user lists and the ability to still do letter jumping. Now you can have your street fighters in the proper order.

This was a priority on the next release. So yes you can do this in the new HS. I think even Dazz was slightly confused about the new indexing feature since I havent explained it well. But basically how it works is if you turn indexing on in the settings file, then that means that your wheel will be ordered by the xml and NOT sorted like it does now. The hurdle that had to be overcome is then how to skip letters when pressing left or right. Say your list is all jumbled up (because you wanted it that way), then really the alphabetical ordering is possibly out of order and HS won't know how to skip to the next letter since your list is out of order. This is where indexing comes in. In your xml you can set which games are the jump points when pressing left or right, this way you get the best of both worlds, which is custom sorted user lists and the ability to still do letter jumping. Now you can have your street fighters in the proper order.

Thats exactly what i need!

thanks bill i can't wait to try this thing out hope its released soon


Nice Guys Finish Last, Player Finishes On Her Face....................

Hi there! I'm working on this project, and i need possibility to load a *.txt file for every game so i could see history for every game shown in Hyperspin Mame.

I already splitted History.dat in thousand of *.txt files everyone with the name of game.

But this feature is not in Hyperspin. I ask if is it possible...:top:

This is the preview of what i am working on...


You could always take screenshots of the text files and save them as .png files.



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