haku99 Posted January 9, 2014 Posted January 9, 2014 (edited) ghutch92 said: Possible Causes:You have a filter checked in HyperHQ under Wheel Settings -> Navigation/Themes. Speakers not plugged in. (no systems work) Missing the system xml Xml is missing needed content The most common filter that causes this issue is the rom filter. People seem to think that HyperHQ uses the same rom location info that you set in HyperLaunchHQ, but it doesn't due to HL separating it's settings from HyperSpin and the limitations of the settings in HyperHQ. If you must use this filter (I don't on any system), you will need to set your rom information in HyperHQ as well. (Note: HyperHQ is limited to one folder of roms only) More users with this issue It just won't go into the MAME Wheel games section MAME game wheel not longer starts, PLEASE HELP!! If this does not solve your issue please start a new thread with a descriptive title. oh my....this did the trick (WOW!!) Why does speaker need to be plugged in for it to work is strange eh? THANK YOU edit: when I load a MAME game from hyperspin.exe wheel, it opens up my MAME emulator into separate window, is that normal? So basically I have a hyperspin wheel window and another MAME.exe window (with whatever game I loaded). I have attached a pic of my startup in hyperhq Edited January 9, 2014 by haku99
Polemicist Posted January 9, 2014 Posted January 9, 2014 Speaker plug needed is a "feature" HyperSpin is a front end to start your emulator. It doesn't run the game it is just a pretty picture to link you to that games emulator and start it.
ghutch92 Posted January 13, 2014 Author Posted January 13, 2014 (edited) Systems: Games for Windows, Microsoft Windows, PCLauncher, PC Games, Steam, Steam Big Picture, Taito Type X, Touhou Status: Very Active MVersion = 2.0.8 There is no emulator to download or install, PCLauncher is included with RL and it is the name of a very special module. It is basically a command line launcher that you could customize for pretty much any use without editing any code. It has extensive steam support and origin support. In theory this module could replace all the other modules used in HyperLaunch. Due to the complexity and frequent updates of this one be sure to check this guide as I update it with more useful information and yes wherever you see [] I'll be adding an image. This guide is not meant be comprehensive for all uses of PCLauncher. Basic Setup 1.) Even though PCLauncher doesn't use an emulator we still need to make settings for one. Open HyperLaunchHQ, Highlight Global in the systems panel and then click on the big tab emulators. Find PCLauncher in this list and double click on it. Make sure the name is PCLauncher. Virtual Emulator is checked and the correct module is selected. Everything else needs to be blank and empty. Note: PClauncher does not require rom paths to be set. I suggest leaving the field empty to speed up load time if PCLauncher is the only "emulator". 2.) Highlight your system you want to use PCLauncher for and set PCLauncher as your default emulator by clicking on the magnifying glass to the right of the default emulator field and selecting PCLauncher [Global] in the popup window. 3.) Ok so PClauncher uses both system specific module settings and global module settings, and both do essentially the same thing. Normally you want to use the global one. You should use the system specific one in the case of two unique games that have the same database name but are in separate systems. Based on this information choose between system specific and global, the rest of this guide will refer to your choice as module settings. WARNING: When you use system specific module settings HL will ignore anything you have added to the global module settings. This means if you added game "X" using the global module setting for system "A", and then added game "Y" for system "A" using the system specific module settings, game "X" will no longer work with HyperLaunch until you add it using the system specific module settings. 4.) Click on the Rom Settings tab in the module settings window. Click on the green plus sign and choose one of your games (this list is generated from your database, you must have 2 or more games in your database). 5.) Fill in the application setting. You can use the magnifying glass to the right of the entry to help you find it normally an exe file. You can also fill it in with browser protocols (i.e. Steam), URL's (www.hyperspin-fe.com), and file paths. Notes 1.) Skipchecks (HLHQ -> Selected System (not global) -> Big Tab Settings -> Main Settings) must be set to rom and emu if your emulator name in the emulator settings window is not PCLauncher. If you want to use PCLauncher in other systems as an "alternate emulator" for launching things like PC games that fit a certain system (Fix it Felix Jr comes to mind), you will need to name your PCLauncher emulator PCLauncher . This is so you don't get caught in the skipchecks error HyperLaunch will give you if you have it named to something different like Steam Launcher or PC Launcher. Remember I'm talking about the emulator name and not the system name. What the other settings in the above image are for: AppWaitExe - This will be the exe, if different then the Application, that you want HyperLaunch to wait for until it closes. This would be needed if launching a bat file, which in turn launches another exe, where the exe is the game. Leave this blank if the module works fine with the exe from the Application key. DiscImage - Path to a disc image (ccd,cdi,cue,iso,isz,nrg) if required by a game, usually for a cd check. Only fill this key if a cd/dvd image is required by your game. Parameters - This can be any number of parameters that you want to supply to your application. SteamID - If you are launching a steam game, provide the ID of the game here. This will turn on steam mode if not blank. Steam only understands AppIDs for games, not rom names. See here for more info on finding a steam ID for your game: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=3729-WFJZ-4175 OriginGame - Set to true if this is a game using the Origin Service. If true it will allow automatic logging into Origin so you do not get stuck at a login prompt while loading WorkingFolder - Mostly for GoG games, allows you to set a different working directory then the default directory (the one Application exists in) PreLaunch - This can be used to run another application before launching the Application. This will usually be blank. Can be a relative or absolute path. Can also be a URL or Steam Browser Protocol. PreLaunchParameters - This can be any number of parameters that you want to supply to your PreLaunch application. PreLaunchSleep - If you need the script to wait after launching your PreLaunch app for a set amount of time, put that here (1000=1 second). PostLaunch - This can be used to run another application after the Application has launched, but before the module waits for it to close. This will usually be blank. Can be a relative or absolute path. Can also be a URL or Steam Browser Protocol. PostLaunchParameters - This can be any number of parameters that you want to supply to your PostLaunch application. PostLaunchSleep - If you need the script to wait after launching your PostLaunch app for a set amount of time, put that here (1000=1 second). PostExit - This can be used to run another application after the Application has closed. This will usually be blank. Can be a relative or absolute path. Can also be a URL or Steam Browser Protocol. PostExitParameters - This can be any number of parameters that you want to supply to your PostLaunch application. PostExitSleep - If you need the script to wait after launching your PostLaunch app for a set amount of time, put that here (1000=1 second). ExitMethod - Define an alternate way to exit your Application in case it doesn't close with your Hyperspin exit keys using the default WinClose. WinClose methods are suggested as they will cleanly close a window, whereas Process methods force close it (many apps do not like to be force closed). Alt+F4 is an app-friendly method also, but some applications will disable this. Choose the one that works best for your scenario. WARNING, before enabling Fade_Out on exit, make sure you test your ExitMethod first, otherwise you might get a blank screen while game never closed. FadeTitle - This is the Window Title & Class of your application. To find the Title/Class you can use the AutoIt3 Window Spy utility installed with AutoHotKey or my utility @ http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?15014-Window-Logger FadeInExitSleep - This is needed for some applications that may start, but not appear, ending FadeInExit prematurely. It keeps the fade screen up for the defined length. HideCursor - True or False - Same as the HyperLaunch setting, but allows for per-game use. FAQ All my games are red in HLHQ's game audit, is this bad? No, actually this is good. If it launches fine and works all is good. It is red because HLHQ can not find the files according to your rom paths, rom extensions and database names. This does not necessarily mean HL can't find them. If you want them to be green you will need to name every game in your HyperSpin database after the file name that starts your game (your exe file, bat file, etc). Then you will need to add those file extensions to rom extensions. Then you will need to set the path in rom paths to every file. To make them be green is not easily done if you think about it. Some games use the same exe file names like game.exe or launcher.exe, this means duplicate database entries, which means your HyperSpin menu won't work. If you actually use it for PC Games, every game will probably also have a unique path like this one C:\Program Files\something\folder\file.exe So for all those games like this you will need to add C:\Program Files\something\folder to the rom paths. If you have more than 1 game spare yourself the trouble and don't try to force the audit to be green for PCLauncher. I can't see my list of games, whenever I open the module settings in HLHQ, all I see this!? Don't panic, everything is still there, just drag the below highlighted grey line down to see them. I don't see a list of games in the popup window as predicted in step 4 of the pclauncher setup guide. It could be that you have no games or only one game in your database xml or you may not even have an xml database for your system. If two or more games do appear in the correct HyperSpin wheel, your issue is much deeper than a simple answer, you should post your issue in a relevant thread (not the how to install hyperspin thread) or a new thread with as much detail as possible. Common PCLauncher Errors and How to Fix them. PCLauncher does not use extensions, but you have them set to: " list of Extensions ". Please remove all extensions from the PCLauncher emulator in HyperLaunchHQ to continue using it. You can remove extensions where you set up the emulator in HLHQ. In this screen you will remove them. Remember to check virtual emulator or HLHQ will get mad at you for trying to remove the extensions. You have not set up " dbName " in HLHQ yet, so PCLauncher does not know what exe, FadeTitle, and/or SteamID to watch for. If you got this it means you forgot to set up your game in your module settings. How silly of you. Go set it up and fill in one one of the required parameters. You defined a DiscImage, but it is not a supported format for this module and/or DT: ccd,cdi,cue,iso,isz,nrg Well your cd has a bad/unsupported extension. Either create another backup file of your game using a supported file type or find a converter. I have no recommendations for converters. There was a problem launching your PreLaunch/PostLaunch/PostExit/Application/ImageExe. Please check it is a valid executable. Uh, oh. The application or executable you set to be your mentioned in your error (PreLaunch/.../ImageExe) failed. First, I would check and make sure the filepath I set in HLHQ in module settings for this application is correct and then I would see if it works using cmd line or the windows run box, and then if that doesn't work maybe check the program's code and if I can't do that I will post my problem here on the forums with a troubleshooting log and maybe a link to the bad program I tried. PCLauncher - There was an error getting the Process ID from your AppWaitExe/SteamIDExe for " dbName ". Please try setting a FadeTitle instead. - Could not find a proper AppWaitExe, FadeTitle, or AppPID (from the launched Application). Try setting either an AppWaitExe or FadeTitle so the module has something to look for. - You are using launching a Steam game but no way for the module to know what window to wait for after launching. Please set a AppWaitExe, FadeTitle, or make sure your SteamID and the correct exe is defined in the SteamIDs.ini - You are using launching a URL but no way for the module to know what to window to wait for after launching. Please set a AppWaitExe or FadeTitle to your default application that gets launched when opening URLs. How to set the FadeTitle FadeTitle is the same thing as WinTitle in the autohotkey documentation for the WinWait command. Setting this let's HypeRLaunch know when your game is active and running. HyperLaunch uses this info so it knows when you quit your game, when the game starts (used for fade-in), and if you want to close your application with the Exit Emulator Key. 1.) Open HLHQ and go to your PCLauncher Module Settings 2.) Skip this step if HL can start your game. Test your game by selecting it in the list and press the HL Launch icon 3.) Highlight your game in the list and look for the setting called FadeTitle [] 4.) Now click the button to the right of the fadetitle setting. If you don't have this button make the window wider. [] 5.) On screen you should see these Instructions [] 6.) Wait until your game is active and then press ctrl+q to set the fade title. 7.) Exit your game. 8.) Make sure HyperLaunch is not still open in task manager or in the HLHQ tab in HLHQ. 9.) Try launching the game again. It should work this time. If not, try setting an AppWaitExe. If neither AppWaitExe or fadeTitle works please search the forums for help and if that didn't work start a new thread detailing your problems and be sure to include the troubleshooting log with your help post. How to set the AppWaitExe AppWaitExe differs from Fade Title by being a more reliable indicator of when a game closes. FadeTitle is a more reliable indicator of when the game starts. Both can used to be closed by the Exit Emulator Key, but the operation of both in this case differs. FadeTitle is used for soft/handled closes (like pressing the red x to close a window), AppWaitExe is used for hard closes (like opening task manager and killing the process). 1.) ...Depends on what happens here... There was an error waiting for the window " something " (to become active). Please check you have the correct version emulator installed for this module, followed any notes in the module, and have this emulator working outside your Frontend first. Also turn off Fade to see if you are hiding your problem. This is a common error and is seen on other modules, however the fix is different here. 1.) Set the FadeTitle for your game. Even if you've already got it set, set it again. 2.) If setting it again didn't work, try setting an appwaitexe. 3.) If the appwait exe didn't work, make sure your game is actually starting. If it's not starting try and getting it to work outside of HL first. 4.) If it is starting outside of HL and still not working and you actually did steps 1-2. Search and see if anyone already had this problem, if not start a new thread, detailing your issue on how you made it happen and be sure to include the troubleshooting log. You are trying to use Steam and Application, you must choose one or the other. Either use SteamID setting or Application setting. Not both. You will need to use one or the other. If it's a Steam Game use the Steam ID setting, if not use the Application setting. PCLauncher - SteamLaunch - Steam is not running and needs to be logged in to launch this steam game. PCLauncher can do this, but you need to run "EncryptPasswords" application in your PCLauncher module folder first and set your login credentials. When I set this up or if I find another guide on how to set this up, I'll let you know. PCLauncher - SteamLaunch - Timed out waiting 15 seconds for Steam's Login window. Please try again. Never had it happen, When I find someone who has this problem and fixed it I'll add those steps here. PCLauncher - SteamWarning - Could not log into steam after 3 tries, exiting back to your Front End. Never had it happen, When I find someone who has this problem and fixed it I'll add those steps here. PCLauncher - OriginLaunch - Origin is not running and needs to be logged in to launch this Origin game. PCLauncher can do this, but you need to run ""EncryptPasswords"" application in your PCLauncher module folder first and set your login credentials. When I set this up or if I find another guide on how to set this up, I'll let you know. PCLauncher - OriginLaunch - Timed out waiting 15 seconds for Origin's Login window. Please try again. Never had it happen, When I find someone who has this problem and fixed it I'll add those steps here. PCLauncher - OriginLaunch - Unhandled Origin Scenario. Please report this and post the log and what you did to make this happen Self Explanatory. Even HyperLaunch doesn't know what normally causes this one. PCLauncher - OriginLaunch - Timed out waiting 15 seconds for Origin's Login window to close. There was a problem logging in. Please try again or check your credentials. Usually happens when I'm mashing the keyboard on startup. The fix is to not press anything until the game starts. Other than this, I haven't had problems or found another user with problems. Edited March 22, 2014 by ghutch92 edited step 4, 2 game requirement How to Install HyperSpin and more RocketLauncher HyperSpin Startup Script
rfancella Posted January 13, 2014 Posted January 13, 2014 GHutch, Great guide! Thanks, Ron Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them. And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!
sandman7793 Posted January 14, 2014 Posted January 14, 2014 Awesome. Keep up the good guides. Loving it man. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk A boy stuck in a mans body
colinc755 Posted January 20, 2014 Posted January 20, 2014 i cant run any of my roms my roms are .nes when i go to hyper launch hq nder the default nes emu it says under codecs bin,nes but when i go to play my roms it says this rom is not .bin or .nes i dont know how to fix this pleese help
ghutch92 Posted January 20, 2014 Author Posted January 20, 2014 (edited) colinc755 said: i cant run any of my roms my roms are .nes when i go to hyper launch hq nder the default nes emu it says under codecs bin,nes but when i go to play my roms it says this rom is not .bin or .nes i dont know how to fix this pleese help No. I don't like people who shout (too many exclamation points) and derail threads. Maybe if you asked nicer and in a different thread, and also included your troubleshooting log, you might get help. This thread is meant as a guide to install HyperSpin and RocketLauncher. It is not a thread to help people troubleshoot their problems. This would make this thread too long and it would become utterly useless to people who don't have enough time to sift through 900+ posts on people with the same issue asking for help. Edited January 20, 2014 by ghutch92 better wording How to Install HyperSpin and more RocketLauncher HyperSpin Startup Script
Clutz450 Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 I kinda fell out of HyperSpin for a while and was very excited to hear about all the updates. I've been reading through your guides and all the information about the new HyperLaunch on the google code page and am just amazed at all the work that went into making Hyperspin better. Anyway, I haven't had a chance to try all this out yet but a few questions came to mind while I was reading all this that I hope you don't mind me asking here before I try anything out. In your guides you mention setting things up in HyperLaunchHQ but I don't see any mention of setting anything up in HyperHQ. Is HyperHQ obsolete and doesn't need to be touched or do some settings still need to be set in it? And what about HyperList? I noticed that the AHK files are greyed out and I'm assuming that because HyperLaunch auto updates them if GIT is set up properly. But what about the XML or DAT files? Are those still up to date and needed to be downloaded from HyperList or is everything on HyperList pretty much obsolete as well. That's all I can think of right now but I'm sure I will come up with more questions once I finally get a chance to play around with it. Thanks.
Polemicist Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 HyperHQ changes settings in HyperSpin. HyperLaunchHQ changes settings in HyperLaunch. HyperLaunch can be used with other front ends that send CLI. HyperList still has Database files but some may be empty and need to be found on forums or FTP. GIT is used to manually update all files in HL and HLHQ. All your old AHK files are obsolete. The way you used to sort your emulators is now obsolete. You don't need multiple copies of your emulators anymore. I'll probably have more answers for you once you get around to asking the questions.
Clutz450 Posted March 7, 2014 Posted March 7, 2014 Lol. Thanks. I'm going to try it out this weekend. Also, is there an IRC chat or something similar you all hang out in in case I just want to ask a quick question?
ghutch92 Posted March 7, 2014 Author Posted March 7, 2014 Clutz450 said: Lol. Thanks. I'm going to try it out this weekend. Also, is there an IRC chat or something similar you all hang out in in case I just want to ask a quick question? http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?29876-HyperLaunch-on-IRC! How to Install HyperSpin and more RocketLauncher HyperSpin Startup Script
Clutz450 Posted March 9, 2014 Posted March 9, 2014 (edited) I have some more questions. lol. So I'm starting from scratch on a new system and installed HyperSpin and HyperLaunch successfully using this guide. The first system I wanted to try to do was Nintendo Game Boy (mainly because the roms are so small). In the past, I remember going to the HyperList page to get the ahk file and looking at the notes in notepad to see what emulator (if any) it suggests using. Now all the ahk files are included with HyperLaunch and organised by emulator. Originally I was going to try and use VisualBoy Advance until I saw the post you made using BGB. Any reason why you chose that emulator for that system? Is there a list somewhere of what emulators work best for which systems or games? Anyway, first thing I noticed is you say to put the emulator in a folder with what version number it is. Is there a reason for organizing the emulators in this way? Next, I looked at the bgb.ahk file in notepad and notice that the version number it references in there is v1.4.1. The newest version of the bgb emulator is v1.4.3. So in order to use this emulator with this ahk file do I need to find the older 1.4.1 version for everything to work properly? Is it ok if I use the 1.4.3 version with the 1.4.1 ahk file? Is there a new ahk file out there for the new version? And speaking of new versions of ahk files, do the ahk files get updated when I update HyperLaunch if one is available? How do I even know if I need to update HyperLaunch? Is there a changelog somewhere that says what was changed from the last update? I know I'm asking a lot of questions but I just like to try and understand everything. Thanks. Edited March 9, 2014 by Clutz450 spelling errors
Polemicist Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 The emulators are setup as global emulators now. Each AHK module has module notes you can read inside HLHQ. The recommended emulators are based on what works for most people. If you have specific games that won't run on those emulators you can setup alternate emulators for use with those specific games. All updates to HyperLaunch etc are done through GIT. When you setup a system with a base install of HS and HL as per this guide if you go to choose a default emulator you will be given a choice that is limited to that system. You can happily switch between those choices at any time with ease for most of them. You just need each emulator setup into its own folders as per the Global Emulators INI file. I have a blog post I did about that just under my lovely super meatboy photo. Oh and stop using note pad to look at AHK files as HLHQ will do everything for you. Unless you are an adept with AHK it is kinda pointless cause the scripts already work for most people.
Clutz450 Posted March 11, 2014 Posted March 11, 2014 Thanks for the reply but I don't think you answered all my questions. I know all HyperLaunch updates are done through GIT but how do I know when I need to do an update? Should I just right click on my hyperlaunch-3 folder and click pull once a week or something like that? And when I do update, is there a change log somewhere that tells me what's new in this update? When downloading emulators, why do we need to put it in a folder with the version number like "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\BGB\v1.4.3\bgb.exe". Is that just a personal preference, does it make it easier to update or some other reason like that? With the emulators, do we need to find the version of the emulator that the ahk file mentions in order for everything to work properly? Is it ok if I use a new version of the emulator with a script that was written for an older version? And thanks for letting me know that I can look at the ahk files in HLHQ. I didn't know that. I only opened them up in notepad just to view the notes.
ghutch92 Posted March 11, 2014 Author Posted March 11, 2014 You can look at the git log if you go to the git repository. Just type in the same github address you are pulling from in your browser address bar. Alternatively you can find git update announcements in the forums modules section or in hyperlaunch\announcements forum. Most go by the if it ain't broke don't fix it mantra when deciding what times to update. The emulator folder and emulator name folder and emulator version folder are not at all required. Just suggested/recommended. I use it so I can quickly identify what versions I have so I know when to update (quicker than opening the emulator and finding the version number or checking file properties). Also sometimes updates break playability for some games. Updates might also break compatibility with HL as in the case of Higan 0.93 to 0.94. Try to run the latest version of the emulator first. If you find HyperLaunch incompatible with a newer version of the emulator politely let the HyperLaunch team know in the modules forum section, detailing what emulator version update broke it. Then revert back to the version listed in the module. I typically only keep a copy of the module version and the newest version so that it is easy to switch back and forth since it is already installed. How to Install HyperSpin and more RocketLauncher HyperSpin Startup Script
lightcycle Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 fantastic guide...just what i needed..got a new pc coming next week so will be starting my install on that and this guide is gonna be really helpful..thanks.
Mydriaze Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 I'm lost. On the "docs" link on the top of the page, once installed you had this: No Hyperlaunch folder, for example. So, do I need to follow the tutorial on the first page or the "docs" tutorial? I'm a bit confused on where I have to begin to be honest. Excuse my English, i'm French. Razer Atrox Porn Pics
Mydriaze Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Ok, i've started with this tutorial. But i'm still in trouble. Some comments first, in order to help noob like me: Quote 8.) Now copy the contents of the hyperlaunch-3 folder to the HyperLaunch folder overwriting everything. HyperLaunch.exe should now reside in C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\HyperLaunch.exe That's a bit confusing cause in cas of fresh install, there's nothing to overwrite in the Hyperlaunch folder. Quote 9.) But wait, you ain't done yet. Get back in your HyperSpin folder soldier. This time we are gonna do some manual ini editing . Open your Settings folder in your HyperSpin folder C:\HyperSpin\Settings. Find the file named Settings.ini, open it in notepad. you should see at the top a line that reads [Main]. Right up under the [Main] line add Hyperlaunch_Path=C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\. Well, in fact, after a fresh new install, there's already the "Hyperlaunch_Path=C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\" line, but just at the end of the [Main] section. However, I added it like asked in the tutorial, but don't understand the goal (cause it's already there). Quote 10.)Now to make full use of HyperLaunch we want to download the media pack. http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/do...o=file&id=5708Extract the contents of the media pack into your HyperLaunch folder (C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch). If we extract the archive, we gonna have "hyperlaunch media" folder. That's not correct. We need to cut/paste the content of "hyperlaunch media", which is the "media" folder. I was a bit lost, so i guess noob like me will be too. I will post some questions here if I don't understand the noobie guide. Excuse my English, i'm French. Razer Atrox Porn Pics
Polemicist Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Mydriaze said: I'm lost.On the "docs" link on the top of the page, once installed you had this: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39422[/ATTACH] No Hyperlaunch folder, for example. So, do I need to follow the tutorial on the first page or the "docs" tutorial? I'm a bit confused on where I have to begin to be honest. The Docs section is not up to date. It still has useful information for HyperSpin and HyperHQ and stuff but yeah it is for the older version. I believe someone is working on getting it updated but the Doc section is HUGE. Sorry for the confusion. Mydriaze said: Ok, i've started with this tutorial. But i'm still in trouble. Some comments first, in order to help noob like me: Quote 8.) Now copy the contents of the hyperlaunch-3 folder to the HyperLaunch folder overwriting everything. HyperLaunch.exe should now reside in C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\HyperLaunch.exe That's a bit confusing cause in cas of fresh install, there's nothing to overwrite in the Hyperlaunch folder. The files inside the original download from the download section is different to the files on GIT. That section is taking your downloaded GIT updates and dumping them on top of your live HL folder. That is why it is overwriting. The comment is correct and that is exactly what will happen. GIT is the update and Updates overwrite your old files. Mydriaze said: Quote 9.) But wait, you ain't done yet. Get back in your HyperSpin folder soldier. This time we are gonna do some manual ini editing . Open your Settings folder in your HyperSpin folder C:\HyperSpin\Settings. Find the file named Settings.ini, open it in notepad. you should see at the top a line that reads [Main]. Right up under the [Main] line add Hyperlaunch_Path=C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\. Well, in fact, after a fresh new install, there's already the "Hyperlaunch_Path=C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\" line, but just at the end of the [Main] section. However, I added it like asked in the tutorial, but don't understand the goal (cause it's already there). It is already there IF you are using the default directory. If you are using this on another drive or for some reason you have decided to use a custom folder you should check that. It doesn't hurt to make sure things are perfect. Mydriaze said: Quote 10.)Now to make full use of HyperLaunch we want to download the media pack. http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/do...o=file&id=5708Extract the contents of the media pack into your HyperLaunch folder (C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch). If we extract the archive, we gonna have "hyperlaunch media" folder. That's not correct. We need to cut/paste the content of "hyperlaunch media", which is the "media" folder. I was a bit lost, so i guess noob like me will be too. I will post some questions here if I don't understand the noobie guide. That one I can't answer as it has been a long time since I did that step. Ghutch all yours.
Mydriaze Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Thanks for your reply. Hyperspin is installed. Mame emulator is added using HyperlaunchHQ. Some question however: 1.By default, Hyperspin interface has a lot of emulator interface installed, designed for some emultaors i don't need. I uninstall them from my system using HyperHQ. But, for example, for each system I have many game titles. How to delete this game i don't own and keep only the one i have in my mame's roms folder? 2.How to add media? Is it now I need the hypersync account? Excuse my English, i'm French. Razer Atrox Porn Pics
Polemicist Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Mydriaze said: Thanks for your reply. Hyperspin is installed. Mame emulator is added using HyperlaunchHQ.Some question however: 1.By default, Hyperspin interface has a lot of emulator interface installed, designed for some emultaors i don't need. I uninstall them from my system using HyperHQ. But, for example, for each system I have many game titles. How to delete this game i don't own and keep only the one i have in my mame's roms folder? 2.How to add media? Is it now I need the hypersync account? 1: You can edit the XML or Tick the wheel filter for Roms only. And it might sound insane but fill in the Executable Path, Rom Path and the Extensions section of each Wheel Settings that you want to do this with. 2: Yeah HyperSync can do it. You can also get stuff from the FTP.
Mydriaze Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Thanks (again) for your help. I'm platinum now (but still no MP about my credentials or stuff like that, i think I have to wait). I feel like someone important. My penis must be bigger I think. By the way, I've done everything like you recommend on question 1. Now, if I launch my Hyperspin, and select my system (example: mame), nothing happen. I can't go into the system and see my games (which are in the roms folder: c:/hyperspin/mydriaze/emulators/mame/0.152b/roms). I'm sad. Excuse my English, i'm French. Razer Atrox Porn Pics
ghutch92 Posted March 16, 2014 Author Posted March 16, 2014 (edited) Mydriaze said: Well, in fact, after a fresh new install, there's already the "Hyperlaunch_Path=C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\" line, but just at the end of the [Main] section. However, I added it like asked in the tutorial, but don't understand the goal (cause it's already there). I edited the guide to clarify this issue, I suspect you are not the only one confused. Please read the guide again and see if it is better now. In the older HyperSpin downloads that line was not there. It also is not there if you are just updating just the hyperspin program. It apparently is there if you get a new download for a fresh install of the latest hyperspin. I have edited the guide to reflect this fact. You will still need to open it and make sure the paths are correct so the step needs to stay. Where that line is in the main section does not matter. Mydriaze said: If we extract the archive, we gonna have "hyperlaunch media" folder. That's not correct. We need to cut/paste the content of "hyperlaunch media", which is the "media" folder. I was a bit lost, so i guess noob like me will be too. Depends on your extraction program and how you have it setup to extract archives. It seems you have it setup to create a new folder with the same name as the download name. If you are using 7zip you can use the extract here and the directions would be correct. There is no HyperLaunch Media folder inside the archive. This is just a goof on the user's end. I also specified it as the contents of the media pack not just the media pack. If someone told you to extract the contents of a seasoning packet would you just throw the entire seasoning packet into your food or would you open the packet and dump the contents in the specified location? Mydriaze said: By the way, I've done everything like you recommend on question 1. Now, if I launch my Hyperspin, and select my system (example: mame), nothing happen. I can't go into the system and see my games (which are in the roms folder: c:/hyperspin/mydriaze/emulators/mame/0.152b/roms). http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?29481-How-to-install-HyperSpin&p=293117&viewfull=1#post293117 Please keep troubleshooting related questions out of this thread. When you deviate from the guide it becomes your personal setup and I would like to keep personal setup questions out of this thread to keep it from being cluttered. Edited March 16, 2014 by ghutch92 How to Install HyperSpin and more RocketLauncher HyperSpin Startup Script
Mydriaze Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Thanks for your reply. Sorry for deviating this thread. About the tutorial: is the GIT step mandatory? I mean, as a noob, it' pretty confusing, especillay when we want to start a fresh new install. I will create or asking other stuff in another thread. Thanks again for your help. Excuse my English, i'm French. Razer Atrox Porn Pics
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