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100+ Systems on Main Menu is the goal, but I could use a little help.


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Hey everyone!

So I'm re-designing the majority of my system, and a big part of that is the Main Menu list.

I've reached 100 systems! Whoo!

At this point, I just wonder if anyone has any suggestions for systems I should really add in.

1.    Integrated Circuit Arcade - 1972
2.    Magnavox Odyssey - 1972
3.    Fairchild Channel F - 1976
4.    Atari 2600 - 1977
5.    Bally Astrocade - 1977
6.    Magnavox Odyssey 2 - 1978
7.    Fairchild Channel F 2 - 1979
8.    Vector Arcade - 1979
9.    Nintendo Game & Watch - 1980
10.    Mattel Intellivision - 1980
11.    VTech CreatiVision - 1981
12.    Epoch Cassette Vision - 1981
13.    Microsoft MS-DOS - 1981
14.    Golden Age Arcade - 1982
15.    Emerson Arcadia 2001 - 1982
16.    Atari 5200 - 1982
17.    ColecoVision - 1982
18.    Entex Adventure Vision - 1982
19.    GCE Vectrex - 1982
20.    Commodore 64 - 1982
21.    Laserdisc Arcade - 1982
22.    Magnavox Odyssey 3 - 1983
23.    Coleco ADAM - 1983
24.    Microsoft MSX - 1983
25.    Sega SG-1000 - 1983
26.    Nintendo Famicom - 1983
27.    Exelvision EXL 100 - 1984
28.    Atari 7800 - 1984
29.    Super Epoch Cassette Vision - 1984
30.    Atari ST - 1985
31.    Microsoft MSX2 - 1985
32.    Sega Master System - 1986
33.    Nintendo Famicom Disk System - 1986
34.    NEC TurboGrafx-16 - 1987
35.    Commodore Amiga - 1987
36.    Acorn Archimedes - 1987
37.    Scummy Adventure Games - 1987
38.    Capcom Play System - 1988
39.    NEC TurboGrafx-CD - 1988
40.    Nintendo Game Boy - 1989
41.    NEC SuperGrafx - 1989
42.    Atari Lynx - 1989
43.    Sega Genesis - 1989
44.    Sega Game Gear - 1990
45.    Nintendo Super Famicom - 1990
46.    Amstrad GX4000 - 1991
47.    SNK Neo Geo AES - 1991
48.    Phillips CD-i 450 - 1991
49.    Microsoft Windows 3.1 - 1992
50.    Sega CD - 1992
51.    Nintendo Super CD - 1992
52.    Creatronic Mega Duck - 1993
53.    Fujitsu FM Towns - 1993
54.    Commodore Amiga CD32 - 1993
55.    Panasonic 3DO - 1993
56.    Atari Jaguar - 1993
57.    Sega Model 2 - 1993
58.    Capcom Play System 2 - 1993
59.    Sega 32X - 1994
60.    Sega CD 32X - 1994
61.    NEC PC-FX - 1994
62.    Capcom Power System Changer - 1994
63.    Sega ST-V - 1994
64.    Funtech Super Acan - 1995
65.    Nintendo Virtual Boy - 1995
66.    Cave - 1995
67.    Nintendo Satellaview - 1995
68.    Atari Jaguar CD - 1995
69.    SNK Neo Geo CD - 1995
70.    Sega Saturn - 1995
71.    Sony Playstation - 1995
72.    Microsoft Windows 9x - 1995
73.    Nintendo 64 - 1996
74.    Apple Pippin - 1996
75.    Sega Model 3 - 1996
76.    Capcom Play System 3 - 1996
77.    Tiger Game.com - 1997
78.    SNK Neo Geo Pocket - 1998
79.    Sega Naomi - 1998
80.    Nintendo Game Boy Color - 1998
81.    Bandai WonderSwan - 1999
82.    Nintendo 64DD - 1999
83.    Sega Dreamcast - 1999
84.    Sega VMU - 1999
85.    Sony PocketStation - 1999
86.    Sega Hikaru - 1999
87.    SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color - 1999
88.    Bandai WonderSwan Color - 2000
89.    VM Labs Nuon - 2000
90.    Sony Playstation 2 - 2000
91.    Sega Naomi 2 - 2000
92.    Nintendo Game Boy Advance - 2001
93.    GamePark 32 - 2001
94.    Nintendo Gamecube - 2001
95.    Microsoft XBOX - 2001
96.    Microsoft Windows XP - 2001
97.    Sega Triforce - 2002
98.    Sammy Atomiswave - 2003
99.    Nintendo DS - 2004
100.    Sony Playstation Portable - 2004
101.    Taito Type X - 2004
102.    Microsoft Xbox 360 - 2005
103.    Mattel HyperScan - 2006
104.    Nintendo Wii - 2006
105.    Sony Playstation 3 - 2006
106.    Nintendo WiiWare - 2008
107.    Taito Type X2 - 2007
108.    Nintendo 3DS - 2011
109.    Sony Playstation Vita - 2011
110.    Nintendo Wii U - 2012
111.    Microsoft Windows Metro - 2012
112.    Sony Playstation 4 - 2013
113.    Microsoft Xbox One - 2013
114.    Indie Games - N/A

Apple IIGS - (Same as Amiga?)
Arcade PC - (What is this?)
PGM - (Arcade, Research)
Future Pinball - ???
Pinball FX2 - ???
Visual Pinball - ???
Hector HRX - (Research)
Konami e-AMUSEMENT - (Research)
Mattel Aquarius - 1983
Microsoft MSX Turbo R - 1989?
Microsoft MSX2+ - 1987?
NEC PC-8801 - 1981 (Size?)
NEC PC-9801 - 1982 (Size?)
Sega SC-3000 - 1983 (Same as SG-1000?)
Sharp X68000 - 1987 (Size?)
Sinclair ZX Spectrum - 1982 (Size?)
Spectravideo - (Research)
Touhou Project - 1996 (Research)
Zinc - 1994 (Research)

Atari ST - (Same as Amiga?)



I feel kind of stupid for not looking here for more systems XD Thank you.


Windows 9x, win xp, win metro, Xbox, 360, xbone, ps3, ps4, vita..... No, just no.

What do you mean "no"?

Windows 9x - PC games from the 90s on Windows

Windows XP - Turn of the century PC games

Win Metro - Anything PC in the Modern Era

XBOX/X360/X1/PS3/PS4/Vita - All are in my system by either using the PC version of a game, streaming, or hooked through a streaming console.


Whoo! I got it to 100!

Anything seem like it's missing that would be worth adding?

could you possibly share your Magnavox Odyssey setup somewhere?


No Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Daphne or ScummVM, PC-Engine, PC-Engine CD? You could Also add the Neo-Geo MVS for the arcade expereince, althought you can add the same arcade difficulty with the AES version.


Just go to the Hyperlist and see all the systems you can add there.


I feel kind of stupid for not looking here for more systems XD Thank you.


What do you mean "no"?

Windows 9x - PC games from the 90s on Windows

Windows XP - Turn of the century PC games

Win Metro - Anything PC in the Modern Era

XBOX/X360/X1/PS3/PS4/Vita - All are in my system by either using the PC version of a game, streaming, or hooked through a streaming console.



could you possibly share your Magnavox Odyssey setup somewhere?


I don't have it setup as of yet. I'm just getting the new Main Menu XML in order first, then I will start setting up the actual game lists and emulators, etc.


No Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Daphne or ScummVM, PC-Engine, PC-Engine CD? You could Also add the Neo-Geo MVS for the arcade expereince, althought you can add the same arcade difficulty with the AES version.


Just go to the Hyperlist and see all the systems you can add there.

Sinclair ZX Spectrum: I actually just added this to a list of systems to do some research on a few moments ago.

Daphne: I have it labelled as Laserdisc Arcade, but it's there :)

PC-Engine & PC-Engine CD: I have the TurboGrafx-16 and TurboGrafx-CD, are these not the same thing?

ScummVM: I just added this to the list today actually :)

Neo Geo MVS: I thought about adding this, but I've got the AES setup with the UniBios, so I can just flip to the arcade version if I am feeling coiny. haha

Thank you for the suggestions :)




lol k... thanks for the clarification?


Impressive. Although I cant imagine even scrolling through 100 systems to find the one I wanted.

Hmmm... you make a good point. I hadn't thought of that. I'll have to come up with a creative solution methinks.




Hmmm... you make a good point. I hadn't thought of that. I'll have to come up with a creative solution methinks.


Solution is to not add things that aren't even emulated or break up PC games by Windows version lol


Solution is to not add things that aren't even emulated or break up PC games by Windows version lol

Solution to what? lol I don't understand what that is supposed to solve.

Games don't have to be emulated to be launched through HyperSpin. The PCLauncher in RocketLauncher does way more than just play PC games.

What's wrong with having different era's of Windows titles? There is significant differences between a Windows 95 title to something like the new Deus Ex: Mankind Divided game.

Hell, people split "PC Games" and "Steam Games" up, and that seems even more ludicrous since they are the exact same things. lol

EDIT: Re-read what you had quoted (DOH XD), but I'm leaving this here because my points still remain :P


Making an xbone/ps4 etc wheel just to add their PC equivalents in it is stupid. So you stream to your PC as well? What do you do, pop in disc in your PS4 and go to hyperspin and select that title in the ps4 wheel just to make it cool? lol


Don't be a fluffer


Making an xbone/ps4 etc wheel just to add their PC equivalents in it is stupid. So you stream to your PC as well? What do you do, pop in disc in your PS4 and go to hyperspin and select that title in the ps4 wheel just to make it cool? lol


Don't be a fluffer

Why is that stupid? Once the game loads, it's not like you can really tell the difference. You're still using a controller, playing the exact same game lol. Unless you actually looked at the files where the game was being launched from or paid real close attention in the "options menu" you'd never have the slightest clue that you weren't playing the console game. I think it's actually pretty awesome.

Also no, I don't buy physical discs anymore so all my games on each systems HDD. In their HyperSpin wheels I have a "Stream from Hardware" entry in each wheel that pulls up the streaming app, and the controller navigates just like it normally would to the game, and viola. Playing them just like normal. 

The goal of my main project is to be able to play all my games on one screen, though one machine, using one controller.

It's kind of hard to do that if I have to switch to another input (or TV), so I can turn on another system, using another controller. lol


The nuon isn't not emulated sadly so no games work there, Xbox is not really emulated either not the 360 not ps4 or Xbox one


Probably has the few games for it that were released on other platforms under that category to select and play them like with the console games that are PC version lol


Open your RocketlauncherUI media folder. All the system icons and official names are there to give you some ideas.




It doesn't matter if there is no official database for it in the hyperlist link mentioned above as you can make your own based on the systems roms.


The nuon isn't not emulated sadly so no games work there, Xbox is not really emulated either not the 360 not ps4 or Xbox one

Aw that sucks, I didn't know that about the Nuon. Not that I'm surprised, it didn't seem particularly popular haha.

Also, I know there isn't an Xbox/X360/X1/PS3/PS4 emulator. I either use the PC version under that console's wheel so it looks like you're playing them, or I have an entry that pulls up a streaming app which boots my console up and then plays it all the same.


Probably has the few games for it that were released on other platforms under that category to select and play them like with the console games that are PC version lol

You know, I really don't know what your problem is or why you have to continually try and shit on what I'm doing with my build. You've already stated your opinion.

You don't like it.... Good for you.

I'm sure there are plenty of people who wouldn't do it my way, just as there are plenty of people who think it's a good idea. I don't really care either way though, because "I" like FEELING like my system has those modern games in it.

It's not like you can tell the difference anyway.


If you go to your "<RocketLauncher Folder>RocketLauncherUI>Media>Icons" you'll see a lot of systems to get an idea of what can you add to your list.


It doesn't matter if there is no official database for it in the hyperlist link mentioned above as you can make your own based on the systems roms.

Yeah I usually just create an XML from my own library anyway. The amount of content in the official XMLs is overkill in my opinion. Not to mention they all have those ridiculous tags in parenthesis.

Which I guess is good if you're trying to get an accurate archive, but I just want a list of games, by name lol.

Plus I use a lot of custom naming schemes, like properly naming sequels:

Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider 2

Tomb Raider 3 - Adventures of Lara Croft

Tomb Raider 4 - Chronicles

Tomb Raider 5 - The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider 6 - Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider 7 - Legend

Tomb Raider 8 - Underworld

or pushing pre-title phrases to the end:

Street Fighter 2, Super

Ghostbusters 2, New

(Imagine how much fun THAT was in Super Nintendo's wheel... lol)

or outright removing or changing stuff:

Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island > "Yoshi's Island"

Probotector > Contra - Probotector

Akumajō Dracula X: Chi no Rondo > Castlevania - Rondo of Blood

Etc etc.


You should have also come across that the creator of nuance died back in 07 and the emulator never got to much of a great working point for the like 8 games that were released on it.  :woot:


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