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Almost done with my build, But i am worried about hard drive damamge should i be?


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I am building a hyper-spin cabinet with no monitor, just an hdmi out to mount to any tv that i choose. One thing i worry about is my base doesnt move much its fairly stead but, when we play an intense game of street fighter the base does wobble a bit. Now, what i am wondering is if my harddrive is mounted in the base do you guys think there will be any damage or data loss? ive considered going with a 2.5 harddrive because they are meant to be moved around alot more ( laptop style). or does any one know of any way to help reduce the chance of damage?

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Firstly how come the base wobbles it should be fairly sturdy when you play on it like the original arcade machines so perhaps add more structure to reduce the wobble.As mentioned you should always have a backup of your colletion just in case but from my experience hdds can take a little shake ortherwise companies wouldnt post em out .

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I have a 300 gig drive for my boot with hyperspin/media on it (uses less than 100 gigs) and then a 4tb drive with my roms. I backup my boot drive every week to the 4tb drive. I have all my rom sets minted on my 4tb drive uncompressed mostly. Those minted sets are then zipped and stored on a nas with a 2 drive mirror.

Backups are important. I have been working on things since September 2013. If I lost it all I think I would throw the whole cab in the firepit and call it a day and head to the pub.

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