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wire awg rating required ?

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American Wire Gauge, oh no that brings back some memories, I worked for an electrical harness manufacturer for a long time, running and fixing machines that cut wire to length and crimped.

There was a company in Wales I used to visit that did all the wiring for Sega arcade machines and Bell Fruit.

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It seems to be pretty low voltage, you could get away with either but to be on the safe side your suggestion sound good.

Will you be adding connectors to the ends of the cable? The crimp terminals vary in size and so can accept a range of wire sizes. Even the opening which you push on the tab is a certain size, so if it's to small it won't fit. Nothing a pair of pliers or a screwdriver won't fix, and if your soldering then it doesn't matter.

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Cheers lads, 20 all through it is then. Zebulon, looks like I'll be needing that knocker after all, would rather buy a specific one from you safe in the knowledge that it will be spot on :)

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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