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...I think I am going to give the latest version another whirl soon. I am waiting for more bug fixes in Win 7 as Blur figures them out first :)

It has been about 5 versions of FPlaunch that i have had no success. Basically for me, I was able to have a working FPlaunch back in version 3 or 4, but since then i have had focus and exiting issues.

My problem is that i cannot get my ipac2 to work with another key instead of esc. If someone has a step by step on how they change their keys ion ipac2, i would be grateful, because it doesn't change for me it seems.

btw, Blur, I had similar issues with ball on flipper with win 7 drivers. The only fix i have found is to use a different driver that works (need to try some to find out), or you can switch to 16 bit rather than 32. Although that may be impractical, it is better than using soft render imo.

Ok, so i will try later today when i am at the cab and i will report back if i can or can't get it going. I am happy to hear this version may fix the B2S thing, because i have major issues right now where the b2s keeps running :)



Hi All,

Just an update that I installed the latest version and it is working WAY BETTER than the previous versions for me.

So far I notice:

a) Much faster loading and exiting times

B) Can exit out of FP

c) Can Exit out of B2S tables- hooray!!

The only issue i am currently having is that UVP based tables exit, but the UVP server is still running on BG.

Other than this issue, everything is awesome!!

Thanx so much Blur!


Posted (edited)

I can't get FP to exit VP now that I've switched to Windows 7 64bit. It simply leaves VP running in the background. Interesting is that if I move the mouse to the DMD to adjust during game, then back to VP, then exit with hyperpin it then quits. Any suggestions?

EDIT: Solved by editing the script as mentioned above and a few pages back.

Edited by guruguys
  blur said:
there is a fix for that two pages back - you have to change ahk a bit and recompile (with basic version)

Thanx Blur!

Okay, all is working very well for me now. I looked at your post regarding a script change for 2 monitors in win 7 but i won't try it just now as i don't seem to have the same problem.

So far, this is the very best version of FPLaunch for me.




Hey Blur,

Have you considered using something like github for the hosting and distribution of your project? It makes it quite easy for other people to fork your project, make adjustments / fixes and then let you know of these changes for you to decide to pull back in or not. It also adds in version'ing and tagging of each release. Another thing that would be helpful is if there is some strange bug on Windows 7 that creeps in after a release, git will easily show the difference between releases making tracking down that bug by you or others easier. If you have not used git before, I'd be willing to help you get up to speed, the basics can be learned quickly and github provides a lot of the heavy lifting.

Thanks for your work on this!



I didn't understand how to make FP hiscores appear when pressing a cab button ?

The FPPauseKey is RButton (configured in FP), but IPac cannot program Right mouse button to the cab button (that makes a lot of "button" in a single phrase :) ).

I would like it to lauch Hiscores with an Ipac-shifted button : how can I do that ? (using 1.295 WIP 8)

That's a small thing and I cannot post here without saying a big BRAVO to the fantastic work u've done here, all these features are great, very good looking & easy to configure, many many thx guys !

Stargate Pincab newbie builder :hello:


great! tnx sam

xio - first tnx for compliments, rbutton will be sent when you press exit or pause button, then fp makes pause and we do print screen of then show menus over printscreen image (it's not possible to draw over opengl), if you want to have button only for sending pause to fp to get hiscores without menu - that's not possible - but you can edit fplaunch and add one hot key that would do only send of rbutton

takedown - you're welcome, i'm using notepad++ and with included diff i can see differences to any previous version, i have all previous versions saved on disk - so i have versioning and easy debuging - but i will check for github also

  blur said:
if you want to have button only for sending pause to fp to get hiscores without menu - that's not possible - but you can edit fplaunch and add one hot key that would do only send of rbutton

I tried to do that but obviously I did not put it right. If I remember well I wrote "M::Rbutton" in the ini file, & program shifted cab button with M key. What is wrong ?

Stargate Pincab newbie builder :hello:


I've put it in Ahk & recompiled, but m key still does nothing.

Here's Ahk keys :


; default settings, if you don't have them they will be added to your settings.ini file

; ***** don't change them here - edit your settings.ini file!!!!! *****

exitScriptKey = q & s ; kill script key

exitEmulatorKey = Esc ; main exit key, can be joy key also (Joy1)

hideCursor = true

hideDesktop = true

hideTaskbar = true

toggleCursorKey = t

useExitScreen = true ; show exit321 countdown on long press

usePauseKey = true

useLoadScreen = true ; show loading slider

pauseKey = p ; former pauseVPinball key, works same as exit key

fadespeed = 25

useExitAsPause = true

exitEmulatorKey2 = 1 ; key for entering into menus

exitEmulatorKey3 = Enter ; and another one

pauseFPKey = RButton ; pause in FP


saveFPTables = true

editTableKey = !F4 ; close table and go to vp/fp editor

printScreenKey = o

pfScreenNum = 1 ; playfield Screen Number (used for print screen)

bgScreenNum = 2 ; backglass Screen Number (used for print screen)

useExitMenu = true

upKey = LShift

downKey = RShift

instructionsKey = i

flyerKey = f

hyperScale = 0.75

debugMode = false

ledwiz = false

hyperpinexe = hyperpin.exe

Stargate Pincab newbie builder :hello:


I do not know if this has been suggested previously (this is a longgg thread) but one thing I would love to see is the ability to access the windows sound level from within the hyperpin pause menu? Left flipper could lower the sound, right flipper could raise it and you could have a graph showing from 0 to 100 for volume control.


(this space available for rent)


I think i have that in some of the add-ons people sent to me. (It is not in the code yet)

But there is also an included volume key in VP, by default it is + and - i think (keys by the backspace key) so i'm thinking of just using them - i can add two configurable mappings to menus for these keys and you can assign them to anything - for example to nudge buttons or magnasave buttons if you have them.


Yeah, my preference for the windows volume control is because we aren't limited to VP or even FP (for example, that other commercial pinball game supported). I appreciate that it looks like it will be part of it soon, VERY cool :).


(this space available for rent)

  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh, I'm having issues with Wip8 exiting tables. I am using a PBW, but NOT using the PBW buttons. I use an Ipac2 for controlling all buttons.


Posted (edited)

there is a bug in wip 8 with closing tables. there is a fix for it, few pages before. you have to change script and recompile.

But here is the new version wip9 - http://www.mediafire.com/?bwxlu5jjral21wa

New features are (copy from the script history):

1.295 wip 9

+ fixed vp doesnt close bug (detect hidden windows on)

+ capture screen code removed (not used any more)

+ printscreen for backglass added (o saves pf, u saves bg)

+ code map updated

+ reorg - all procedures moved up and down a bit

+ #winactivateforce added (didn't help much -

actually made some wierd problems and freezes - removed)

+ fix focus on table close in win7 with triple checks

+ lots of triple checks added (ifactive, waitactive, ...)

+ taskbar shown on exit if there is no hyperpin process

+ cursor shown on exit

+ show vp/fp editor on error and close loading slider

+ activate commands moved to functions

+ file and screen debug modes added

+ toggle taskbar on t key (it was always shown, now it is hiden also)

+ fix blackscreen gui (no need for black screen if useloadscreen is true)

+ remove all detect hidden windows off

+ remove double exitscreen - it is executed on exit, no need to call it

+ find why hyperpin freezes sometimes ??? (activate force maybe)

not much new things, but lots of bug testing on win7 and chasing black and white screens

what's important - save backglass key added (u by deafult, you can use it in vp and fp)

debug modes are now file, screen or true (for both), purpose is obvious

t will now show and hide taskbar

focus on win7 should be fixed (not the delay!!! delay will stay)

feel free to report any bugs you find

install is as usual - extract all to hyperpin, move images to media hyperpin images

don't forget to READ installation manual - http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=100473#post100473

Edited by blur

Having issues with this new version. Upon exit of a UVP table its not exiting the FPLaunch and it's removing focus from HP. Also, when launching Scared Stiff B2S the table is loosing focus, i have to ALT+TAB to VP Player to re-focus.



I tested it for about an hour on multiple tables and in Win7-64bit. Overall I would say it performs much better. HP seems and somewhat faster. Going into and out of tables isn't really faster, but no more flashing so it looks better. I would also go so far as to say some tables seem to be performing better.

  Dazz said:
Having issues with this new version. Upon exit of a UVP table its not exiting the FPLaunch and it's removing focus from HP. Also, when launching Scared Stiff B2S the table is loosing focus, i have to ALT+TAB to VP Player to re-focus.

you might have some config problems, what are your options?

i have uvp and scared stiff opening and closing fine

for b2s tables you have to set launchb2s to false

for uvp might be something with keys

esc and joy8 on pbw are forbidden keys for exiting

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