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try wip 3 and see if it works

Ok getting closer. Really like the transitions when starting and exiting.

Couple issues I have now, on exit (3..2..1) from a game the UVP backglass remains active. I have to close it manually. Exit is mapped exitEmulatorKey = Joy8

I've got a button mapped to the pause key on the nanotech. When in the hyperpin menu this brings up the Favorites/Genre menu. During game play it brings up the VP Pause menu. Would like this button only to work in the table menu and not work in game play. The Pause/Exit is all I need. I tried disabling pause in the settings and ahk, as well point the pause to some other key, but neither has any affect. the same behavior continues.

Thanks for the help


funny - will have to check wip 4 a little

wip 4 was made exclusivelly to bring dmd in front and pf in focus but it looks like it doesn't work on all machines

you have pbw right?

for exit and pause keys on pbw (joy8 and joy7) there is no way to unconfigure them in vp

vp will always exit on joy8 (after holding it for 3 seconds) and open pause window on joy7 (untill i wrote a patch for vp that will enable button mapping and any gamepad controller)

so to avoid this for exit use some other button not joy7 nor joy8 - you have plenty of them - check fplaunch manual for a list what each button does cause you don't wont button that will do something in vp as a side effect

funny - will have to check wip 4 a little

wip 4 was made exclusivelly to bring dmd in front and pf in focus but it looks like it doesn't work on all machines

you have pbw right?

for exit and pause keys on pbw (joy8 and joy7) there is no way to unconfigure them in vp

vp will always exit on joy8 (after holding it for 3 seconds) and open pause window on joy7 (untill i wrote a patch for vp that will enable button mapping and any gamepad controller)

so to avoid this for exit use some other button not joy7 nor joy8 - you have plenty of them - check fplaunch manual for a list what each button does cause you don't wont button that will do something in vp as a side effect

Pause work around makes sense, I'll map to a different button.

Was looking through this topic and saw that Me-Mike had a similar issue with the UVP not closing on exit. Wasn't clear if solved the problem or not


dna how do you read data from nvram files, with ahk or some c++/vb programming?

you could read also a replay score settings, right?

and you could display them with hiscores

or we can convert them to swf on the fly and display them as dinamic replay score sticker/board that goes on the right side of the pin?

it's a major pita when you fine tuning your cab with replay scores to go and check procedure to read and set replay scores in ta's excel table for every table and then to go into service menu, if you can read it right away

Pause work around makes sense, I'll map to a different button.

Was looking through this topic and saw that Me-Mike had a similar issue with the UVP not closing on exit. Wasn't clear if solved the problem or not

using some other key definitely solves it - i think jackblotto did it in some completely different thread

Posted (edited)

let's do some debuging.

some people have focus problem (some dont):

you open vp table but vp is not focused

so - old code (wip3) was:

WinWaitActive, ahk_class VPPlayer ;Wait for vp to be Ready before killing Gui lackScreen

;WinActivate, ahk_class TBackglass

;WinActivate, ahk_class MAME

;WinActivate, ahk_class VPPlayer

Gui, Destroy

Process, WaitClose, %executable%

new code (wip4) is:

WinWaitActive, ahk_class VPPlayer ;Wait for vp to be Ready before killing Gui blackScreen

Gui, Destroy

;bring dmd on top of playfield

DetectHiddenWindows off ;don't detect dmd if it is hidden

WinActivate, ahk_class MAME

WinWaitActive, ahk_class MAME

Click 10, 10

WinWaitActive, ahk_class MAME

Sleep 100

DetectHiddenWindows on

WinActivate, ahk_class VPPlayer

WinWaitActive, ahk_class VPPlayer

MouseMove A_ScreenWidth//2, A_ScreenHeight//2


Process, WaitClose, %executable%

what does this new code do?

it brings dmd on top of playfield - not needed is dmd is on second screen - but some games like cirqus voltaire have dmd on pf, and some people have only one screen in a cab - so they have dmd over pf on all games

how it brings it?

in short - alt tab to dmd, click on dmd, alt tab to pf, click on pf

in ahk language it is

winactivate mame

click 10 10 - clicks on top of dmd

winactivate vpplayer

mousemove - moves mouse to center of the screen

click - clicks on center of the screen (this should bring vp to focus)

so what could go wrong?

we could maybe click on wrong place

as you can see vpplayer is activated at some point in the script

so please any one that has focus problem change mouse move and click lines to:

;MouseMove A_ScreenWidth//2, A_ScreenHeight//2

Click 960 540

this should click somewhere around center of the pf

let me know if it helps

if it doesnt help after click add line:

WinActivate, ahk_class VPPlayer

if that also doesn't help try to set hide mouse to false and watch where mouse goes or just press t and mouse will show up and let me know where it is

(you can do this before any change - just press t after game loads and check where is the mouse)

Edited by blur
dna how do you read data from nvram files, with ahk or some c++/vb programming?

you could read also a replay score settings, right?

and you could display them with hiscores

or we can convert them to swf on the fly and display them as dinamic replay score sticker/board that goes on the right side of the pin?

it's a major pita when you fine tuning your cab with replay scores to go and check procedure to read and set replay scores in ta's excel table for every table and then to go into service menu, if you can read it right away


The readouts from the nvram and fpram (for Future Pinball) are written in VB

Replay-score setting support isn't in it at the moment I'm afraid.

Not as easy as getting all the hiscores out (especially with some manufacturers roms)

The last week I was busy making an swf to alternate the highscores that have multiple segments (medieval madness , attack from mars etc)

That's all done....And it's also more hyperpin worthy I would say.

Only thing I need is a good ahk script to play the swf. Have found one that will work but it's not all that...

If you have a good ahk code to display the swf then it's ready for a testrun

PINemHi has full Future pinball support now , I have figured out a way to get the right rom out of a table (no matter what the tablename is) for VP.

So that will definitely work very well....

I can send you or Samwyze all the files necessary to test it out

The only thing is that I can only send you the old code for displaying the hiscores (not the swf display ahk-code but I will include the swf so that you could alter the ahk code to make that work if you have a good script for it)

Let me know if you or Samwyze would like the files and code

Dna Disturber :cheers:

Author of PINemHi............................:pcguru:

Decipher-dude for the HiToText project..........:pcguru:


HiToText 2010.11.4 Vs. Mame 0.140


Percentage of original games in HiToText :8.09 %

Percentage of original+clone games in HiToText:10.57 %



at the moment I can't test anything cause I'm on vacation till the end of month

but we will test something in september

as for displaying swf sam has some code, only problem is swf is at first moment displayed rotated and then it is fixed

if swf would make such a problem we can convert/rotate them all to png in a batch so then everything is solved - actually same code for browsing menus can be used for browsing flyer and intructions and replay scores.

We can even add any custom png or jpg with instructions and it will be shown - so you would be able to put anything you want in instructions folder - manuals, instructions, extensive lotr or simpsons or flinstones rules, anything

let's do some debuging.

some people have focus problem (some dont):

you open vp table but vp is not focused

so - old code (wip3) was:

WinWaitActive, ahk_class VPPlayer ;Wait for vp to be Ready before killing Gui lackScreen

;WinActivate, ahk_class TBackglass

;WinActivate, ahk_class MAME

;WinActivate, ahk_class VPPlayer

Gui, Destroy

Process, WaitClose, %executable%

new code (wip4) is:

WinWaitActive, ahk_class VPPlayer ;Wait for vp to be Ready before killing Gui blackScreen

Gui, Destroy

;bring dmd on top of playfield

DetectHiddenWindows off ;don't detect dmd if it is hidden

WinActivate, ahk_class MAME

WinWaitActive, ahk_class MAME

Click 10, 10

WinWaitActive, ahk_class MAME

Sleep 100

DetectHiddenWindows on

WinActivate, ahk_class VPPlayer

WinWaitActive, ahk_class VPPlayer

MouseMove A_ScreenWidth//2, A_ScreenHeight//2


Process, WaitClose, %executable%

what does this new code do?

it brings dmd on top of playfield - not needed is dmd is on second screen - but some games like cirqus voltaire have dmd on pf, and some people have only one screen in a cab - so they have dmd over pf on all games

how it brings it?

in short - alt tab to dmd, click on dmd, alt tab to pf, click on pf

in ahk language it is

winactivate mame

click 10 10 - clicks on top of dmd

winactivate vpplayer

mousemove - moves mouse to center of the screen

click - clicks on center of the screen (this should bring vp to focus)

so what could go wrong?

we could maybe click on wrong place

as you can see vpplayer is activated at some point in the script

so please any one that has focus problem change mouse move and click lines to:

;MouseMove A_ScreenWidth//2, A_ScreenHeight//2

Click 960 540

this should click somewhere around center of the pf

let me know if it helps

if it doesnt help after click add line:

WinActivate, ahk_class VPPlayer

if that also doesn't help try to set hide mouse to false and watch where mouse goes or just press t and mouse will show up and let me know where it is

(you can do this before any change - just press t after game loads and check where is the mouse)

How about we try a diff approach - using GroupAdd to make a group of windows then WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, ahk_Group Groupname or Winhide ahk_group Groupname, winshow ahk_group Groupname - or even winactivate, winset alwaysontop one by one

Do you think it'll work? Might need detecthiddenwindows to be set

This is an excellent add on for hyperpin, just wondering if it would be possible for a short sound to be played while the table loads ?? or even a voice clip saying "loading"

Don't know if this got answered, but I will look into it - it's entirely possible, just has to be added to the todo list :P


yeah - sound would be great - sound is one big thing that is missing in hyperpin - not because HP has no sound but because all videos are without sound - it would be great to have sound in videos - like in mame. Videos make hyperspin installation so much better and more alive.

using some other key definitely solves it - i think jackblotto did it in some completely different thread

FYI, was able to get the uvp issue to work by mapping the exit button to a different pin on the nanotech controller. Instead of Joy8, I used Joy16. all is well. thanks for the tip



@blur fixed the swf rotation issue - just had to draw GUI offscreen then use updatelayeredwindow to move it into location

Sent from my FUSIONideos using Tapatalk

@dna disturber - send away - I'd be keen to have a look at it also

Pm sent....

Author of PINemHi............................:pcguru:

Decipher-dude for the HiToText project..........:pcguru:


HiToText 2010.11.4 Vs. Mame 0.140


Percentage of original games in HiToText :8.09 %

Percentage of original+clone games in HiToText:10.57 %



Hi Guys,

Just wanted to chime in and say the latest 1.294 wip4 is working amazing for me. Way faster, no glitches with B2S or anything as i can see!!

The only think i changed in my case was the ipac2 to reflect this:

Put "e" key in settings file for exitEmulatorKey and Hyperpin Exit key, like this:


Exit = 69


exitEmulatorKey = e

...and it works awesome now.

Just wanted to say thanx!!!!


ps. To anyone who try this, remember to program your old esc key to "e". I made the change originally but didn't program it correctly, and so it wasn't working, but does now. Once you make the change to "e", make sure you press "program" in the bottom right of the screen in you winipac config utility :)

Hi Guys,

Just wanted to chime in and say the latest 1.294 wip4 is working amazing for me. Way faster, no glitches with B2S or anything as i can see!!

The only think i changed in my case was the ipac2 to reflect this:

Put "e" key in settings file for exitEmulatorKey and Hyperpin Exit key, like this:


Exit = 69


exitEmulatorKey = e

...and it works awesome now.

Just wanted to say thanx!!!!


ps. To anyone who try this, remember to program your old esc key to "e". I made the change originally but didn't program it correctly, and so it wasn't working, but does now. Once you make the change to "e", make sure you press "program" in the bottom right of the screen in you winipac config utility :)

Great to hear, well I should have it completely broken again with the upcoming release :P Got'a keep ya on your toes ;)

Posted (edited)


I got a second swf that has rotated hiscores.

Using this piece of script I managed to get it to turn when the monitor is rotated.

if ((%A_GuiWidth%) < (%A_GuiHeight%)) {



else {



Maybe this is a solution to cabs vs desktop display

Let me know if it works..... if you have time to test it of course

Attached the swf-file (This one also uses the Hitemp.txt to get the hiscores out , so just place it in the hyperpin dir along with the rest of PINemHi (link in PM sent to you)

Dna Disturber :beer:

Edited by Dna Disturber

Author of PINemHi............................:pcguru:

Decipher-dude for the HiToText project..........:pcguru:


HiToText 2010.11.4 Vs. Mame 0.140


Percentage of original games in HiToText :8.09 %

Percentage of original+clone games in HiToText:10.57 %



I got a second swf that has rotated hiscores.

Using this piece of script I managed to get it to turn when the monitor is rotated.

Maybe this is a solution to cabs vs desktop display

Let me know if it works..... if you have time to test it of course

Attached the swf-file (This one also uses the Hitemp.txt to get the hiscores out , so just place it in the hyperpin dir along with the rest of PINemHi (link in PM sent to you)

Dna Disturber :beer:

Thanks, and perfect. Don't have a lot of time at the moment, but should be able to have a play in the next few weeks.


Great work guys, just keeps getting better.......

The 1st post update definitely sells it.

Blur has put alot into keeping it all going.

Good to see things finally getting back to normal for you samwyze.

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