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Ok so I have had a bit of a play with this and using fpexetables.txt directly will not work as bam`s fploader wants to be in its own dir [bam].

So next I have been trying to pass commands to fploader with Ahk and compiling this to an Exe that is then called from fpexetables.txt.

However I think its beyond my pay grade as either it just opens the Fp editor (via bam) or my script errors out, so my question is what is the commandline that fplaunch passes to FP?.

I can confirm that both Bam and fpexetables.txt are working for me.

I wish I could list what has been tried but all the varations are too many.

Any ideas blur?.


Posted (edited)
Ok so I have had a bit of a play with this and using fpexetables.txt directly will not work as bam`s fploader wants to be in its own dir [bam].

So next I have been trying to pass commands to fploader with Ahk and compiling this to an Exe that is then called from fpexetables.txt.

However I think its beyond my pay grade as either it just opens the Fp editor (via bam) or my script errors out, so my question is what is the commandline that fplaunch passes to FP?.

I can confirm that both Bam and fpexetables.txt are working for me.

I wish I could list what has been tried but all the varations are too many.

Any ideas blur?.

Hi guy, take my settings, working perfect with BAM, i dont have a wiimotes, but y like the extra setings for the cameras ,etc.. .

And a little pak of my HyperPin http://ul.to/4y6yz547

Saludos socio.

Version             =
Starting_Genre      = Future Pinball

Playfield_Monitor   = Primary
Backglass_Monitor   = Secondary
Quality             = BEST
Table_Video_Enabled = false
Table_Video_Offset  = 50
Use_Backglass       = true
Backglass_Image_x   = 0
Backglass_Image_y   = 0
Backglass_Image_w   = 1280
Backglass_Image_h   = 1024
Backglass_Image_r   = 0
Backglass_Delay     = .1

[Future Pinball]
Show_Games          = true
Exe                 = Future Pinball.exe
Path                = C:\Games\Future Pinball\BAM\
Table_Path          = C:\Games\Future Pinball\Tables\
Table_Video_Path    = C:\HyperPin\Media\Future Pinball\Table Videos\
Table_Image_Path    = C:\HyperPin\Media\Future Pinball\Table Images\
Backglass_Image_Path= C:\HyperPin\Media\Future Pinball\Backglass Images\

[Visual Pinball]
Show_Games          = false
Path                = C:\Games\Visual Pinball\
Table_Path          = C:\Games\Visual Pinball\Tables\
Table_Video_Path    = C:\HyperPin\Media\Visual Pinball\Table Videos\
Table_Image_Path    = C:\HyperPin\Media\Visual Pinball\Table Images\
Backglass_Image_Path= C:\HyperPin\Media\Visual Pinball\Backglass Images\
Exe                 = VPinball.exe

Speed               = normal
Text_Font           = Style2
Text_Stroke_Size    = 8
Text_Stroke_Color   = 0x000000
Text_Color1         = 0xe10008
Text_Color2         = 0xFFFFFF
Text_Color3         = 0xe10008
Color_Ratio         = 100
Shadow_Distance     = 0
Shadow_Angle        = 45
Shadow_Color        = 0x000000
Shadow_Alpha        = 1
Shadow_Blur         = 0

[intro Video]
Use_Intro           = true
Skip_On_Keypress    = false

Master_Volume       = 100
Video_Volume        = 50
Sound_FX_Volume     = 50
Wheel_Sound_Volume  = 50

Active              = true
Time                = 60
MaxSpinTime         = 10

[Press Start Text]
Enabled             = true
Text1               = Free Play
Text2               = Press Start
Color               = 0xffffff

Key_Delay           = false
Start               = 13
Exit                = 27
Up                  = 39
Down                = 37
SkipUp              = 38
SkipDown            = 40
Flyer               = 69
Instruction         = 73
Genre               = 71
Service             = 9

BottomX             = 300
CenterY             = 360

Width               = 600
BottomX             = 250
CenterY             = 360

Enable_Exit_Screen  = true
Exit_HyperPin       = true
Shutdown            = true
Enable_Shortcut     = true
Shortcut_Action     = exit
Shortcut_Time       = 3

[startup Program]
Executable          =
Parameters          =
Working_Directory   =
WinState            = HIDDEN

[Exit Program]
Executable          =
Parameters          =
Working_Directory   =
WinState            = NORMAL

system=Future Pinball
table=Road Girls

exitScriptKey    = ~q & ~s  ; kill script key
; menu keys
exitKey          = esc        ; invoke exit menu, can be joy button also (Joy1)
exitKey1         = esc        ; former pauseKey, works same as exit key
enterKey         = Enter        ; key for entering into menus
enterKey1        = Enter    ; and another one
upKey            = left   ; left flipper goes up in menus
upKey1           = left   ; another left flipper key - for joystick
downKey          = right   ; right flipper goes down in menus
downKey1         = right   ; another right flipper key - for joystick
; old settings
toggleCursorKey  = t
hideCursor       = true
hideDesktop      = true
hideTaskbar      = true
; new settings
useLoadingScreen = true     ; show loading slider
useExitScreen    = true     ; show exit321 countdown on long press
useExitAsPause   = true     ; open pause window on short press
useExitMenu      = true     ; use exit menu instead of pause window
fadespeed        = 25
pauseFPKey       = pause  ; pause in FP
saveFPTables     = true     ; save fp table position on exit
editTableKey     = !F4      ; close table and go to vp/fp editor
printScreenKey   = o        ; save playfield
printBGKey       = k        ; save backglass
pfScreenNum      = 2        ; playfield Screen Number (used for print screen)
bgScreenNum      = 1        ; backglass Screen Number (used for print screen)
flyerKey         = 8
instructionsKey  = 7
hyperScale       = 0.75
debugMode        = file
ledwiz           = false
toggleLedwizKey  = 1
hyperpinexe      = hyperpin.exe
focusSleep       = 500
useFocus         = both		; internal/external/both/none

Edited by jositochanante
Hi guy, take my settings, working perfect with BAM, i dont have a wiimotes, but y like the extra setings for the cameras ,etc.. .

And a little pak of my HyperPin http://ul.to/4y6yz547

Saludos socio.

Version             =
Starting_Genre      = Future Pinball

Playfield_Monitor   = Primary
Backglass_Monitor   = Secondary
Quality             = BEST
Table_Video_Enabled = false
Table_Video_Offset  = 50
Use_Backglass       = true
Backglass_Image_x   = 0
Backglass_Image_y   = 0
Backglass_Image_w   = 1280
Backglass_Image_h   = 1024
Backglass_Image_r   = 0
Backglass_Delay     = .1

[Future Pinball]
Show_Games          = true
Exe                 = Future Pinball.exe
Path                = C:\Games\Future Pinball\BAM\
Table_Path          = C:\Games\Future Pinball\Tables\
Table_Video_Path    = C:\HyperPin\Media\Future Pinball\Table Videos\
Table_Image_Path    = C:\HyperPin\Media\Future Pinball\Table Images\
Backglass_Image_Path= C:\HyperPin\Media\Future Pinball\Backglass Images\

[Visual Pinball]
Show_Games          = false
Path                = C:\Games\Visual Pinball\
Table_Path          = C:\Games\Visual Pinball\Tables\
Table_Video_Path    = C:\HyperPin\Media\Visual Pinball\Table Videos\
Table_Image_Path    = C:\HyperPin\Media\Visual Pinball\Table Images\
Backglass_Image_Path= C:\HyperPin\Media\Visual Pinball\Backglass Images\
Exe                 = VPinball.exe

Speed               = normal
Text_Font           = Style2
Text_Stroke_Size    = 8
Text_Stroke_Color   = 0x000000
Text_Color1         = 0xe10008
Text_Color2         = 0xFFFFFF
Text_Color3         = 0xe10008
Color_Ratio         = 100
Shadow_Distance     = 0
Shadow_Angle        = 45
Shadow_Color        = 0x000000
Shadow_Alpha        = 1
Shadow_Blur         = 0

[intro Video]
Use_Intro           = true
Skip_On_Keypress    = false

Master_Volume       = 100
Video_Volume        = 50
Sound_FX_Volume     = 50
Wheel_Sound_Volume  = 50

Active              = true
Time                = 60
MaxSpinTime         = 10

[Press Start Text]
Enabled             = true
Text1               = Free Play
Text2               = Press Start
Color               = 0xffffff

Key_Delay           = false
Start               = 13
Exit                = 27
Up                  = 39
Down                = 37
SkipUp              = 38
SkipDown            = 40
Flyer               = 69
Instruction         = 73
Genre               = 71
Service             = 9

BottomX             = 300
CenterY             = 360

Width               = 600
BottomX             = 250
CenterY             = 360

Enable_Exit_Screen  = true
Exit_HyperPin       = true
Shutdown            = true
Enable_Shortcut     = true
Shortcut_Action     = exit
Shortcut_Time       = 3

[startup Program]
Executable          =
Parameters          =
Working_Directory   =
WinState            = HIDDEN

[Exit Program]
Executable          =
Parameters          =
Working_Directory   =
WinState            = NORMAL

system=Future Pinball
table=Road Girls

exitScriptKey    = ~q & ~s  ; kill script key
; menu keys
exitKey          = esc        ; invoke exit menu, can be joy button also (Joy1)
exitKey1         = esc        ; former pauseKey, works same as exit key
enterKey         = Enter        ; key for entering into menus
enterKey1        = Enter    ; and another one
upKey            = left   ; left flipper goes up in menus
upKey1           = left   ; another left flipper key - for joystick
downKey          = right   ; right flipper goes down in menus
downKey1         = right   ; another right flipper key - for joystick
; old settings
toggleCursorKey  = t
hideCursor       = true
hideDesktop      = true
hideTaskbar      = true
; new settings
useLoadingScreen = true     ; show loading slider
useExitScreen    = true     ; show exit321 countdown on long press
useExitAsPause   = true     ; open pause window on short press
useExitMenu      = true     ; use exit menu instead of pause window
fadespeed        = 25
pauseFPKey       = pause  ; pause in FP
saveFPTables     = true     ; save fp table position on exit
editTableKey     = !F4      ; close table and go to vp/fp editor
printScreenKey   = o        ; save playfield
printBGKey       = k        ; save backglass
pfScreenNum      = 2        ; playfield Screen Number (used for print screen)
bgScreenNum      = 1        ; backglass Screen Number (used for print screen)
flyerKey         = 8
instructionsKey  = 7
hyperScale       = 0.75
debugMode        = file
ledwiz           = false
toggleLedwizKey  = 1
hyperpinexe      = hyperpin.exe
focusSleep       = 500
useFocus         = both		; internal/external/both/none

Hi thanks for the input.

I know that I can run bam this way but I do not want to exclusivly run FP through bam as I am using more than one FP.exe and need to use fpexetables.txt to do this.

I guess whats needed is an ahk command that just mirrors whatever command it receives on to a destination (just thinking out load).

Will play a bit more with this later.

Posted (edited)

there's no way to do multi exe with bam

to do multi exe with bam - bam will have to know how to launch different exe and it doesn't - it always launches future pinball.exe - for example - bam could launch his own file name - from dir above

so if you rename fploader.exe to future pinball.exe it launches future pinball.exe - but if you rename it to fp2.5.exe it launches fp2.5 which could have different physics

also to run bam and no bam at the same hyperpin is not possible right now since bam is started from different folder

you could put BAM\fploader.exe as another exe but then bam\fploader is used as executable throughout the script which is not good for same reason why fploader.exe is not good exe name

if bam could be started from same folder it would be easier to run bam and no bam together but it would be impossible to have fploader with same name as future pinball exe - so again waitclose for executable would not work

Edited by blur

One other problem I'm seeing when using the "rename FPLoader.exe to Future Pinball.exe" method...

It causes some focus problems when using it with Hyperpin. Hyperpin view and playing table are normal, but when starting a table or in exit menu the Future Pinball application GUI is now visible. I guess it's because FPLaunch only Winhides the first Future Pinball.exe/FPLoader.exe launched and not the eventual "real" Future Pinball.exe.

there's no way to do multi exe with bam

to do multi exe with bam - bam will have to know how to launch different exe and it doesn't - it always launches future pinball.exe - for example - bam could launch his own file name - from dir above

so if you rename fploader.exe to future pinball.exe it launches future pinball.exe - but if you rename it to fp2.5.exe it launches fp2.5 which could have different physics

also to run bam and no bam at the same hyperpin is not possible right now since bam is started from different folder

you could put BAM\fploader.exe as another exe but then bam\fploader is used as executable throughout the script which is not good for same reason why fploader.exe is not good exe name

if bam could be started from same folder it would be easier to run bam and no bam together but it would be impossible to have fploader with same name as future pinball exe - so again waitclose for executable would not work

Thats disapointing blur, so I guess what we need then is for BAM/FPloader to be able to run from the root FP dir but save its table configs to its own bam dir?

I am not wanting Bam to choose differing FP exe`s though , I just want to be able to designate what tables are loaded with Bam and what ones are not.

The reason for this is that I use fpexetables.text to launch some tables with an exe set with really dark lighting (Aliens for example).


With BAM can change the dark lighting only the tables you like, i use BAM for the cameras, i like the perspective i can put on game with BAM, i dont use wiimote never. and the normal camera only i used on few tables



I posted this on vpf but thought I should post my question here as well.

Having a few weird issues with WIP10 that I didn't have before upgrading.

1. Exiting tables. I hit my exit key on my pin and the pause/exit menu comes up as normal. I use my flippers to go down to exit on the bottom, but when I hit my start button the table doesn't exit. It just resumes playing. To get it to exit I need to hit my exit button, then hit ENTER on my keyboard. That gets me back to the table selection. What's weird is that when I hit exit from table selection to exit hp I scroll down to exit and hit my start button and that works fine.

2. Ledwiz turning off. I'll load hp and play a table. Ledwiz working fine. Quit out and go to another table and the ledwiz may be off now. What am I doing that would turn it off? Never had this issue before WIP10.

3. Can I still do screenshots of the Backglass screen in WIP10? I used to hit U to take a snapshot of the Backglass. In the settings I just see one key now for screen shot. It was very handy for b2s backglasses to take a snapshot of just that screen and use it for HP.




Will there ever be an option that shows the last game loaded on startup? If I always play the same table for some days it's annoying that I have to scroll though many tables to get there...

Will there ever be an option that shows the last game loaded on startup? If I always play the same table for some days it's annoying that I have to scroll though many tables to get there...

Would love to see this option or the ability to select which table to start at. Even a random would nice. Hate it starting at the same one every time.



never gonna happen

fplaunch knows last game and will start on last game (double click on fplaunch, play some game, then exit and double click fplaunch again), but hyperpin doesn't know it and can't start on it

  • 3 weeks later...

I have a problem when exiting a VP table. The table exits ok and VP seems to close but HP seems to freeze. If I push ALT/Tab HP unfreezes and works OK.

This has only happened since I installed the latest version of FPLaunch 1.295wip10.

I am using VP 914 with 2 screens. I only use UVP backglass.

I can see all the loading and exiting screens and the table plays like normal.

I have checked the setting.ini file in Hyperpin to make sure the ESC key is not set to pause or exit, they are p and e.

Is something maybe staying open causing HP not to respond? There seems to be nothing in task manager open.

I have a problem when exiting a VP table. The table exits ok and VP seems to close but HP seems to freeze. If I push ALT/Tab HP unfreezes and works OK.

This has only happened since I installed the latest version of FPLaunch 1.295wip10.

I am using VP 914 with 2 screens. I only use UVP backglass.

I can see all the loading and exiting screens and the table plays like normal.

I have checked the setting.ini file in Hyperpin to make sure the ESC key is not set to pause or exit, they are p and e.

Is something maybe staying open causing HP not to respond? There seems to be nothing in task manager open.

have fixed the problem.

I should have mentioned I have windows 8 running. This is not in a cab its my desktop PC.

Its a compatability mode issue with HP. I had it set to XP SP3.

I changed it to win7.

Everything works ok now.


I also use Windows 8 and after I installed FPLaunch 1.295 WIP10 Future Pinball doesn't exit properly as it did with the FPLaunch included in the Hyperpin installation.

If I change compatibility for Hyperpin.exe I also have a message error in the top side of the screen (it tells no fpram file found) and the table image disappears (only backglass one stays).

Any solution on how to setup the settings.ini maybe?


I had to disable the compatibility in the Future Pinball.exe file. Now Hyperpin exits without problems, closing also Future Pinball (as it must be).

But I still have some issues,

first of all I only see the loading images, not for example the countdown ones when closing a table.

Another issue I had is that when I put a table in pause Hyperpin gives me an error because it is looking for the fpRAM files in this address:

D:\Dean\Games\Emulatori\Future Pinball\fpRAM

that is not mine, I had to create all these and put my .fpRAM files there.

Other issue is that when I put in pause the background of the table monitor becomes a screenshot of the backglass monitor.

I think the programmer meant to do this (in fact I see after exiting Hyperpin that it creates a screenshot of the screen 1 of the last used table, a screen.bmp), the problem is that in my pc the desktop 1 is the backglass monitor and desktop 2 is the table monitor (and for some reason I cannot change the order in the Windows settings).

Any idea about how to solve these issues?


Thank you, ok for pinemhi and playfield screenshots but backglass screenshots are black (?!)

Also I will need to rotate 180° Hyperpin so I set 90° instead of 270° in the settings.ini, everything fine when I tried with the menus in the wheel page except the extra menus added by FPLaunch (inside a table) still show like it is 270°. How do I change it?


rotating screen is not supported (because all vp tables are in 270)

black print screen is usually driver problem - check forums for drivers that work with your gpu (probably some old version)


That's bad, I only use FP tables. Why then rotating is possible for Hyperpin and not for FPLaunch?

Also after installing the last version of FPlaunch the 2001 Popotte 2.0 table doesn't load correctly the table items (works fine if loaded directly in FP without Hyperpin).

And the images when exiting a table don't show up. Any idea? (thanks again for your help!)


try screen shots with table opened outside of hyperpin

for table not loading - i don't have any idea what could be the problem - works for me - maybe you should check settings - try to set savefptables to false


Making screenshots with FP worked. But if I use Fraps it only can take it for the primary screen (playfield) and if I use the native Windows 8 key combo (Win+PrintScreen) it takes all the 2 monitors image alltogether and then I need to crop, canvas etc with an image editor (Photoshop).

I have at the moment about 240 recreated tables in my database and I still have to add the original ones.

Therefore it would be too much work. I also need to rename...

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