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My first HyperSpin intro video


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Hello HyperSpin world,

Like many others, I just took a step into creating my first HyperSpin intro video. Since I love HyperSpin, Mame and Tron so much...I thought of combining the three elements.

Original HyperSpin Derezzed Intro:

New "shorter" version of HyperSpin Derezzed Intro:

** UPDATE **

Two new intro videos here for your enjoyment:

Flynn's Intro (this is my personal one for my HyperSpin project)

TRON Intro

** UPDATE ** - 09/04/14

New Flynn's intro - Added "ENCOM Presents" lead-in.

Let me know what you think...I'd like some feedback, either way.

Thank you,

Craig - Atlanta, Ga. USA

looks good, but it is too generic, it could be the intro for everything :)

That's actually the kind of "look" I was going for. I didn't want to focus on any specific genera. I wanting to just give small elements of "arcade games"...like Tron (of course), there's a little Space Invaders, a little Tetris. In the end, I just wanted "something" I've not seen before with a HyperSpin intro. Too many elements and video clips of the same things keep cropping up in new intro videos. No offence to anyone out there who's created an intro video, etc. It's because of other's genius works on intros that inspired me to create this one.

I do appreciate your constructive input. Thank you. :-)

30 seconds too long

Hmm...you know, I did consider that after I had it completed (wondering if the intro was too long). OK, I'll take that challenge. I'll re-edit and come up with something, at least, 30 seconds shorter.

Do what you think is best and share it with people. If they like they will use it.

Awesome. Love the neons and the sounds. It could be longer imo cause it's just that interesting to me. I'm looking for an epic intro that's actually long and inclusive with some dubstep feel to it. Loved it!!

I comprehend the concept of an intro being just that for only a few seconds to introduce you to the setup but isn't the introduction supposed to be the grand gesture though? Ponder that one.

Hello HyperSpin world,

Like many others, I just took a step into creating my first HyperSpin intro video. Since I love HyperSpin, Mame and Tron so much...I thought of combining the three elements.

Let me know what you think...I'd like some feedback, either way.

Thank you,

Craig - Atlanta, Ga. USA

I like it. It looks like something I've seen before though, did you create everything from scratch or is this something that's been re-edited from something else?

Either way, I dig it.

I like it. It looks like something I've seen before though, did you create everything from scratch or is this something that's been re-edited from something else?

Either way, I dig it.

Yes, true...this was all re-editing. I first started with the music (Derezzed by Daft Punk from Tron Legacy). I cut the song down first to what I thought could work. From there, the video was re-edited from three separate sources. I'm the first to admit, I am in no way THAT talented to create these visuals from scratch.

Hello HyperSpin world,

Like many others, I just took a step into creating my first HyperSpin intro video. Since I love HyperSpin, Mame and Tron so much...I thought of combining the three elements.

Let me know what you think...I'd like some feedback, either way.

Thank you,

Craig - Atlanta, Ga. USA

Is this on the FTP? Looks really good.

Is this on the FTP? Looks really good.

Ok...it's now out on the FTP site under "/Upload Here/lildivaaa/HyperSpin Intro"

Also, the new "shorter" version is on the FTP as well in the same directory.

30 seconds too long

Hello charlie1212,

I took your advise and revised the intro down to about 23 seconds. The original was 40 seconds and if I tried to shave off enough to take out your suggested 30 seconds too long, that would have left me with 10 seconds for an intro.

So, I did the best I could. Please have a look:

New "shorter" version of HyperSpin Derezzed Intro:


Looks great!

HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/

Great work man! With all the new intro videos coming out we're going to need a choose random intro video function!

Check my signature, Hyperspin folder =)

Mame related stuff: FTP: grandis.nu, port 21, user:misc, pass:misc


Tur-Matcher - Match your roms/media/XML files.
Another Idle Volume Adjuster - Automatically control the volume.
How to: Use MAME Extras as material for HyperPause
How to: Use eXoDOS 2.0 as material for HyperPause


Don't get me wrong, you did an amazing job but for an intro, it was too long. Even still, I'd end it when INSERT COIN appears.

Hello charlie1212,

I took your advise and revised the intro down to about 23 seconds. The original was 40 seconds and if I tried to shave off enough to take out your suggested 30 seconds too long, that would have left me with 10 seconds for an intro.

So, I did the best I could. Please have a look:

New "shorter" version of HyperSpin Derezzed Intro:

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello All,

Two NEW intro videos I've created, for your enjoyment. Hope you like them!

Flynn's Intro (this is my personal one for my HyperSpin project)

TRON Intro




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