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The Jiggawatt - MAME arcade intro


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Hey Everybody I dont usually post, In fact i never have, but the info on some of these threads has really helped me. Im going blind and one of the items on my "Blind Bucket list" is to build my own mame cab and play.

Im calling mine The Jiggawatt.

I wanted to give back and share.

I do PC repair on my own and the patch guy is my logo (I wore an eye patch for 10 years)



Dude - I have had a BAD few weeks, maybe even months. My work SUCKS!!!! I have been a shell of myself lately with family, friends, etc.... I just want to thank you for posting this and for your insanely great attitude. I hope you post more going forward and tell us about your bucket list and more about yourself. I know for me it was a nice wakeup call to life and probably will be to others posting soon!

Thanks again. Love the intro and the positivity!


I've just woken up and the first 2 posts have made my day and the intro is fantastic.

Wishing you all the best TimothyTim, that's a great first post and I hope we get more.




Very well done sir!

When you find great deals on Craigslist for CRT based cabs, exuberance can be a bad thing!


Current status of cabs:  0/5 working as desired :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


Great job!

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Thanks guys.

I am happy with how it turned out. The first couple of time I watched the completed video I shouted a big WOO HOO!

My inner child is content for a few minutes.

I used Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Premiere Pro and Anime Studio Pro.


really cool work tim and i also hope we read more of you and your progress

all the best for the future




Glad my words made a difference. I know a crappy job can really affect everything in life. I feel my worst when im not moving forward. Don't ever buy into the thought "there's nothing i can do" its a lie. Tell it to yourself enough times and you'll believe it. We can always do SOMETHING. I've been there.. got the T-Shirt and i'll probably go back for another.

About me? I love computers. I have since I was a kid (I read my MS DOS 5.0 book cover to cover). I'm self taught and am approaching a level of skill that I've always wanted. I have something called Marfan syndrome also called the "Giant Killer" (im not a fan of the nick name. lol) feel free to google the heck out of it.

And Thanks for the "Thanks" man. Glad you like the vid.


such big words always make a difference and your positive mindset its admirable

and I have only praise to give. thanks for your words man



My cab is coming along well. I'll post some when i think its photo worthy. I want to add a Flux capacitor near the coin mec. They are CRAZY expensive so Im gonna try to build one. I just need to get started with the lights. Im looking for them.. With my bad vision soldering is a bad idea. Good news is I have EVery thing i need.. just busting my brains on the software setup.

Please let me know if you have any ideas.


Very nice work! You have inspired me to dust off my copy of Lightwave to see what I can create for the cab I am building.


Good job TimothyTim. Please do post pics when you get the flux capacitor built. I have a feeling this will make many of us up the ante on our future builds.


Working on the flux capacitor now. I think i found the lights i need. I don't know if it will be movie perfect, but its gonna be cool.

Im a software guy.. but i learning what i can do with the hardware :)

My cab is coming along well. I'll post some when i think its photo worthy. I want to add a Flux capacitor near the coin mec. They are CRAZY expensive so Im gonna try to build one. I just need to get started with the lights. Im looking for them.. With my bad vision soldering is a bad idea. Good news is I have EVery thing i need.. just busting my brains on the software setup.

Please let me know if you have any ideas.

Take a look at this instructable



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