Fursphere Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 That might be showing the price of shipping to me as I am based in Australia. I don't know, I pulled the link directly from my ebay account. I thought that was reasonable for getting from Nebraska to here. The recoil doesn't shift the barrel, but I don't want to go for the DIY option so that's what you pay for convenience I guess. I was just hoping they were a member here so they might feel like a discount. Having said that, these look like custom jobs as they don't sell the guns with recoil kits installed do they? It shows me the AUS and the US price. Its $58.85 US or something. most people who sell stuff on ebay make a profit on the shipping because ebay dose not take a cut out of the shipping. so by marking it up they can make the full profit even after ebay takes there cut. also its 2 guns. That actually changed a few years back. eBay now bases thier fees off the total auction price including shipping.
Monyet Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 Well...I've pulled the trigger. This will be a great addition to my controller collection. Might see if I can find a way to mount them to my Tankstick and get some of that solid metal tubing that looks like an endoscopy camera to hold the cables.
Drkdweller Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 any reason not to just buy them from http://www.ultimarc.com/aimtrak.html the source?
evil eye Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 any reason not to just buy them from http://www.ultimarc.com/aimtrak.html the source? Those are non-recoil kits. However, this is still news to me, when they were first selling AimTraks they were not selling already assembled guns. Makes sense for them to do it though, attracts the average Joe.
evil eye Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 ^ They only sell the non-recoil guns there. Which by the way is news to me, when the Aimtrak first came out they were not selling the entire package preassembled. Very smart business move as that is much more appealing to the plug and play crowd.
Monyet Posted January 9, 2013 Posted January 9, 2013 Hence my from the hip impulse buy... I will post video when up and running.
Drkdweller Posted January 9, 2013 Posted January 9, 2013 I think aimtrak has been selling the guns preassembled for over a year now.
Monyet Posted January 9, 2013 Posted January 9, 2013 I think aimtrak has been selling the guns preassembled for over a year now. Yes, but not with the recoil kit built in. You have to get it as a DIY kit and add it in yourself. I could have done this but I am short on time at the moment and didn't want to have to read through pages of tutorials and run in to potential roadblocks.
Drkdweller Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 has anyone bought from this guy? http://www.ebay.com/itm/AimTrak-Light-Gun-Boxed-BLACK-assembled-just-plug-mame-NEW-/221171231904?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item337ed52ca0 I like the look of this gun better than the arcadeguns red and blue ones. can anyone comment on the quality/accuracy on this gun vs http://www.arcadeguns.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=3&zenid=9q1vcjlhktiir4e5g7icpjs1o6
evil eye Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 An AimTrak gun is an AimTrak gun. Doesn't matter how you dress it up, it will perform the same regardless of the casing. All that matters is the guts (AimTrak) the rest is simply cosmetic and based on preference. With that being said I have the red and blues, and they are fine, but will soon upgrade to the black recoil guns.
inky Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 Would a step-up power converter work for this purpose? http://www.ebay.com/itm/290972178719?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
sreisig1 Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 I use these. One for each gun and they work great: http://www.ebay.com/itm/36V-4-16A-150W-Watt-AC-DC-Power-Adapter-for-adapter-connector2-1-2-5Charger-PSU-/231044264737?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35cb4fb321
Ironfist187 Posted February 27, 2015 Posted February 27, 2015 I use these. One for each gun and they work great:http://www.ebay.com/itm/36V-4-16A-150W-Watt-AC-DC-Power-Adapter-for-adapter-connector2-1-2-5Charger-PSU-/231044264737?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35cb4fb321 Hello, do you have any trouble with your guns recoil? I also use the exact same power supplies as you and i'm having a really hard time with my solenoid. At first the head of the rod inside the solenoid gets lose and the solenoid is getting very hot all the time. I replaced the rod with a new one and reduced the recoil to the middle setting in the drivers. I did constantly checked if the gun is getting hot again but after 1 hour of playing various games it was all cool. Then suddenly the recoil was not functioning the gun was getting instant super hot and the solenoid burnt out and there was bad smelling smoke coming out of the gun. The bobbing hasn't melt but the plastic wrapping and cables where molten and the gun shell is a little bit molten. The solenoid is broken and i don't know what to do now? If i buy a new one it might be the same thing. What can be the cause of this? I have read that it might be that the voltage is to low, so maybe at one point the power supply is not delivering 36v 4.16A. : http://www.womackmachine.com/engineering-toolbox/design-data-sheets/finding-the-cause-of-solenoid-coil-burn-out.aspx Also overvoltage might be the issue: http://www.rossdecco.com/solenoid-troubleshooting.html or is the solenoid suddenly getting a constant power and then overheats and burns out? I'm a little desperate because i want to buy a second gun with recoil and now i'm a little confused what is causing all this trouble. 1. Am i the only one experiencing difficulties? 2. Is it maybe because of the 36V 4.16A 150W Watt AC/DC Power Adapter i'm using? 3. Should i buy another Power Adapter with less Ampere or voltage? If so, what should i buy? 3. Is it because of wrong soldering? 4. Is it the solenoid? Was it not working from the beginning as it should? 5. How can i narrow down what is causing this? Any input would be helpful, thanks!
TapeWormInYourGut Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 I am by no means an expert, but a solenoid is basically a coiled wire with a piston in the center. When you supply power to it, it magnetizes and pulls the piston back. The higher the voltage, the stronger the force will be. The heat is caused by your 36v power supply. Too much heat will break your a solenoid. If your solenoid does not work after it cooled down, then it probably needs to be replaced. You should use a 24v power supply if you are using an aimtrak. Some threads around the net indicate that 2 amps should be good enough if the power supply is hooked to a single aimtrak. I know 36v makes it move faster, but it is too high for a solenoid of that size.
Yardley Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 Hi Guys, so what is the best "brick" style power supply to use for the recoil? Just ordered two guns with the recoil pre-installed and also ordered the two power supplies linked below which seem like a good choice but I'm not certain. One doubt I have is will the connector fit that of the lightgun? Or are these all pretty much the same size? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kodak-Easyshare-Printer-1K1019-36v-3A-Power-Supply-AC-ADAPTER-ONLY-/281878328382?hash=item41a141f43e:g:oDEAAOSw5VFWPK6B http://www.ebay.com/itm/1pcs-high-quality-Power-adapter-36V-4A-DC-switch-Power-Supply-/161890037372?hash=item25b165ee7c:g:WBUAAOSwQoFWOVRt
Yardley Posted January 7, 2016 Posted January 7, 2016 Anyone? I received the Kodak adapter but the connector is male and so is that Aimtrak's connector.
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