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Visitor Q

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About Visitor Q

  • Birthday 02/22/1974

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  1. It does for me as well.
  2. A little off topic but what kinda comic books did you collect?
  3. Awesome Jim. Chris is a great guy who really knows his stuff, you are very lucky... Those are some really great titles! <---I own a MB, my first pin. So whats it like to be rich? hehehehe
  4. I guess you haven't played the yoshizuki tables, MM rox!
  5. Let's hope because I think that is there biggest draw back. Right now VP crushes FP in terms of recreating tables and that is what I mainly like to play. Some of the FP are excellent but there is also a lot of crap. Word of advice, don't ever by a real pinball machine, there like a drug... Very addictive! I can’t wait to by another!!!
  6. rec.games.pinball is awesome but seriously... This over an arcade cab!?
  7. I wish FP pinball had more recreated tables, I really enjoy VP because of it rom support. Cool project, how much $$$ do figure its gonna run you? Hey wait... Bill? Did you build a cab yet?
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