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Everything posted by jesfknkrys

  1. @StuS here you go.
  2. You’re welcome! Hopefully the downloads section comes back soon.
  3. @kyceneTry the below in Command Prompt.
  4. Does MAME run properly without Hyperspin? I use the attached Rocket Launcher Module for the most recent version of MAME, hopefully that helps. MAME.ahk
  5. Great. Thank you
  6. looks like you just need the qsound_hle.zip file in your rom folder.
  7. You are missing the qsound. Do a search for qsound rom. It is needed for cps2 games.
  8. Also, make sure the antivirus is not blocking the program.
  9. This video should help you get started. Make sure your drive is mapped as instructed by the seller.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    16:9 Theme + Wheel Art + Video Snap <game name="gwarj" index="true" image="g"> <description>Guevara (Japan)</description> <cloneof>gwar</cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer>SNK</manufacturer> <year>1987</year> <genre>Shooter</genre> <rating></rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game>
  11. Version 1.0.0


    16:9 Theme + wheel Art + Video Snap <game name="cascade" index="true" image="c"> <description>Cascade</description> <cloneof>avalnche</cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer>bootleg? (Sidam)</manufacturer> <year>1978</year> <genre>Ball &#38; Paddle</genre> <rating></rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game>
  12. Version 1.0.1


    16:9 Theme <game name="10yard85" index="true" image="1"> <description>10-Yard Fight &#039;85 (US, Taito license)</description> <cloneof>10yard</cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer>Irem (Taito license)</manufacturer> <year>1985</year> <genre>Sports/Football</genre> <rating></rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game>
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Wheel only
  14. Version 1.0.0


    16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video Snap <game name="ikarijp" index="true" image="i"> <description>Ikari (Japan No Continues)</description> <cloneof>ikari</cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer>SNK</manufacturer> <year>1986</year> <genre>Shooter</genre> <rating></rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game>
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Wheel + 16:9 Theme + Video Snap <game name="navarone" index="true" image="n"> <description>Navarone</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer>Namco</manufacturer> <year>1980</year> <genre>Shooter</genre> <rating></rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game>
  16. Update: 8/2/23 I installed Hyperspin 1.51 on a Surface Pro with Windows 11 with latest updates up to 8/2/2023 and worked as well. I just downloaded and installed a fresh copy of Hyperspin 1.5.1 on Windows 10 Pro 22H2 and worked without any issues. See picture below. Things to try: 1. Right click on "Hyperspin.exe" and select "Run as Administrator". 2. DIsable your antivirus temporarily. 3. Download a fresh copy of Hyperspin ad install it on a separate drive to test. That way we rule out Hyperspin as the issue. Don't forget to copy the sxs.dll file inside the Hyperspin folder. Let us know if you need additional assistance.
  17. @kneetzstopz I had to run a Windows system scan to fix my issue when Hyperspin would not load. It has been working great since. I’m running the latest Windows update. Try running a sfc / scannow. Let us know if you need additional assistance.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    jetwave Wheel (only)
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