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Everything posted by StreetGamer

  1. Hi, friend! Great job. Can you make the 3D boxes collection like this perspective image? Thanks for all!
  2. Hi, friend! See this XML. Nintendo DS - Nintendo (2005).xml
  3. Hi, friend! Try this XML. Amiga - Commodore (1987).xml
    Hi, friend! I liked about your Theme. I have one crazy idea for this. Can you make the Video Hover on the Theme? I try make, but the PNG used dont fill the all screen in Rest Hover option. Very thanks!
  4. Thanks, friend! Great job!
  5. Valeu, amigo!
  6. Great job! Very thanks!
  7. Hi! Great themes! Do you have the original wheels in good resolution? Thanks!
  8. Hi, friend! Do you have the Duck Adventures wheel? This is the only i dont have. Thanks
  9. Do you have this wheels for Dreamcast? 1- Eisei Meijin III - Game Creator Yoshimura Nobuhiro no Zunou (Japan) 2- Golf Shiyouyo 2 - Aratanaru Chousen (Japan) 3- Golf Shiyouyo - Kouryaku Pack (Japan) 4- Heisei Mahjong Shou (Japan) 5- Lake Masters Pro Dreamcast Plus! (Japan) 6- Leona's Tricky Adventures (World) (Unl) 7- Morita no Saikyo Reversi (Japan) 8- Morita no Saikyo Shougi (Japan) 9- Pro Mahjong Kiwame D (Japan) 10- Shanghai Dynasty (Japan) 11- Soukou no Kihei - Space Griffon (Japan) 12- Tanaka Torahiko no Urutoraryu Syougi - Ibisya Anaguma Hen (Japan)
  10. Maneirissimo o tema! Obrigado pela XML.
  11. Great Job! Thank very much!!
  12. Great job, friend! Thanks!!
  13. Great job friend! I dont see the file: Sexy Yakyuuken Adventure II - Gal's Dungeon Part II (Japan) (Unl) Do you send this in the set? Thanks!
  14. thanks, friend! Great job!
  15. Esta certissimo!!
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