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Everything posted by brudibru

  1. There may be one game to add to your collection: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/wipeout-phantom-edition-finally-gives-the-playstation-racing-classic-the-pc-remaster-it-deserves-thanks-to-one-fan
  2. Very good ! Working on the Comad games is always fun isn't it ?
  3. very good, thanks !
  4. Well done ! Must not have been easy to find ideas for such a weird quiz game !!
  5. Which kind of games did you left out ? old arcade or PC games ? consoles games ?
  6. Great stuff !! Thanks for sharing. I have a question: For the 6th generation consoles, do you use Retroarch or standalone emus ?Do you recommand retroarch whenever possible ? I assume you are configuring the movement range with the logitech app and the problem is you can configure it only once for retroarch or you have to have multiple instances of RA with different range settings. The problem is the same for Mame where sometimes the best setting can even be 90°.
  7. It is a completely different game. Gotcha! from Atari is one of the first arcade game ever made in 1973 and Got-cha mini game festival is a japanese game from 1997. But I understand the confusion. The original theme for Got-cha made by jochitko already use a Gotcha! artwork and you can find the same kind of mistake everywhere on the net. Even on Arcade Italia, where the wrong cabinet is attributed to Got-cha. The 1997 game would probably need a brand new theme.
  8. John, the cabinet you used for the theme is from the 1973 Atari game. I love the illustration though (the 70's sense of freedom ) The 1973 game is emulated by Dice and not MAME as far as I know
  9. That looks awesome Mackano !!
  10. the wii wheel may be large enough to get a decent result with a spinner and your solution is clever too. The difficulty is to set the right analog sensibility in MAME. Concerning the guy in the video I also thought he had designed a clever connection but in other videos you can see him clearly plugging in a usb cable, so I don't know. It seems that he had explained everything in a forum but ,sadly, it doesn't exists anymore.
  11. Thanks for the tips, that's very useful !!
  12. Version 1.0.0


    A last galaxian bootleg. I recycled some elements. Credits to nonnets (I think) for the beautiful animated background. 2023-07-05 12-59-55.mp4
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Another galaxian clone...and more to come ! 2023-07-05 09-22-01.mp4
  14. That's great news ! It's true that X360ce can achieve magic but I thought it would still requires a lot of work. I never tried it with emulators just with individual PC games like the need for speed games that doesn't support steering wheels, and it was quite some work to make the driving feels correctly. So it's very good to see that you have been able to configure it that quickly with emulators. Maybe you can explain a little bit more the kind of settings you are configuring within retroarch. I had planned to start working on my own setup much later on but I now have the temptation to start configuring some emulators right away ! Configuring MAME games could effectively be a bit tricky because it will be a game by game work and not per emulator. The same for old PC games as you know the difficulty will sometimes be to make them work on a modern rig (you can find help on dedicated sites like https://classicgamefixes.wixsite.com/home , https://www.play-old-pc-games.com/ and https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Home but you probably know them already ). Thanks again for sharing your experience, it's groundbreaking and will sure be very useful for many people !
  15. It's not mine, just a video I found on youtube but I sure wish it would be !! I am really wondering if it's a "real" steering wheel or just a wheel mounted on a spinner. Searching the net, I have found the following wheel which can be mounted on a spinner and is quite bigger than the spintrak one. Could do a good job with the sprint games maybe: https://thunderstickstudio.com/products/grs-arcade-steering-wheel
  16. On which cabinet do you want to play them ? The gauntlet one or the racing one ? You may remember that the sprint/sprint 4 kind of games were played with a wheel you had to turn endlessly on one side or an other much like maneuvering a boat with a rudder (at least that's how I remember it), so it is difficult to have the same feeling with a traditionnal steering wheel. I have a spintrak spinner on my cab on which I can adapt a small wheel. The sensations are closer from the original but it is still too sensitive, mostly because the steering wheel is too small. I should try to adapt a bigger wheel (but I probably would have to build it myself) or try again to find the right sensibility settings in MAME. This guy was able to adapt a steering wheel though, and it looks pretty awesome !
  17. wow Cyberball ! you are so right, it should be in my top 3 too. I should have put sprint also (not supersprint) or one of its clones as I remember playing it so much during summer vacations in the late 70's.
  18. 1. Donkey kong 2. Outrun 3. Star Wars
  19. Great work ! You have done well by priorizing playability to quantity. You must feel satisfied and elated. It requires a lot of self-discipline to keep it to reasonable number of perfectly playable games. I wish I could say the same, I have been working on my cabinet setup for the last 16 years and it is still pretty much a work in progress, because I keep adding games and systems instead of playing and configuring them...and I suspect I may not be the only one like that in this forum. Now you can go back to your racing cabinet and work on configuring the games for the months/years to come
  20. Thanks Floating ! Hyperspin and Hypertheme are great tools, despite not being maintained anymore, and trying to override their limitations is a nice challenge. A lot of creatorshave already proved that you can achieve a lot with clever solutions and that is a motivation to learn from them. The difficulty with the creation of swf animations is to imagine how HS will be able to render them in the end. The animations looks and plays much better in Adobe Animate which is a bit frustrating. Blending them in a theme is also a challenge and I will take in account your advice for future works (very soon !).
  21. Nicely done with the old konami logo !
  22. Very nice !
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