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Everything posted by brudibru

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Based on the original theme of Penguin Brothers (ablast is a clone).
  2. Nice one ! Hope it's not too sunny in South Wales so you can spend more time inside, playing and setting up your arcade cabinet !
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Here is a theme for Gamshara requested by Edy00116. I'm pretty sure someone will be able to improve on that. I was unable to find quality artworks for this game, maybe I don't know where to search but I wanted to answer quickly because it may be the first Namco System 10 game theme, which is now supported by the latest version of MAME and it is a moment to celebrate. Floatingyeti will release his media update when he will be ready and there will be a bunch of other system 10 themes to create both for a Mame setup or for a future Namco system 10 standalone wheel. As always contributors, veteran creators or beginners, are more than welcome to help !!
  4. Version 1.0.0


    A last one for today. Remember that all the missing themes and media posted this month will also be available in the upcoming MAME 0.254 update pack from Floatingyeti
  5. Version 1.0.0


    So to illustrate the game Fail Gate I have used the picture of a ...failed gate. yes I know, I have succumbed to a lack of artwork available and a lack of imagination
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Based on the original moon cresta theme (Fantazia is a bootleg clone). PS: Once again the video and the name of the game are not the right ones on the screencap because I haven't updated my Mame setup yet but it will show the good ones on your up to date setup
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Quite a lot of Photoshop work on this one based on the original flyer. PS: don't mind the video shown in the picture, I know it's not the right game, but my MAME setup is not up to date with the Floatingyeti releases
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Just a slight modification of the original enigma2 theme.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    A pretty rare Korean game. Beware, despite it's childish aspect, it's an adult game !
  10. Thanks a lot Espartano ! I will take a look at this later on and see what I can do.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Based on the original dynwar theme.
  12. Thanks Espartano, great job ! Not being Hungarian I never heard of this system I have a few questions if you don't mind: Do you have or have you created a module for this system ? Have you tried to launch games in Mame (I think there is a driver for it ) ? You have chosen those 18 games because they were the only ones working or the best of them ? I can see on this page: http://primo.homeserver.hu/ that there are some more games available. Sorry for all those questions, I am just wondering if it would be possible to create a complete setup based on your work. Ultimo can be launched via command line so it would be possible to launch the games with pclauncher if no module exist. Many thanks again !
  13. Great work! With this theme we have completed the letter "C" of the missing themes ! At that rythm "D" will be finished pretty soon too.
  14. Fantastic joc on this latest batch diegoik ! I love those themes
  15. Version 1.0.0


    A little known Spanish football game that looks quite good (and for the Hyperspin Spanish community, feel free to create a FC Barca or any other team variant )
  16. 2 totally different themes for 2 clones, good job hoscarconh !!!
  17. Great job , those quiz games are hard to illustrate !
  18. Thanks a lot ! That's one less missing theme !
  19. Nice one, I never heard of this game !
  20. Beautiful theme, nice background !
  21. I suscribed to your channel Will you share your work on the XBOX as well ?
  22. Great stuff RGamingOC ! A very nice addition to the setup
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