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Everything posted by brudibru

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Another missing theme made the cinematic way. So as usual download both the zip and the video.
  2. Very good job diegoik ! You are not choosing the easiest themes to create and you deliver ! Thanks a lot again for your contributions
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is my take on alphaone, the prototype that led to Major Havoc from Atari. I wanted to create swf animations but ended up with a good old cinematic theme. I would understand if people finds it a bit too "cinematic" and not enough in line with the usual style of the Mame themes but I wanted to propose it anyway. this kind of theme might be one solution, among others, to create themes for the games with no graphic materials. So to install it you put the zip file in themes and the video in ... videos ! (don't forget to backup your original one) I may do more cinematic themes as it is a lot of fun despite being very time consuming.
  4. ...and I am glad you have a lot more coming !
  5. I am commenting too, don't forget me !!!
  6. Beautiful work !!! I was working on this one as well but I have not finished it yet as I am learning how to create swf animations at the same time. I might propose it as an alternate anyway if I finish it but I will not be able to match the quality of your theme.
  7. Thanks a lot, that's one down in our own missing list !
  8. I have thanked the Spanish community in a previous post but I should also thank the Brazilian one as well who is so active on Youtube or this site. Thanks a lot for continuing the tradition and producing so many great themes John !!
  9. Thanks a lot for all these themes. I know how difficult they can be to realize, as there is very little graphic materials available for these games and you are doing a great job !
  10. All your themes are so improved compared to the originals. You are doing an outstanding job and adding a lot of quality to the Mame wheel !!!
  11. wow ! Stunning !
  12. Floatingyeti will incorporate the missing themes he can find from publio's share in his next update anyway. It will be easier to download !
  13. Your themes are always so visually powerful ! This one is a perfect example
  14. Very beautiful, it reminds me the time when the game boxes or advertisements were made with such beautiful graphics. The games themselves were just a few pitiful sprites !
  15. Thanks a lot !! With all these themes posted it feels like the old days of Hyperspin again !
  16. You are on fire !!
  17. Thanks a lot for improving those themes !
  18. Great work, this one really needed an alternative !
  19. That was quick ! Great work from you and thanks to the other contributors. You are really serious about updating the Mame setup along with each new Mame versions. One more reason to work on the few remaining missing themes !
  20. Just a quick reminder to all the people interested by the Floatingyeti setup that we are also trying to create the remaing missing themes here : Your help would be really appreciated ! Just imagine scrolling through your hyperspin Mame wheel with a full set of themes ! How noisy, messy and colorful it could be... just like in the arcades of our youth !
  21. This one was especially tough but you proved everything is possible with imagination and audacity !!
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Very rare Spanish arcade game
  23. Version 1.0.0


    First game in the missing themes list. Thanks to Floatingyeti for the tips.
  24. Thanks a lot Floatingyeti, this is your masterpiece !! I have been fortunate enough to follow your progress throughout this tremendous project and I can testify for the incredible amount of work it has required. Everybody interested in this setup should read the next floatingyeti post now:
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