Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 14 replies
How do I fix this error? I want to keep my games zipped and I there is a option in Rocket Launcher to use 7z to Unzip then Rezip the game when done playing.
Last reply by Warfare, -
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- 13 replies
I would appreciate some help please. I'm in the process of building a MAME arcade cabinet and I've spent days with a problem I can't solve. I have installed Mame 0.184 on my system and it "appears" as though HLSL is functioning by the fact that I get a screen with scanlines and it looks OK and all the SLIDERS appear when I hit the "~" key. However, I would have assumed that I could edit my mame.ini file with the HLSL settings I want (like cubic_distortion) to make the screen look like a CRT monitor. When I manually change the settings with the "~" sliders I see the screen bulge and I get the distortion effect. When I exit Mame and relaunch the game, i…
Last reply by griffin518, -
- 3 replies
Everytime I launch a PSX rom (using mednafen_psx_libretro) , it defaults to dualshock controller and I must then go in there, and set it to none. If I keep it on dualshock, my XBox360 controller (mapped thru xpadder) wont work. As soon as I set input device to none, the x360 controller works.
Last reply by BATTLEDONKEY, -
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- 3 replies
Hello Hyperspin im about to build my widescreen cabinet and I need some quick advice please. I have everything working perfectly but I have all my current themes in 4:3 aspect ratio. I'm running about 120 games all in Mame What I wanted to know is is there a quick / easy way to migrate / Download in "one hit" all my themes in 16:9 ratio? I'm hoping there is an easier way than one at a time. Sorry if this is a stupid question I appreciate any help given. thanks in advance. Rob
Last reply by KlopjerO, -
- 3 replies
Ok, so I had to re-add the Panasonic 3DO to the systems list in RocketLauncherUI. Well, when I do, and this goes for other systems too, when it gets to the part where it asks for "No Database" "Generate Database from Rom List" "Import Database File" I choose the Import Database.xml from the database folder and hit ok. After a few seconds, it says Database could not be found, and then the .xml file that was in the database folder is no longer there. Any ideas?
Last reply by BATTLEDONKEY, -
- 0 replies
I thought I had configured my x-arcade tankstick to work with everything just fine as I can operate hyperspin and mame with all the controls working... I went in and manually configured my NES config file to set the buttons and its acting as if its controlling the menu/hotkeys and not the character on screen (player 2 buttons change screen size, etc.). Does anyone have a simple file I can throw into my controller configs for all emulators within retroarch or a solution to disable hotkeys? I've searched all over google and youtube. Blows me away there isn't a standard download for this universal gamepad. Thanks!
Last reply by anticlockclock, -
- 21 replies
Hi, I Opened Virtual Jaguar and its just white, there is no buttons no nothing just a white screen, i didn't launch a game yet. Could it be i am running x32? Thanks
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 0 replies
hello i have problems with the module and settings in rocketlauncher for the epsxe emulöator the settings are not the same like emulator and when i change them not all will be saved the big problem is shader settings and texture filtering can someone sent me a better and nice module for rocketlauncher ?
Last reply by xbboyx101, -
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dear community when i want to start a game with some shaders in petes open gl 2.9 i get a error missing some costum file i need help
Last reply by xbboyx101, -
- 0 replies
I am having issues with dosbox, I am using the Exodus dos pack, have everything extracted where it needs to be and when I try launch a game it starts dosbox and sames game is not installed would you like to install I hit Y and then it takes me back to hyperspin. is there something else that needs to be done for dosbox to either install the game or launch it.
Last reply by stark21, -
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- 1 reply
I downloaded hs bolt on edition and it does not have mame, is there any way to add a mame pack?
Last reply by x8681150, -
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- 5 replies
Infuriatingly, I was so close to finishing the set up yesterday. Hyperspin Mame was working lovely I added the Austin Mame cosmetic Media folders yesterday and now I just get a black screen that I have to ctrl alt delete out of when I select Mame. All the other emulator systems work I've swapped all the Austin folders back to the originals but still I get the black screen. Does anyone have any clue what in these new media folders has caused this? many thanks
Last reply by Hawkeye71, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys, I have a little problem with the image not being in the middle of the monitor with taito type x. please would you mind having a look at the images. the menus are only half of the screen but the game seems fine.. a bit compressed vertically maybe? do you know how to fix this?
Last reply by Opy, -
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- 2 replies
I am using MAMEUIFX64 It starts my roms just fine on its own. I have the video setting to opengl. When I launch the rom through rocketlauncher UI, I get a black screen. I hear the audio though. I saw somewhere that agent47 on these forums said to have "videomode set to opengl in the module settings for mame in RLUI. By default it's set to d3d." How do I do this? Thanks in advance for any help.
Last reply by jasonol, -
- 2 replies
Hello, Please help. I am new to the arcade world and am very close to completing my setup for hyperspin. I have managed to link RocketlauncheUI with HyperSpin... Ive populated the column under Global, my emulators tab is also full and has the red exclamation points, but when I try to apply my mame emulator (the first one I tried) it says: FILE C:\RocketLauncherUI\HyperSpin\Emulators\mame\mame64.exe doesn't exist. Ive tried several times as well as tried different mame emulator downloads, it just wont recognize the location for some reason. Im running windows 7. Also have issue (maybe related) when opening Rocketlauncher when updates are applied. Everyrthing seem…
Last reply by Snaus, -
- 0 replies
Hi wondering if anyone else having a crackling problem with the sound when launching through hyperspin Heres the details Games launch and play fine but with crackling background like an old record player games launched direct through the emulator dont have this Please help as i want this sorted as its my favorite system :-(
Last reply by pagman27, -
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- 5 replies
Hey guys, So I have been having an issue setting the controls correctly with RetroArch. I have searched across this site and others for answers and haven't had any luck, or at least haven't found an answer that I can understand. I have a basic set up using an Ipac mini connected to my control panel. My problem is thaT I'll boot up hyper spin. I'll go into a system ( for example NES) and then into a game on that system, open the RetroArch interface and then bind the buttons and joystick to the right controls. I'll get out of the interface and it will work perfectly for all the games on that system going forward. But then when I go into another system…
Last reply by macrho, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, I'm very new to this, I have managed to add most of the 8-bit & 16-bit system with no problem. But now I'm trying a tough one. Supermodel, so I can play Star Wars Trilogy, and after that Sega Model 2. I havent been able to find many step by step videos on how to add it into Rocketlauncher. Can any of you guys help me out? I'd really appreciate it. I don't have Hypersync (sorry, cant afford it), so, thats not an option (if it was one to begin with ).
Last reply by metroplex2k7, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, I am having issues with my RetroArch setup, Im sure that I have had auto save states working previously, but now they seem to not be working, I have them enabled inside the emulator on load and on exit and also save state auto index, the save states work whilst playing the game, as in i can save and load whilst in game, but when i leave the game and reload it the saves are gone, Im sure I had this working before! can anyone help?
Last reply by nikkisixx, -
- 7 replies
I'm a noob who recently downloaded the frontend HyperSpin project. It's been snatched over 200 times since it was posted 2 weeks ago, so I'm thinking there may be more like me coming here for help. I've been tirelessly trying to get this thing to work. The comments say "just plug 'n play" and "it's old but works great", but I haven't found anything to be easy. I'm hooking this up on my old computer (Vista 32 bit). After not getting the roms to work, I've hooked up RocketLauncher. Days of configuring later I'm still at a loss. Can anyone tell me if the MAME emulator included in this (o.137.0.0) is working for them? My next move is update MAME, but then I'm not sure…
Last reply by rastan, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys, i get an "error 81" when I launch raider fighter any idea? Thanks
Last reply by Opy, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, I am trying to install some roms KOF XI, fist of the North Star, Neo Geo battle coluseum on MAME. All the games launch but I get to a screen that's says "all data was cleared" then nothing happen!! I got stuck there do you know what the hell is going on? thanks
Last reply by Opy, -
- 2 replies
Is there a way of stretching all games to fit the screen in project64? I can do it for each individual game but not as a whole. Any feedback would be great. Cheers
Last reply by Cleggy6879, -
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Hello, Had a couple of questions regarding PClauncher. 1) Have a couple of games that always start out windowed but when game starts up/menu you can press a key for fullscreen. Is it possible to set this key to 'activate' automatically everytime the game starts? In shortcut target? or in RL properties? 2)Have a game (Raiden II) for PC that is windowed(FS aspect is wrong). Is it possible to set just a black background or single color background? Any help appreciated, thomas
Last reply by thomas3120, -
- 2 replies
I don't know what im doing wrong but everytime I go to exit fusion within hyperspin (esc) it changes it from full screen to a smaller screen but dosnt exit the emulator back to the menu. Ive tried everything, prob something so simple. Can someone help. Cheers
Last reply by Cleggy6879,