Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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Since i updated to windows 10 i been getting an error with this emulator. works fine outside hyperspin but get this error when in hyperspin. maybe someone can help me with this problem. thanks
Last reply by sublp111, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello friends I want to know is there any easy way to map the joystick to the emulator or I need to do it per game after launching the game?
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 5 replies
I need some help in order to operate the two guns aimtrack segamodel 2 . is there a program trubleshooter 2, but not as integration into the Hyperspin .
Last reply by shiryu55, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Still a long way to go, but over the past few days things just stepped up a gear. Give it a try if you want such a great system with a hell of a collection!
Last reply by Cybersnuff, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I only have two more systems to set up. At the moment i am getting the error ????CD????? whenever i open SSF. It closes when i hit ok on it. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Last reply by nimpa, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, With the aid of Simply Austin's "guide for idiots" on youtube, my son and i took on the challenge to build a family Emu-PC from old spare parts.. What we managed to salvage together is as follows: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 - OC'd to 3.32Mhz 4GB DDR3 Ram Inno3D Geforce 9800GT 512mb 2 x 1TB HDD 1 x 64GB SSD Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 So far we have been really impressed with the results (& the support), but now comes the time i need to ask for some more advice from those who actually know ^^ We set our starting platform at around 1985 and decided to go mainstream so we currently have: Sega Mastersystem Sega Genesis/Megadrive Sega Mega…
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 10 replies
I have almost everything configured on my hyperspin PC to put in the cabinet i have built. BUTTTT i cant get the control setting to save for nulldc. SUPPERRRR annoying. Anyone know how to fix this??
Last reply by hobohunter2316, -
- 2 replies
Title explains most of it, but my controls aren't working in ePSXe but when launched without Hyperspin, it works fine. I've tried both a PS4 controller as well as a 360 controller and the mappings are definitely right. Every other emulator works fine including PS2, my emulator settings in RocketLauncher are set to global like the rest of them yet still nothing. Any thoughts? The emulator responds to my keyboard commands like alt + enter but nothing at all on the controller. I don't use joy2pad or xpadder, just HyperScript to control HyperSpin with my controller. I've even tried manually closing that after launching ePSXE from HS but to no avail.
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 1 reply
It is time to set up my arcade stick for all my systems which has been finished. Dreamcast setup by following austin video Nulldc detected my arcade stick with correct name & able to to map the keys, but after I lauched a game none of buttons are working I think maybe plugins or somewhere to set something which I cannot solve it and hope someone can give me some light. thanks
Last reply by shitoken, -
does kat5200 emulator support zip files? Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk
Last reply by neo.snk, -
- 0 replies
So I went from MAME 159 to 162 for some juicy Golden Tee and better HLSL and those things are working fine. One issue that I can't seem to remedy are the bezels. I'm using RocketLauncher.1.0.3. Here's the issue... In MAME 159 I had Hyperlaunch bezels for all of my vertical games including a default/generic vertical bezel for games that had no particular bezel art. I completely eliminated horizontal bezels in the hyperlaunch bezel folder and MAME handily treated the missing horizontal bezels by launching MAME with a fullscreen. Now I can only seem to get MAME 162 to launch in windowed mode when I turn on bezels. In MsPacMan for example, the bezel pops up but th…
Last reply by scoodidabop, -
- 2 replies
I finally got NullDC to run via HS!! Very excited about that. But. Some roms I unzip and there is a cdi file that runs the game --- other roms I unzip and they spill out a bunch of little files and NO cdi file... how do I get those games to run?
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys setup pinball fx2 for the first time and getting this error http://s22.postimg.org/5tdxxtmv5/IMG_1277.jpg
Last reply by mastermark, -
- 5 replies
im still stuck trying to get hyperspin to work. this time im trying to set up mess and iv followd a few video tutorials but ther outdated and since MESS is now integral part of MAME .its not the same..how do i set mame up with hyperspin so it uses mess. i want to play cdi games using MESS but i dont no how to get it sorted..please help me set it up im so lost. thanks
Last reply by tonycrew, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 7 replies
so ive installed mess 159 got everything pointing in the right direction rocketlauncher and hyperspin wise. Also got all green on my rom audit but when i launch a game i get the loading screen then it just gose back to rocketlauncher its a head scratcher to me, any ideas? Thanks
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 14 replies
Hi Friends Most of my systems are configured with Retroarch. Until I find a corner & build a bartop, for now I cant wait to set up my 1 arcade stick and PS4 joystick 1) Which way should go? a)Setup system by system in RA based on each config or use Xpadder > (profile for emulator or system? ) and then map the keys to RA Keyboard? 2) Do I need to perform this action 1 by 1 for each systems or I can setup just one system as global keys and use this with all cores/configs? Systems I am using which need key mappings are as follow Nintendo Systems NEO GEO SEGA PSX PSP Lynx CP3 NEC PC Systems Please guide me to the best possible & les…
Last reply by pofo14, -
- 10 replies
I have been getting this error in rocketlauncher when trying to load a game using nullDc. Has anyone come across this before.
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 1 reply
How do I get my DS4 controllers to work with retroarch? I've tried a few programs such as DS4Windows and SCP, it works fine on every other emulator, but retroarch just won't recognise the controller, I test the inputs in the gamepad settings in windows and all the buttons work, any help would be appreciated. I need to get 2 controllers to work. Thanks Edit: I've gotten one controller to work, but controller 2 still isnt being recognised.
Last reply by Zaazu, -
- 1 reply
Hi Hypers, I am setting up every system on my cabinet and im getting stuck with my C64 stuff. All my roms are named like this: Nautilus (1985)(Radarsoft)(nl)(a)(t64) but the XML list in hyperspin wants them to be named like this Nautilus (USA) That is a lot of renaming.. 6000+ files Is there another XML I can get and use or do I just have to spend the next 5 years renaming Every help is appreciated
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 2 replies
Hello! Is there a place where I can find hyperlaunch modules for many emulators? I have looked here and everywhere, but probably my searching sucks. I have been able to make emulators run so far with the modules included for each system, but I couldn't make RuMSX run, so I tried bluemsx. This one is very simple to run with any rom I want from the command line (c:\hyperspin\emulators\msx\bluemsx.com "c:\hyperspin\emulators\msx\roms\1942.rom), but I don't know how to put this instructions in the ahk module MSX.ahk. Help!
Last reply by buttheadrulesagain, -
- 7 replies
Hi, I have configured the ScummVM the official DB 1.3 (I found a thread of 1.7 but I did not found the file). If I extract a game and I configure it in the ScummVM (with the single game selection) all works fine. But I have the file in 7z and when I try to run the emulator with RL a windows open and close immediatly. What I wrong?? Thanks in advance
Last reply by awaawaawa, -
- 13 replies
Hello! I hope you can help me. I configured zsnes so that the esc key will exit the emulator, as the ahk file says (editing the configuration file), and it works when I run the emulator outside hyperspin. But when I run it from hyperspin it doesn't work at all. Curiously, when I map the quickexit button to a different key (for example, q) it works when running with hyperspin. My other systems exit correctly with esc (downloaded them pre-configured). Thank you! Jorge
Last reply by connorsdad, -
- 8 replies
Hi, i have set up dolphin on rocketlauncher but when i go to run a game the emulater loads but not to the correct size for the bezel and it has the tools bar showing still.ive benn in both the emulator and module and messed about with the 3 settings that are causing the problem.... Fullscreen, Hide mouse and Render to main. Still no luck, can someone please help me out? Thank you
Last reply by Emu54, -
- 9 replies
Hi Guys, I'm just wondering if there is some kind of game collector or front end for flash games, Obviously you can do this with each game one by one with flash player and Hyperspin itself, but I'm just wondering if there is an easier solution, Some kind of program where you can put all your flash games in one folder and then use a front end to configure control pads make games run full screen etc? Thanks, Pj
Last reply by fifou,