290 topics in this forum
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Hi Hyperspinners, We now have an official Discord chat server for anyone who is interested. @Circo is looking at integrations with the forum in the near future. If you want to jump in, the link is below. We will refine the server over time, suggestion are welcome. https://discord.gg/cn8T3Sd
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 11 replies
One of the major projects I have been quietly working on this past year is a proper video snap set for the Sony PSP. It's not finished yet but it's time to release what I have done so far. Here are 873 new video snaps for the System, as this is still a WIP set it's currently only available in HQ format on the EmuMovies FTP and EmuMovies Sync. As always these videos are hand edited new recordings, all are 60fps with 192kb AAC audio. Currently the HQ set is 11.6GB. Continue reading for a breakdown of whats included in this release. Videos Added - 873 @Circo 1000 Tiny Claws (USA) 101 in 1 Megamix (USA) 2010 FIFA World Cup - South Africa…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 reply
Version 2.4 of the EmuMovies Nintendo Game Boy Color video snaps collection has been released. This minor update adds or replaces 4 video snaps. This update brings us to 698 video snaps for the Nintendo Game Boy Color in total. Big thanks to Avaris & Audi88 for the submissions. Details after the preview: Version 2.4 Added/Replaced 4 Videos Captures & Edits @avaris, @Audi85 Details: Spoiler Legend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Ages (USA) Pokemon - Silver Version (USA, Europe) Pokemon - Gold Version (USA, Europe) South Park (USA) (Proto) Update your videos today…
Last reply by ticklefaithful, -
- 1 reply
Version 1.9 of the EmuMovies Sega Saturn video snaps collection has been released. This update is because I was stuck in bed for months this year and felt that the video snaps for Sega Saturn could use some love since the emulation has improved a lot. This is not a full redo but more will come. This update adds or replaces 704 video snaps for the system. I'm hoping to get a 1 for 1 different videos for each title in the redump database. More details after the preview. Version 1.9 Added/Replaced 704 Videos Captures, Edits & Encoding @Circo Details: Spoiler 2do Aru Koto wa Sando R (Japan) 2Tax Gold …
Last reply by shroudsbad, -
- 3 replies
Happy Holidays everyone! First off today we have an update to the Commodore Amiga video snaps pack bringing the pack to version 1.9. This update adds 27 new video snaps bringing the total number of videos for the Amiga to 1,808. Videos are available in Standard Quality on the EmuMovies website and in High Quality on via the EmuMovies FTP and Sync service. Continue past the preview for all the juicy details. EmuMovies Official Commodore Amiga Video Snaps Version 1.9 Added 27 Video Snaps Captures @Audi85 Edits & Encoding @Circo Details Spoiler Barravento - O Mestre da Capoeira (Brazil) …
Last reply by pointshafts, -
- 14 replies
Hi All, I was thinking of merging the aspect ration theme upload sections for easier management and browsing. Why? 1. Easier for me to move things 2. Easier to browse, less sections to click through 3. Maybe easier for search 4. Promote uploaded to tag the title with 4:3 Or 16:9. This should help user searches. Please comment. I am now expert but I do like our upload section but I don't like the mess it's gotten into. Only me keeping an eye on it and I don't see that changing much soon.
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 68 replies
Hi All, After my unexpected upgrade to Section Admin I just wanted to let everyone know I will be focusing my efforts more on the download section. Notice It will be a long standing project due to the nature of the beast. I am a little stretched for spare time so please dont expect anything to drastic!! I am also less accomplished than most of this community when it comes to artwork quality. The Plan 1. Migrate solid community approved artwork over to the Official section I cannot see a way to do this currently. All work is now focused on the Submit section only 2. Create new categories where needed (Starting to think le…
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 0 replies
It's been a few months so of course it's time to another update to the EmuMovies Sony Playstation Portable video snaps pack. The version 0.9.4 update adds 252 new video snaps giving us a total of 901 videos for the system. Special thanks to @Lordik (111 Captures), @avaris (2 Captures) for assisting me @Circo (136 Captures) with this update. (File List) Sony PSP (Video Snaps)(EM 0.9.4).txt (Missing) Sony PSP (Video Snaps)(EM 0.9.4).txt Version 0.9.4 Added/Replaced 249 Videos Details: Spoiler 2010 FIFA World Cup - South Africa (USA) All Kamen Rider - Rider Generation 2 (Japan) Army of Two - T…
Last reply by Circo, -
- 0 replies
We have a nice update to the Sony PlayStation 2 Game Manuals Pack. Thanks to members @FillerFillerNoMi, @Holy_Lightning & @amberdawnn30 there are now 28 more manuals in the collection. Version 1.2 Added 28 Manuals @FillerFillerNoMi @Holy_Lightning @amberdawnn30 Details: Spoiler FillerFillerNoMi One Piece - Grand Adventure (USA) One Piece - Grand Battle (USA) One Piece - Pirates Carnival (USA) Holy_Lightning Activision Anthology (USA) Avatar the Last Airbender - The Burning Earth (USA) Bakugan Battle Brawlers (USA) Ben 10 - Protec…
Last reply by Circo, -
- 0 replies
Version 1.1 of the Nintendo Wii U video snaps collection has been released. Huge thanks to @avaris for submitting these to EmuMovies. This update adds or replaces 22 video snaps for the system. The full set of videos now clocks in at 197 in total. Version 1.1 Added/Replaced 22 Videos @avaris Details: Spoiler Bayonetta (USA) Bayonetta 2 (USA) Captain Toad - Treasure Tracker (USA) Cave, The (USA) Donkey Kong Country - Tropical Freeze (USA) Hyrule Warriors (USA) Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (USA) Legend of Zelda, The - Breath of the Wild (USA) …
Last reply by Circo, -
- 0 replies
Version 1.7 of the EmuMovies Nintendo Video Snaps collection has been released. This update adds or replaces 39 new video snaps. This update brings us to 1,678 video snaps for the Nintendo DS in total. Details after the preview. Version 1.7 Added/Replaced 39 Videos Captures & Edits @avaris Details: Spoiler Avatar - The Last Airbender (USA).mp4 Children of Mana (USA).mp4 Dig Dug - Digging Strike (USA).mp4 Digimon World DS (USA).mp4 Dragon Quest IV - Chapters of the Chosen (USA).mp4 Dragon Quest IX - Sentinels of the Starry Skies (USA).mp4 …
Last reply by Circo, -
- 19 replies
Just performed a ton of updates on the site Updated Theme Updated Site Software Suite (Fixes tons of errors and improves security) Updated Tapatalk Many existing issues should be fixed. Sorry about the wait I have been laid up for months. Enjoy!
Last reply by mikty, -
- 22 replies
Not too much to say, sorry about the 24 hours of downtime. Some routine maintenance turned into a forced upgrade, and a whole bunch of other software drama that should all be resolved now. But the site should run faster now, and be less buggy. I would go on but I haven't hardly slept in two days. I have quite a few details to iron out but hopefully everything is working as it should. If you notice any weird bugs just post them in this tread and I will try and address over the weekend. Cheers!
Last reply by thorcorps, -
- 0 replies
Been working on a lot of new captures for the nes/famicom to fill missing games, improve quality as well as get frame rates correct. In this batch we have 213 new videos. Big thanks to @Audi85 for the captures he submitted on these. There are still plenty more on the list of redo's and fills so hopefully we will get another update out soon. In the meantime you can grab the new videos in all the normal places and after the preview I will add the details. High Quality Sample Nintendo Entertainment System-USA,World (Video Snaps)(EM 2.3)(No-Intro) Added / Replaced 63 Videos @Audi85, @Circo Spoiler Action 52 (USA) (Rev A) (U…
Last reply by Circo, -
- 0 replies
Now that Valentine's Day is behind us, it's time to get back to work on our gaming projects. To help you all out I am happy to announce the release of our SNK Neo GEO AES video snaps. For those of you who are unaware the AES was the stupidly overpriced home console version of the Neo Geo MVS that was in the arcades. All videos were recorded using the AES flag in mame and I tried to capture each version that would have a different title screen. In total the set includes 170 video snaps. As always we have a preview video followed by all the juicy details. Enjoy! High Quality Sample High Quality (FTP, Sync) …
Last reply by Circo, -
- 14 replies
Happy New year guys! I hope 2019 is awesome for you all and I hope we see some new developments this year. Can't believe it's my 10th year. ?
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 1 reply
Hello emulation fans, today we have an update for our Sega Dreamcast video snaps pack. This update includes 46 new video snaps bringing the set to 476 in total. As always continue past the preview for details on exactly what has changed. High Quality Sample High Quality (FTP, Sync) Resolution 640x480 Video Count 476 Total Size 3.64GB Frame Rate 60 …
Last reply by mikty, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi Everyone! Thought I would drop a note that I have spent most the day fixing some nagging website issues, turning things back on after updates, stuff like that. Not too many details to go into as most was routine maintenance. However TAPATALK is back!!! I thought some of you would like that. Have a great day and happy hyperspinning!
Last reply by Circo, -
- 1 reply
HyperScore has started up again ? Test yourself against fellow HyperSpinners (I have a forum wide announcement setup for 7days, if its annoying please comment below)
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 0 replies
Hi Everyone! Thought I would drop a note that I have spent most the day fixing some nagging website issues, turning things back on after updates, stuff like that. Not too many details to go into as most was routine maintenance. However TAPATALK is back!!! I thought some of you would like that. Have a great day and happy hyperspinning!
Last reply by Circo, -
- 0 replies
Happy New Years everyone, I tried to get this out for Christmas but better late than never. EmuMovies is happy to release version 2.0 of the Sega Naomi and Naomi 2 video snaps pack. Version 2.0 includes 266 new video snaps for the arcade systems. All videos were captured using DEmul 0.7 using both nVidia and AMD graphics cards. We really hope you enjoy them. High Quality Sample High Quality (FTP, Sync) Resolution 640x480 Video Count 266 Total Si…
Last reply by Circo, -
- 0 replies
We have another update for the EmuMovies Super Nintendo Video Snaps Collection. This update adds or replaces 76 video snaps including a bunch of PAL releases at the proper frame rate of 50fps. Huge thanks to @Audi85 and @DamnedRegistrations for the initial captures. You can find the videos in the normal locations but continue past the preview for all the gritty details. Super Nintendo Video Snaps Version 2.1 Added / Replaced 76 Video Snap Captures @Audi85 Edits & Encoding @Circo Details Spoiler 90 Minutes - European Prime Goal (Europe) Addams Family Values (USA) Addams Family, …
Last reply by Circo, -
- 0 replies
Today EmuMovies is excited to announce version 1.5 of the Nintendo 64 Video Snaps collection. This update includes 34 more new or replacement videos for the system giving us now 379 video snaps in the collection. A huge thank you goes out to Audi85 and DamnedRegistrations for submitting the original captures. As always, continue past the preview for all the relevant details. Nintendo 64 Video Snaps Version 1.5 Added / Replaced 34 Videos Captures & Edits @Audi85, @DamnedRegistrations Final Edits & Encoding @Circo Spoiler Captures by Audi85 40 Winks (Europe) (Proto) Diddy Kong Rac…
Last reply by Circo, -
- 0 replies
EmuMovies is happy to announce version 2.0 of the Nintendo Entertainment System and version 1.4 of the Nintendo NES Hacks & Homebrew video snap collections. These updates bring the base set to 1,040 videos and the hacks & homebrew set to 236 videos. Big thanks to @Audi85 for submitting the original captures. Continue past the preview for all the relevant details. Nintendo Entertainment System Video Snaps Version 2.0 Added/Replaced 70 Videos Captures @Audi85 Edits & Encoding @Circo Spoiler Action in New York (Europe) Adan y Eva (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl) Aladdin (Europe) …
Last reply by Circo, -
- 0 replies
Import fans rejoice, we have made 12 new video snaps for the EmuMovies official video snaps collection for the Nintendo Famicom (Japan). The version 2.1 update brings our Nintendo Famicom collection to 903 video snaps in total. Big thanks again to @Audi85 for submitting the captures used to make these videos. Continue reading past the preview for more details on this update. Version 2.1 Added/Replaced - 12 Video Snaps Captures @Audi85 Edits & Encoding @Circo Spoiler Contra Fighter (Unl) Family Trainer 8 - Totsugeki! Fuuun Takeshi-jou (Japan) (Translated En) Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2 …
Last reply by Circo,
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