Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!
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please see attached pic im a total noon to this any help much appreciated thanks
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi! I've been adding Wheel and Background Image Genres to all my systems (+150) and i would like to know if is there any common folder to all systems. If not i would request for future updates of HyperSpin. Wheel and Background Genres are about 100Mb. And if you need to have a copy for each system (100MB x 150 Systems or more) is crazy! As now all genres are the same for all systems, wouldn't be better to have a common folder for all systems keeping individual folder to better personalization too? (Like xpadder profiles for example) I don't know if this is the right place to post it, if not just tell me and i move to right place. thanks in advance!
Last reply by ci2own, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, Been running into a issue that I hope one of you hyperspin gurus can help me with. I cannot seem to get RL to load any xpadder profiles. I believe I have everything setup correctly and the right paths in RL set. I can make a profile under the keymapper tab and test it works just fine, however when I play the game from the games tab RL will not launch any profiles for the emulator. I am attaching my logs. Thanks. 21:46:01:836 | RL | INFO | +N/A | Main - RocketLauncher v1.1.1.1 ( 21:46:02:045 | RL | INFO | +219 | Main - System Specs: RocketLauncher Dir: D:\RocketLauncher RocketLauncher is: 32-bit …
Last reply by ci2own, -
- 1 reply
Totally new to hyperspin and rocket launcher. Searched a thread before posting this. Apologies for any redundancy in advance. I set up hyperspin and rocket launcher successfully by watching a video. I have mame .172 with the no nag high score patch. Mame on its own works fine when I boot it. However when I audit the roms in rocketlauncher and try to boot I get a net .20 not installed but I know for a fact it is installed. I'm running Windows 10 and would appreciate any feedback back. Thanks
Last reply by rocket206, -
- 6 replies
Hello Guys, i would like to ask you Guys, where I can get these kind of background animation for my Games? This kind of intro,when the video of my Games plays. I can't find these kind of themes.As an Example in the N64 Folder there is "Conker's Bad fur Day" given.
Last reply by DarkRiverCoke, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi! I have my system configured to 1080p resolution, and Genre backgrounds are 1080 too but when in genre mode, backgrounds are oversized and with bad quality. In HyperHQ i selected everything (best quality) and in RL selected 1080p resolution. Does someone know how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I'm a newbie to this and I would appreciate any help that is available. I have HyperSpin and Rocketlauncher setup. That is was not a problem with the nice tuts available here. Thank you. The only emulator I have working right now is MAME...and I am fine with that. I am more or less trying to simplify the frontend (Hyperspin). I was able to acquire the Game Logos from EMUMovies (again - Thank you). I would love to simplify the "wheel". It looks like every game comes up in the wheel even if it is not available. I would be fine with loading say - my favorite 20 games to the wheel so when I put this in a party setting it looks clean. In the image attach…
Last reply by scr0da, -
- 6 replies
I followed the install video but when i open rocketlaucher, theres no emulators. How can i fix this?
Last reply by robbinhood, -
- 5 replies
Hi there i was watching Gigapigs way of installed Pinballfx2 on youtube and he mentioned that there is now a new way to do it since RL updated the ahk he also says that a new tutorial will be posted has the new way of setting up been posted or anyone know how to set it up
Last reply by silverfox0786, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys I am new here. I only have 1 issue with my hyperspin setup at the moment and was wondering if you know the solution to this issue. The themes and videos work perfectly in my main menu ( where you select a console ). When I go in to play the games on a certain console I can see the theme and preview video without any problems, but if I start selecting a different game it doesn´t show it, if I exit to the main menu and go back the theme and video does show up...but then when I select another game the same thing happens. Any idea what could be the issue? Thanks
Last reply by azzajess, -
- 0 replies
I have an interesting problem that I can't seem to find a solution. Running Hyperspin 1.4: at start up, my controls work fine, I can go through the main wheel and select and emulator. My controls still work fine and I select a game, and the game launches without a problem. Controls work fine in game as well. Then when I exit the game, I am still at the emulator wheel where I can select a rom, controls still working fine. Once I go up one level to the main wheel to select a different emulator the controls no longer work. I have to alt+tab out of hyperspin then come back to it to restore my controls. (Clearly this isn't feasible to always do on a cabinet that doesn't have…
Last reply by nmehdik, -
- 1 reply
Hey everyone, My problem is that videos or artwork don't seem to display when themes don't get refreshed. So all the main menu videos work because all the themes get refreshed when flicking through them. When i enter a system and the theme changes for that system to show video and artwork, but it will only show it for the first game. Flicking to the next game that uses the default theme will not display any video or artwork. If the game uses a custom theme then it requires a refresh and changes, showing the video and artwork. In other words it only displays video and artworks on themes that are refreshed. I turned on 'refresh Background' setting in HyperHQ so it …
Last reply by azzajess, -
- 0 replies
I'm trying to get my player 2 joystick to work with Sega 32X games and I think it us just writing over joystick 1, when I got into Retroarch and set up the binds. I'm using a Xin Mo encoder, and RetroArch. Is there some setting I'm missing that can tell RetroArch that they are 2 different joysticks and buttons? Here's a screenshot of what I'm working with in RetroArch > Setting > Input Options. I had to put the screenshot as an attachment to this post. Should I turn off Autoconfig and go edit the config files with Notepad ++? The Bind Mode only gives me options for RetroPad, or RetroKeyboard.
Last reply by Abqshark, -
- 4 replies
Hi, So i am updating to a new rig. I used to run hyperspin on my laptop basically as a trial run to teach myself how to get everything up and running. Now my rig is mostly put together (still waiting to buy graphics card). I have a 500g SSD and a 3tb mechanical drive. My question is will hyperspin benefit from being run from my SSD. My emulators will obviously be installed on my SSD and I keep my roms and video snaps on my 3tb. However my Hyperspin folder is quite large because of all the media on it (artwork, wheels etc...) So in short hyperspin on SSD or 3.5inch Russell
Last reply by rastan, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi all. I set hyperspin up on an external drive (D). Everything fine. Just has mame on it. Moved it to the © drive on the same computer as it will fit on (and I didn't think it would at first) so no need for external drive. I've changed everything as far as I know. All settings in hyper hq, rocket launcher, directories in mame, been through as many files as I can see and changed directories from D to C, All I get now when I try to run a game is - Fatal error. Required files are missing. Games run fine in mame alone though I'm stumped.
Last reply by ictyyz, -
- 2 replies
Hello all. So after a major HDD Loss of about 7TB of data on my main Hyperspin HDD I am now in the process of re downloading and setting up a new drive,( with a better backup system) I have started to set up a few systems and here is the problem I am running into right off the bat; I have mame setup in RL and Hyperspin setup as my FE. I have my xpadder profile setup for my controller in both the global and the mame tab in keymapper tab in the RLUI. If I start a game in mame directly from the mame / game tab in RLUI the mame xpadder profile loads just fine... However........ If I start hyperspin my Hyperspin xpadder profile loads as it should and …
Last reply by tscottn, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi Guys, I got an issue with my TTX games. My Hyperspin is still on my external USB drive so I can configure it on my laptop and use it on my arcade cab (don't like to configure while on my cab) :-) ). On my laptop everything is working perfect. When i take my USB drive to my cab and connect it over there, the games are not working. I see a small DOSS screen (see that also on my laptop), but short after I get the error as seen down here (or in the attached file, site won't upload it at the moment). 'There was an error waiting for the window "Blaz Blue". Please check you have the correct version emulator installed for this module, followed any notes in the module,…
Last reply by Machello, -
- 1 reply
when try to load up a game in rocketlauncherIU to test it it comes up with the message There was an error waiting for the window "RetroArch ahk_class RetroArch, Please check you have the correct version emulator installed for this module, and have the emulator working outside your Frontend first. Also turn off the fade to see if you are hiding your problem Using version RetroArch-v1.3.0-x86_64-Windows Thanks
Last reply by danwelsh, -
- 1 reply
hi guys, my bezels aren't working anymore after latest rl update....they work if I run a game through rl but not in hs....any suggestions?
Last reply by danwelsh, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I'm setting up my first go at Hyperspin. All is going pretty well. There is ONE game which I would like to run with a non standard aspect, which to me works better with the setup I have. I have everything set up and if I run this game through mameuifx64 it comes up widescreen, all my saved settings/controls and no issues. But if I run it though hyperspin or rocket launch - the game reverts back to 4:3 with very large black bars on both sides. Normally the black bars and centered 4:3 are fine, since most I plan to add a bezel to. This game however I really do want running 16x9 or close, as I have it set up though the gui front end. Is there any way to get the set…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
So I'm very new to Hyperspin and finally got everything setup and running but having issues getting Mario Kart 64 to run multiple controllers to play. Any tips would be amazing to help fix this.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi! A few days ago i had a fully working system. As i'm configuring everything with RocketLauncher I don't try with HyperSpin often. The problem is I can run all systems from RocketLauncher, but not in HyperSpin. When i run a game in HyperSpin, it doesn't do anything but blink buttons and speech name of buttons but doesn't start the game. Where can i see the HyperSpin log to start to solve it? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by ci2own, -
- 0 replies
Hi. Trying to upgrade to platinum is proving impossible. I'm already a bronze member and have paid through PayPal. So I click on upgrade, get to checkout.. Then I get a rejecting message from PayPal? No idea why. Is there a section I can't find where you can edit payment information? getting nowhere Thanks everyone.
Last reply by Martin0037, -
- 0 replies
Ok so when i launch my Hyperspin all of my emulators load fine until i try Sega or Snes when i try to load one of those two the screen stays black, no wheels and the program is unresposive i have to close it out with task manager. It was working less than 24 hours ago, I'm using RetroArch for both, thought it might be the emulator itself but I'm also using it for 4 other systems that work fine. All games load in RocketLauncher. I attached the log file from hyperspin with a few emulators that opened and then the result of what happens when I try the SNES. Looks like the wheel just isn't loading. Any ideas would be great. log.txt
Last reply by Hardman, -
- 1 reply
Is there a way to change this number? I think it is set at 50. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by scapino1,