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Kega Fusion and Windows 8


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Hey guys. I installed Windows 8.1 on my new htpc.

Now I talked to someone in a recent post that says he's running 82 emulators no problem in Windows 8 on his setup. So i pulled the trigger.

First emulator I'm trying to setup is Kega. This emu worked flawlessly for years for me. Well, when it goes fullscreen in 8, it drops down to 30fps. No matter what settings I use for Kega. I googled this issue and there are numerous complaints on this as well.

Is anyone NOT running into this issue that is using windows 8? This is not a good sign for the first emulator.

I am......Machine

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suspect video drivers. works fine on mine.

but did any of the Sega games on that era actually run faster that 30fps? lol

I'm running an nvidia gtx 770 oc...but even users with ATI have reported the same thing.

EDIT: def not a driver issue. I'm running off my igp on my 4670k and it still happens.

Something is not right. Well, this is a serious deal breaker for me if this can't be remedied it's back to 7.

I am......Machine

should have never left. win8 is retarded

Yes, a faster OS is retarded. /sigh

I'll check mine again when I get home tonight (Win8.1) and see if I did anything goofy to it. I just remember it "working" out of the box (per say). Are you running it as admin? turn off UAC? DEP?


Dep? Turn off Uac?

No. Alls I know is that is runs at a solid 60 fps in window mode but it locked at 33.3 fps in fullacreen.

And yes I agree windows 8 is fast and I'm keeping the partition of it still on my ssd in case someone here discovers a remedy because I love those 4 second boots.

Fur if you can do that if appreciate it:).

I am......Machine


I just tried three different PCs.

Windows 8.1 Pro - (Core i5 3.4ghz, Geforce 660ti) = 30fps

Windows 8.1 Enterprise - (Core2Duo 3.0ghz, Geforce 460) = 30fps

Windows 7 Pro - (Core2Duo 2.8ghz, 8800gt) = 60fps

So yes, something is broken with Windows 8.1

I just tried three different PCs.

Windows 8.1 Pro - (Core i5 3.4ghz, Geforce 660ti) = 30fps

Windows 8.1 Enterprise - (Core2Duo 3.0ghz, Geforce 460) = 30fps

Windows 7 Pro - (Core2Duo 2.8ghz, 8800gt) = 60fps

So yes, something is broken with Windows 8.1

Son of a bitch....

I honestly hate to give up 8 for something so stupid but superb emulation of the Genesis and SMS is important to me as those two systems made up my entire childhood.

I'll try the sound fix tomorrow but I disabled sound today and frame are was still locked at 30 fps but I'll still dig around a little.

Thankyou again for testing:)

I am......Machine


I completely disabled sound on mine (via .INI) and it didn't make a difference. And my two Windows 8.1 systems use completely different sound drivers (one is a Sound Blaster Z) so I doubt that's it.


There's something massively wrong with that Windows 8.1 Pro machine. I upgraded from 7 to 8 and 8.1 and there's no difference in speed here for me in fullscreen mode.

Core i3 2120 with some Nvidia card and a Core i7 3330 and an Nvidia GTX 650 Ti, both on Windows 8.1, both with fullspeed 60fps. For the record, I'm getting faster speeds on Win8 than I did under Win7. Not a whole ton better, but better.


By massively wrong you mean it doesn't like Kega Fusion emulator? (or more to the point Kega Fusion doesn't like it) :) And I'm assuming you're hitting CTRL-F to verify its actually running at 60fps versus just eyeballing it.

I play tons of (brand) new games and I can crank everything out to max and they run just fine. (Crysis 3, Bioshock Infinite, etc...). The rest of my emulators run fine too. Its just Kega Fusion in fullscreen mode. It just "locks" at 30fps in fullscreen. (hits 60fps in windows mode).

Gens/GS (built off the original Gens I guess?) runs its full screen w/ vsync enabled at 60fps on my Windows 8.1 box (Core i5)


Its just something with Kega Fusion.

There's something massively wrong with that Windows 8.1 Pro machine. I upgraded from 7 to 8 and 8.1 and there's no difference in speed here for me in fullscreen mode.

Core i3 2120 with some Nvidia card and a Core i7 3330 and an Nvidia GTX 650 Ti, both on Windows 8.1, both with fullspeed 60fps. For the record, I'm getting faster speeds on Win8 than I did under Win7. Not a whole ton better, but better.

Something isn't adding up then. I googled this issue and other people complained about it as well. Someone even complained about it in the Kega official forums over at Eidolons Inn and no one was able to provide an answer about why this was happening. No responses = No clue :/.

I did a clean install of 8.1, maybe it has something to do with upgrading from 7 to 8/8.1.

This sucks.

I am......Machine


My 8.1 Pro machine was upgraded from a fresh install of 8. My 8.1 Enterprise machine was a fresh install.

I messed with some .INI files, and some Win8.1 compatibility mode settings - no fixes. No dice.

Something isn't adding up then. I googled this issue and other people complained about it as well. Someone even complained about it in the Kega official forums over at Eidolons Inn and no one was able to provide an answer about why this was happening. No responses = No clue :/.

I did a clean install of 8.1, maybe it has something to do with upgrading from 7 to 8/8.1.

This sucks.

It was me that said make the jump. Zerojay backs up what I told you. There's no problems with our setups. Anytime you start having frame rate issues first place a person should start looking at is settings within the video driver itself. This THIS first.

However you also induced another variable. Windows from 7-8-8.1 - which if you had mentioned this was your game plan I'd have said hell no. Multi OS upgrades paths are taboo in my book. You simply overlay existing issues or induce more. You want to test my theory - you can download an ISO of Windows 8. I'm not saying piracy - I'm saying to test the theory.

And to expect "every single thing" to work is a bit .... what do I say here - unrealistic? There's a reason why the EMU creators update their code, Djvj writes new modules, Daemon Tools had to update so on and so forth.

There's no reason to press the panic button. It's all still very much doable - but take a logical approach to this and remember, the sun will rise and set with or without your Hyperspin setup. :)

It was me that said make the jump. Zerojay backs up what I told you. There's no problems with our setups. Anytime you start having frame rate issues first place a person should start looking at is settings within the video driver itself. This THIS first.

However you also induced another variable. Windows from 7-8-8.1 - which if you had mentioned this was your game plan I'd have said hell no. Multi OS upgrades paths are taboo in my book. You simply overlay existing issues or induce more. You want to test my theory - you can download an ISO of Windows 8. I'm not saying piracy - I'm saying to test the theory.

And to expect "every single thing" to work is a bit .... what do I say here - unrealistic? There's a reason why the EMU creators update their code, Djvj writes new modules, Daemon Tools had to update so on and so forth.

There's no reason to press the panic button. It's all still very much doable - but take a logical approach to this and remember, the sun will rise and set with or without your Hyperspin setup. :)

No I did a clean install of 8.1...Zerojay stated he went from 7-8-8.1. That's why I brought that up.

TBh The problem is I've been doing setups in this front end since 2010...and much like Bill I'm getting very burnt out and my patience is starting to wear thin after all this time :( . I'm kinda wishing I didn't build this.

Well here's the thing. I ripped out my 770 and went back to igp. Still 30 fps. Uninstalled the igp drivers and ran fusion. Same thing. Booted In safe mode and still 30 fps. Reinstalled 770 and tried different drivers. Same.

Nothing remedies it. It doesn't add up if it's happening on some peoples machines and not the other.

There is an issue with how the os is handling DX if it's doing it with even no graphic drivers at all.

I am......Machine

It was me that said make the jump. Zerojay backs up what I told you. There's no problems with our setups. Anytime you start having frame rate issues first place a person should start looking at is settings within the video driver itself. This THIS first.

So - how is the FPS on your Windows 8.1 box running Kega Fusion fullscreen? :)


Just to take this to the extreme level of stupidity...

I fired up WindowsXP on VMWare Workstation 10 on my Windows 8.1 Pro machine (Core i5 3.4 ghz, 660ti machine). Kega Fusion runs in 60fps in both Windowed and Full Screen mode on the VM.

So a virtual machine running a virtual console runs Sonic the Hedgehog @ 60 fps.

Hey Fur, no need to act patronizing.

Here's a pair of solutions for you. I've verified with a friend who is suffering from the same issue that fix #1 - while a bit more involved - works for him to go from ~32.5fps to 60fps. Apparently it's a Windows 8.1 specific issue.



Good find. I'm currently running a Hypersync run and have not had the chance to benchmark. But as I mentioned earlier (tweak your video driver) and Zerojay, part of the article you listed mentions Vsync. That setting is always part of what I normally have to tweak if issues are found. I simply create a game profile within the Nvidia control panel and when the emulator is accessed it invokes the custom profile. I'm surprised how many people aren't aware of this option either. Does it always work? Sadly no. But more times than not it does.

Good find. I'm currently running a Hypersync run and have not had the chance to benchmark. But as I mentioned earlier (tweak your video driver) and Zerojay, part of the article you listed mentions Vsync. That setting is always part of what I normally have to tweak if issues are found. I simply create a game profile within the Nvidia control panel and when the emulator is accessed it invokes the custom profile. I'm surprised how many people aren't aware of this option either. Does it always work? Sadly no. But more times than not it does.

Yes last night I found a lot of people stating pc games in windows 8.1 are sometimes locked at 30 fps and people are running 780 ti's and i7s, and they have to either stop vsync in game and enable it in Nvidia control or vice versa.

Evidently there is also a bug with 8.1 that ms is aware that makes mouse movement in pc games extreme slow because they changed how direct input mice work in 8.1...hopefully I don't run into that either but they have a hotfix for that.

Zerojay I will try those remedies soon...Fur if you try it before me and it works please don't hesitate to post.

I am......Machine

Hey Fur, no need to act patronizing.

Here's a pair of solutions for you. I've verified with a friend who is suffering from the same issue that fix #1 - while a bit more involved - works for him to go from ~32.5fps to 60fps. Apparently it's a Windows 8.1 specific issue.




So, I tried #1. It made the problem worse. ~2fps in fullscreen mode, and its constantly flipping back and forth between fullscreen and windowed. The fix is probably in there somewhere, just have to find it.

Fix #2 had the same effect. (with both 8 and 8.1 versions of the DLL). Works fine in Windowed mode, then in fullscreen mode it pretty much dies. ~1fps and this weird flipping between full and windowed mode behavior.


Just a crazy question on this one. DirectX version. Are you able to choose that in this emulator? It's not your PC obviously and technically it isn't Windows 8.1 it is most likely the DirectX display driver being used not being passed the instructions nicely by the emulator as the emulator was most likely written for older specs.

Just an idea. :)

I want all this crap to work in 8.1 as that is most likely going to be my chosen OS for my cab.


My cab is currently running Windows 7. I was going to update it to 8.1, but after this... I might just leave it be.

You can't choose directx anything in the emulator. I wonder if 8 has Xp mode like win 7 did?


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