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Howdy, crazy idea here. What if we had a Xbox 360 button layout for 5 seconds, then fade into the arcade button layout for 5 seconds, then fade out into ps button layout based on these buttons

Could someone whip that together? I just don't know how to use multiple artworks in a swf file. I had the fade thing down though


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I currently use special art for my Xbox buttons too. I'm currently talking with Aorin to get his themes customised to use special art rather than embedding them into the background. I might do this as part of this project. However I'm only in the planning stage but what you're asking is possible.


What I'd like to see is ps, xbox360, and arcade buttons in the same special and it fades to a new one every 5 seconds. Attached above is already the special artwork but it's one for each system, I'm hoping to have someone figure out how to embed them all in the same one

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if anyone knows how to create swf, I'd like to have the ps png display for 5 seconds, then fade into the arcade buttons for 5 seconds, then fade into the xbox buttons for 5 seconds.

Also within the joystick animations, currently they are displaying in the middle of the screen. If there is a way to move the animation to the bottom left corner for the letter jump and select system, that would be amazing!


if anyone knows how to create swf, I'd like to have the ps png display for 5 seconds, then fade into the arcade buttons for 5 seconds, then fade into the xbox buttons for 5 seconds.

Also within the joystick animations, currently they are displaying in the middle of the screen. If there is a way to move the animation to the bottom left corner for the letter jump and select system, that would be amazing!

Positioning the joystick is fine but it would overlap the buttons. Where exactly do you want it displayed. On your buttons there is a gap for it on the right not the left.


Ya man good catch. Maybe see what it looks like on the right. Can you get it to match the height as the other buttons/text? If it looks funny maybe push all the buttons over to the right a little so the joystick select system fits in there. I'd love to check both versions if possible.

Then once the select system joystick is figured out I'd like to see what the jump letters look like

So in summary

One swf with only the three types of buttons changing as is

One swf with select system joystick the same height as the text and try putting it on the right of favorites text.

Same as above but shift everything to the right a tad and put the joystick on the left

Same as above but replace joystick select system with letter jump joystick


See now, I have been wanting this for awhile, I have a 360 controller and would rather have that button layout, it should be that simple.

I also had the idea of each system you went into had it's own respective button layout based by the system.

Tried messing around with that, but found out it was .swf, and wasn't very good in that department, so I just left it alone.

This would be a great addition tho, some tutorials on how this was done would be a great help.  Awesome Idea!!


If you just want the 360 layout, download my template from the dl page and it will be working by default as you describe

Note systems should be set up the same otherwise it could get mighty confusing what buttons are what to launch a game etc. if you are talking about mapping for controls in game that's pause art if you ask me


Not sure this was right. There are major issues with Adobe After effects and SWF so I'll take another look tomorrow.


No the special art should display below the game name. Note u may need to adjust Ini setting location. I'll check tonight


I just deleted the special art in the PS media folder and added the one from Potts to see what it was all about. I maybe need to adjust some things then.



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