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Zelda Hyperspin Intro


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So I'm making another wedding gift... don't know if anyone remembers my Wedding NES system haha.  I started messing around with the intro video I made and decided to make a hyperspin intro as well.  Certainly not as good of quality as many others I have seen but I enjoyed making it :) I am no artists or a pro at making videos thats for sure.  I stole a remake of a zelda video and modified it.  I'm a huge zelda nerd though so for other Zelda fans I hope you enjoy it.



Very Cool, Could Be Longer but i Really Like the Idea. :thumbsup:

haha well.... I do have my super long version that I actually put in the NES builds I do for wedding gifts.  However, I replaced hyperspin with my name for a more personal effect.  It was while making it that I thought of making the hyperspin centered theme.  Also its a little long so I wouldn't want it in my arcade cabinet.  Regardless I put it up if anyone wants to see it.  Don't mind the soon to be newly weds names in the video either haha.  Also if you aren't in the states you might not be able to watch it... its been banned by every other country already for using copyrighted music lol woops




Bummer I couldn't see the wedding one, but I'll take the first one please for sure. Is it small enough to upload to the thread or is there a location at Emumovies for Intros?



Could you make me a custom one like that for my snes pc build? Happy to pay for the effort?

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

I might be able to get to it... What would you be looking to have in the video?


Or better still the legend of hyperspin like yours... and underneath "Super Nintendo PC Edition"

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

haha thats no problem at all.  GIve a me a day or two and I will make it. The girlfriend is gone this weekend so I will def. be able to make it this weekend.


That's ban worthy right there :woot:

Oh shit yes, careful what you confess around here, that's going in my black book and there's a lot of black marks against Styphelus already.



Confession time - I never played a single Zelda game.

That means you've never had the good dreams of putting the Triforce together to save princess Zelda. Say it isn't so?


Confession time - I never played a single Zelda game.

That's funny because I remember thinking the first Zelda game sucked as a kid when it came out.  Then I was just thinking the other day,..hmmmm maybe I should revisit that game and see if it's fun now maybe?  It was fun for like 10 minutes, then I just got pissed off at the going back and forth crap.  But I love the imagery of all the Zelda games at least lol.


So another video I just made.  I will make a hyperspin version too... I need to think of what to do in the text though... I am open to suggestions! 


This video though is for another wedding... literally they are 1 week a part... SOBS....  


Anyway this guy is obsessed with megaman so I went with the iconic megaman 2 intro.  I mean its so iconic that I knew it was epic when I first saw it playing on the original NES.  Anyway a little background his name is actually Adam and his soon to be wife and I actually get along just fine lol!  but in high school we all called him fat bill. Its a long story lol either way hope everyone likes the video and I will gladly make this into a hyperspin themed intro as well for peoples cabinets / consoles.  Just need a good idea for what the text should read in the beginning.  



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