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  • 1 month later...

I just ordered one of these fully assembled tables on Ebay from ArcadesRFun. Will report back when it arrives with some details on the transaction and quality of the table, itself (which looks fantastic in the pictures!).

  • 1 month later...
  markmon said:
I just ordered one of these fully assembled tables on Ebay from ArcadesRFun. Will report back when it arrives with some details on the transaction and quality of the table, itself (which looks fantastic in the pictures!).

Did you receive and set this up yet? Don't see these on ebay anymore.


We have been on E-Bay 24/7 with the 2 monitor Virtual Pins for over 4 Months.


All of the 3 monitor pins recently sold are being built right now. We expect to ship them late October. The 3 monitor pins will be available on E-bay the Weekend of October 16th.

Complete 46" Samsung/32" Samsung/19" Viewsonic 4:3 pins will be $6,995.

3 monitor flat packs will be offered on E-bay within 1 week.



  • 2 weeks later...

Would it be possible to get a 3 monitor flat pack created based on the size of monitors I was going to get? I am planning for a 37", 28" and 17".


'It's Saturday night; I have no date, a two liter bottle of Shasta, and my all-Rush mix tape... let's rock!' — Philip J. Fry


Sold a few flat packs recently and with all that's required to finish the complete pin games I'm currently building, flat pack offerings will be put off until November.



  • 2 weeks later...

It's getting a little frustrating trying to get info from you. None of my emails are being responded to and none of your dates you publish on your ebay listings for upcoming products seem to be happening.

For someone selling this level of product I would expect a better support experience.

I hope you can eventually catch up.



You posted a general flat pack availability question on this forum on 10/8.

Another forum member posted a similar question right after yours.

I responded to both of these questions on 10/12 by saying that no flat packs are available until at least November.

I respond to e-mails ASAP, often in minutes to a few hours but always in 24 hours. Perhaps your e-mail to me found its way into the Junk mail folder was simply lost in cyberspace?

In any event you can reach me on e-mail at arcadesrfun@hotmail.com, this forum, or the E-Bay message system via my auctions here;


In my 9 years of building arcade panels/games and now pins, I have never been unreachable.



I just checked Junk mail and lo and behold you are there!

Microsoft SmartScreen is not so smart!

Your e-mail address is now marked as "safe" by my hotmail account.

I'm responding to your e-mails now.


  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Jack,

If I buy a Flat pack, and put it all together, where is a good place to purchase the LCD screens that I will need for the Pinball game.

Also is it possible to get a breakdown of the operating system that I would need to make it all work.

I think this would be a great project for my two boys and I. Trouble is I have no problem with the DIY stuff its the computer parts that I'm not to savy with. I know my 14 yr old would know what to do if I had a list of what to buy.

I have been looking at the Ultrapin & Multipin systems but the price is a little to steep for my pockets

By the way I'm up here in Winnipeg,Manitoba Canada, can you give me an idea what shipping would cost me?::ciao:

  opeth said:
Hi Jack,

If I buy a Flat pack, and put it all together, where is a good place to purchase the LCD screens that I will need for the Pinball game.

Also is it possible to get a breakdown of the operating system that I would need to make it all work.

I think this would be a great project for my two boys and I. Trouble is I have no problem with the DIY stuff its the computer parts that I'm not to savy with. I know my 14 yr old would know what to do if I had a list of what to buy.

I have been looking at the Ultrapin & Multipin systems but the price is a little to steep for my pockets

By the way I'm up here in Winnipeg,Manitoba Canada, can you give me an idea what shipping would cost me?::ciao:

You mean, Winterpeg? :D

Sorry, couldn't help it... I definitely dont miss the Canadian Winters (originally from Calgary, AB).

  • 3 weeks later...

Jack...have you got an up to date link...I am interested in your flat pack...I went to the ebay link and all i saw was completed packages...



Currently no flatpacks on E-bay. I'm putting off all new flat pack orders until Jan.1 as I'm swamped with the completed pin sales for the Holidays.

What type of flat pack where you interested in 2 or 3 monitor?



  • 1 month later...

If you have success selling the regular flat packs, any chance in the future of having a mini-pin type of setup, for say a two-screen, 24" playfield? I know there are a lot of people out there who'd love a cab but are limited in either space or money (myself included!).

Regardless, what you're doing is very awesome!



Thanks for the kind words.

We were backed up with full size pin builds during the Holidays but we are finally shipping out flat packs again.

Funny you should ask that Mini-Pin question.

We are in the process of building out very first prototype Mini-pin!

We are building it so that a standard 22" lockdown bar will fit the cab. This means you can place a 24" or a 28" playfield LCD in it!

Once done we will offer that kit.

Pricing will be less than our current 42"/46" model.




I'm interested in a flat pack kit for a triple monitor setup. I was planning on using a 42" playfield, 28" backglass and 17" or 19" DMD.

I see that as of your last post you are offering flat pack kits again now that the holiday rush has died down but I couldn't seem to find a link anywhere.



We are finally getting back to normal business after the Holiday rush. We currently have a 3 monitor setup designed for a 42"-46" playfield using a 26" wide body lock down bar. Inside width is aprox. 24.5". The backbox is made for a 32" LCD but we can design a slightly smaller backbox for you at no extra charge. I would just need the brand of LCD you are using so I can look up the measurements. If you decased it I would need you to supply measurmeents.

We also offer custom CAD designed and CNC cut black textured plastic playfield and backglass bezels as well as DMD's too.

Prices vary by size.

There's no link to purchase our flatpacks as they are not on E-bay as of yet. But the description of what you get for the $395 price is at the beginning of the thread.

You can always e-mail me at arcadesrfun@hotmail.com if you prefer. Payment is via Paypal invoice.



  • 2 weeks later...


This is a subjective topic and estimates vary widely but I would say just over $3K for a 3 monitor pin. This price range has been quoted many times on the forums from other DIY'ers.

You of course can save money by cutting corners on the cabinet ( finding a real parted out pin instead of a flat pack, or buying your own wood and cutting it).

This is not counting any labor costs of course.

That's the best part of doing it yourself, your labor does not cost you anything! :)


Thanks Jack, not being all that handy your flatpack would probably be a godsend so I had already budgeted for that. I was just wondering what the rest was gonna cost me so I know how many of my personal belongings I need to sell to make this happen. :burnout:

  • 4 weeks later...
  Secret80 said:
Thanks Jack' date=' not being all that handy your flatpack would probably be a godsend so I had already budgeted for that. I was just wondering what the rest was gonna cost me so I know how many of my personal belongings I need to sell to make this happen. :burnout:[/quote']

I personally started with a kindey but then they told me I would have to stop drinking... so ^% that idea.....

The missus went for a decent enough price. Got the monitors for the money.

Will miss her........ :beerglass:

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