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My Hyperspin intro's showcase


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I can add them to the FTP if it is allowed, most video stuff is hosted on emumovies so I dont know if they allow it on the hyperspin ftp. Thanks THK, it took me the longest to complete. A random intro function would be really cool and is a great idea. Sorry Steve but I wanted to make original new stuff, plus I already know when I am booting into Hyperspin.

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This script should be run just before HyperSpin is launched and is best used as part of a Hyperspin startup script.

It will delete the current Intro.flv before it chooses a random .flv file to copy to Intro.flv. Make sure that if you want to keep whatever video is currently Intro.flv, you rename it before running this script for the first time.

The file reading/writing should be almost instantaneous unless you're using enormous video files.

Place the compiled EXE into the Hyperspin\Media\Frontend\Video\ directory. Add the EXE to your startup script.

Based on some random person's "randomize wallpaper" AHK function.

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.


Loop, *.flv
 Random, r, 0.0, %A_Index%
 if (r<1)

FileDelete Intro.flv
FileCopy, %ss%, %A_ScriptDir%\Intro.flv

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