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mess bios retro arch problem


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I don't personally use HyperSpin but I've fought with getting MESS to work in RA before and could never get it to play ball. Can anyone give an example command line that HyperSpin/Launch uses to launch a game in RA with the MESS core? (the entire command line, including all arguments used). Thanks.


I can't give you a command line, but I have a working version in my Dropbox. There is a link in my FTP folder. Feel free to grab it

Instagram : baddeolv
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Seems like the guys over at hyperlaunch finally finalized the Retroarch module. Only took them 15 pages of discussions. I'm really impressed! I don't know how they do it but they always come through. Can't wait to try it out.


I wouldn't say finalized, but it's getting much closer ;)

Per-system configs now work, which is very significant. That means you can do controls, overlays, rotations, etc, all per-system now.


So I'm assuming I can finally setup all my Mess games in Retroarch now, correct?

What about the Atari Lynx? Does it have rotation on a game per game basis?

By the way, does the Sega SG-1000 work now? I'm getting a black screen with the old module.

So I'm assuming I can finally setup all my Mess games in Retroarch now, correct?

What about the Atari Lynx? Does it have rotation on a game per game basis?

By the way, does the Sega SG-1000 work now? I'm getting a black screen with the old module.

I've got all those systems working with my setup - feel free to PM me if you have problems. Make sure you're using the latest module, which has now been posted to GIT. So update your HyperLaunch ;)

Per-game rotation for Lynx works, but currently there's some confusion with the settings... you use "Edit Global Module Settings" button, then the "Rom Settings" subtab to set up per-game settings. Ignore the warning that pops up stating you should be using "System Specific Module Settings" instead. That page should be deprecated as it only offers rotation and nothing more.


Why the the "configs" folder changed to "config"? Am I supposed to move all my config files to the new "config" folder?

Every single one of my config files has this line rgui_config_directory = ":\configs"

Does that mean I have to change the path in every single file now?

Why the the "configs" folder changed to "config"? Am I supposed to move all my config files to the new "config" folder?

Every single one of my config files has this line rgui_config_directory = ":\configs"

Does that mean I have to change the path in every single file now?

AFAIK, ever since I started using RetroArch, it has been \config. I'm really not sure when the config/configs confusion came about...

I don't think you need to change that value in every one of your configs since HyperLaunch ignores it anyways. The only one that matters is in the RetroArch module settings, and perhaps you could change the one in retroarch.cfg for those times you may open RetroArch manually to do something.


Amstrad GX4000, Bally Astrocade and ColecoVision are starting from HLHQ to ingame.

SNK Neo Geo AES gives a light blue screen. And should I use the prosystem core for Atari 7800 (black screen) or the Mess core (RA starts and closes)?

update: Now using SNK Neo Geo AES in RA with FB Alpha core using the universal bios 3.0. When you see the splash hit AZX keys to change the region and mode, but it doesnt save the setting when you close the emu.

Amstrad GX4000, Bally Astrocade and ColecoVision are starting from HLHQ to ingame.

SNK Neo Geo AES gives a light blue screen. And should I use the prosystem core for Atari 7800 (black screen) or the Mess core (RA starts and closes)?

update: Now using SNK Neo Geo AES in RA with FB Alpha core using the universal bios 3.0. When you see the splash hit AZX keys to change the region and mode, but it doesnt save the setting when you close the emu.

I too was having problems with AES working for *any* emulator... eventually I just decided to go with MVS and use MAME. That' some useful info you posted though; it would be helpful if you posted it over in the RetroArch thread on the HyperLaunch website: http://www.hyperlaunch.net/forum/showthread.php?251-RetroArch-Module&p=6729#post6729

You shouldn't have to think about what core to use, as the default is already set. You don't need to fill in the core in each system's settings page - that's only for if you want to use something other than the alternate. I think we'll need to work on making that more clear.


I know use aes with standalone mame and unibios31. It saves an nvram per game to start it in aes the nexttime.

Indeed today i started a clean hl and clean ra. Without pointing cores in the config some systems finally seemed to start.

Any advice on c64 in RA?

I know use aes with standalone mame and unibios31. It saves an nvram per game to start it in aes the nexttime.

Indeed today i started a clean hl and clean ra. Without pointing cores in the config some systems finally seemed to start.

Any advice on c64 in RA?

Sorry, I don't have C64 in my collection...


Has anyone got MESS core save and load states working in RetroArch? The core information states that there's support for it, but when I try it just tells me "Core does not support save states."


Same problem here Takaji. Which is unfortunate as it would be a cool feature to have. It may be that they intend on implementing it but haven't gotten to it yet.



Are you guys mapping through the rgui or through mess in retroarch?

and has anyone have mess working in retroarch without hyperlaunch?

I have it working through the hyperlaunch and can'tcan't get it to load roms in retroarch.

Are you guys mapping through the rgui or through mess in retroarch?

and has anyone have mess working in retroarch without hyperlaunch?

I have it working through the hyperlaunch and can'tcan't get it to load roms in retroarch.

Not sure exactly what you mean by mapping through the rgui or through MESS... but a common reason for not having MESS working in RetroArch is having mess_boot_from_cli set to disabled in retroarch-core-options.cfg. I suggest if you don't have that file to make it with the line "mess_boot_from_cli = "enabled"" and plae a copy in the root directory and in \config.

aletterfromthelostdays: I also posted asking in the RetroArch forums here


Sorry should of been more clear. I meant mapping controls for joysticks or controllers.

I was wondering if you guys are mapping your controlls once in mess or through the retroarch gui?

Trying to find a way to do it through mess and have it save per system. I've tried mapping my controls in mess and soon as I exit and go back into the system the mappings are back to default.

Sorry should of been more clear. I meant mapping controls for joysticks or controllers.

I was wondering if you guys are mapping your controlls once in mess or through the retroarch gui?

Trying to find a way to do it through mess and have it save per system. I've tried mapping my controls in mess and soon as I exit and go back into the system the mappings are back to default.

I don't think the MESS menu in the MESS core even does anything, when using MESS through RetroArch. You'll need to do everything through the rGUI.

This is my suggestion for using per-system configs in RetroArch:

1. Make a copy of retroarch.cfg and place it in \config. Rename it to the system you're setting up. ie. "Nintendo 64.cfg"

2. Launch an N64 game, hit F1 and then set up ALL your settings and controls. Once you're satisfied with it, make sure save config on exit is enabled, and then close RetroArch.

3. Use Nintendo 64.cfg as a template for all future per-system configs. Setting up Atari 2600 next? Make a copy of Nintendo 64.cfg and rename it to Atari 2600.cfg. Each system needs its own config in RetroArch.

This way you set all your controls once, and then you don't need to do it for each system, if your key mappings are staying the same.

Tip: You need to change the bind mode to "RetroKeyboard" under input settings if you want to change key mappings to the keyboard. Otherwise leaving it set to "RetroPad" only allows you to map to buttons on your joypad.

Hope that helps!


"Save on exit" is a tricky option to use, but yeah definitely the way to go above. Someone really should just up their Retro-System configs to the FTP - even if you have to remap controls once, it would save people a lot of time. I mean I think I have over 100 at this point.

One last tip - turn "per core configs" OFF (as in disable and/or set to false if you're editing the cfg manually) in that first config you're going to duplicate. This sounds counter intuitive, but if you leave that enabled RA seems to take some options from a per core config it will generate and it gets confusing.


"Save on exit" is a tricky option to use, but yeah definitely the way to go above. Someone really should just up their Retro-System configs to the FTP - even if you have to remap controls once, it would save people a lot of time. I mean I think I have over 100 at this point.

One last tip - turn "per core configs" OFF (as in disable and/or set to false if you're editing the cfg manually) in that first config you're going to duplicate. This sounds counter intuitive, but if you leave that enabled RA seems to take some options from a per core config it will generate and it gets confusing.

I have most of mine om my FTP folder.

"Save on exit" is a tricky option to use, but yeah definitely the way to go above. Someone really should just up their Retro-System configs to the FTP - even if you have to remap controls once, it would save people a lot of time. I mean I think I have over 100 at this point.

One last tip - turn "per core configs" OFF (as in disable and/or set to false if you're editing the cfg manually) in that first config you're going to duplicate. This sounds counter intuitive, but if you leave that enabled RA seems to take some options from a per core config it will generate and it gets confusing.

Sounds like it's time I got to work on that RetroArch guide... is this something people want?


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