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What's In Your PC?


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I'm getting ready to build the PC in my cabinet and I was wondering what internal parts make up your system (motherboard, CPU, RAM, Power Supply.) I've never ran Hyperspin before until last week and it seems fine with 8GB of RAM and a I7-3770 CPU, but will it be possible to cut it down to a less expensive 4GB of RAM and a I5 CPU? Do you think I can get by with only a 500w power supply? Anybody have a system that run fine with lower end components?

  whirlybird7 said:
Do you think I can get by with only a 500w power supply?

Should be more than sufficient, unless you're planning on adding a powerful dedicated gpu later on.


..........................back with a vengeance........................


Basically, any i5 with 4gb of RAM is enough.

The box I showed here : http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?39268-My-Hyperspin-box

is a Haswell i5 (current gen) with 4gb of RAM.

For the GPU you'll n eed something a little beefy if you're planning to run anything above Playstation 1 efficiently.

Avoid low-end GPUs like Geforce below the x50 range of cards (560, 660, 760, etc is good.)


I would say that CPU requirement is strangely related to what monitor you have!

If you have an arcade monitor then there is no point getting the best i5 as you are limited on what graphics card you can use. I think (might need someone to confirm) but you will struggle to run playstation, wii, dreamcast with an arcade monitor compatible graphics card.


Olivetti PCS 11 case (small form factor)

486 running 33Mhz

640k B'RAM

I have just upgraded to SVGA and got a great lil 14 inch monitor. I got Dos 5.0 and Windows 3.11. I have this shelled so it boots striaght into hyperspin and runs as smoooooth as butter. I should have at least 4 more years until I ill need to upgrade.

  austin585 said:
Olivetti PCS 11 case (small form factor)

486 running 33Mhz

640k B'RAM

I have just upgraded to SVGA and got a great lil 14 inch monitor. I got Dos 5.0 and Windows 3.11. I have this shelled so it boots striaght into hyperspin and runs as smoooooth as butter. I should have at least 4 more years until I ill need to upgrade.

Sweet setup Austin.... very jealous! :)

  austin585 said:
Olivetti PCS 11 case (small form factor)

486 running 33Mhz

640k B'RAM

I have just upgraded to SVGA and got a great lil 14 inch monitor. I got Dos 5.0 and Windows 3.11. I have this shelled so it boots striaght into hyperspin and runs as smoooooth as butter. I should have at least 4 more years until I ill need to upgrade.

Are you using DriveSpace too? Fits more stuff you know. Just takes a few extra days to defrag. I still have an 80MB drive from my 386. I was told at the time I would never fill it up. Do you want it? If the sales guy was being honest, you can fit your whole rom collection in it and still have plenty of space left.

For PS2 and Wii games, do you have find the need to press the Turbo button?


I can run everything up to and including PS1, Wii, Gamecube, Dreamcast.

I get some slight lag but I haven't overclocked my CPU at all.

CPU: Intel Pentium G3258

Motherboard: Asus H81M-D PLUS Micro ATX

Memory: Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory

Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM

Video Card: XFX Radeon R7 260X 2GB Core Edition Video Card

Total cost just over $300.


To hell with 80MB hard drives. I used a special formatter to get 110kB on my ZX Spectrum microdrives, and created a menu screen to select from up to 4 games per cartridge. Oh yeah!

HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/


my rigs is pretty high end for an arcade emulator rig,but im gonna be running PS2/gamecube emulators etc etc...

i7 4790

win 64

8GB ram

Ati 7970 4gb

coolermaster Haf

coolermaster V8 Cooler


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