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acorn archimedes setup


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Hi Craig,

Next week, I'll have some time. So perhaps I can help doing some videos for this system (No skills in paintshop or themes making, sorry). Is there already a pack with the database and all I need to play those games? If you need some help on videos, tell me what system and what games you need ;)

Hi Craig,

Next week, I'll have some time. So perhaps I can help doing some videos for this system (No skills in paintshop or themes making, sorry). Is there already a pack with the database and all I need to play those games? If you need some help on videos, tell me what system and what games you need ;)

I think someone else is already doing the videos. So I would hate to have you waste your time. by duplicating them :) :)

I do not think there is a "pack" to download quite yet.....but i am sure there will be



I think someone else is already doing the videos. So I would hate to have you waste your time. by duplicating them :) :)

I do not think there is a "pack" to download quite yet.....but i am sure there will be



Ok, I'll find some videos to do on others systems. There is enough job for everybody ;)

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Craig!


Any news concerning your archimedes project?

I have managed to launch games from the hard drive as explained in the method you told us about but I have no idea how it can translate into an Hyperlaunch module.

Anyway the "official" module for arculator works well now, only the games don't autolaunch.


Great thanks again for your dedication and hard work.


have not messed with this in a while

here is what i am using

mine autolaunch

dont remember if i changed anything



MEmu = Arculator
MEmuV = v0.99
MURL = http://b-em.bbcmicro.com/arculator/
MAuthor = brolly
MVersion = 1.0
MCRC = 39F4E0F9
iCRC = 953693BD
mId = 635403945755833655
MSystem = "Acorn Archimedes"
; Notes:
; You will need to have the RiscOS roms in the Roms folder inside each respective sub-folder depending on the RiscOS version you are going to use
; For faster loading If you want to boot into the command prompt instead of RiscOS do this:
; After RiscOS has booted, press F12 to go to the prompt and type: conf. language 0
; Press Enter to get rid of the prompt and reset Arculator, you should now boot into command prompt
; This info is stored in the cmos, so make sure you backup your CMOS folder before attempting it so you can revert back If needed
; Some games might require RiscOS to start, so beware of it
; WaitTime in the module settings file should be adjusted to your machine as RiscOS load might be slower or faster
; You can download a blank pre-formatted hdf file to use as HDD disk 4 and/or disk 5 here:
; http://b-em.bbcmicro.com/arculator/download.html
; hdf games are supported, but they will always be mounted in drive 5 so make sure you go to RiscOS desktop-Apps-!Configure-Discs and set the number of IDE hard discs to 2.
; You can have multiple games inside the same hdf file, to be able to launch the games make sure you set the HdfFileName in the module ini file
settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
;General Settings
Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
FullBorders := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "FullBorders","true",,1)
NoBorders := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "NoBorders","false",,1)
WaitTime := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "WaitTime","15000",,1)
;Different keyboard layouts will use different keys
AsteriskKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Keys", "AsteriskKey","*",,1)
DoubleQuoteKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Keys", "DoubleQuoteKey","""",,1)
UnderscoreKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Keys", "UnderscoreKey","_",,1)
MinusKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Keys", "MinusKey","-",,1)
;Rom Settings
CpuType := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "CpuType","3",,1)
MemorySize := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "MemorySize","8192",,1)
OperatingSystem := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "OperatingSystem","3",,1)
FullBorders := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "FullBorders",FullBorders,,1)
NoBorders := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "NoBorders",NoBorders,,1)
WaitTime := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "WaitTime",WaitTime,,1)
ExecuteCmd := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "ExecuteCmd",A_Space,,1)
WorkingDir := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "WorkingDir",A_Space,,1)
HdfFileName := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "HdfFileName",A_Space,,1)
If (!HdfFileName AND romExtension = ".hdf")
HdfFileName := romName . romExtension
If (HdfFileName) ;Check If HDF File exists
HdfFile := CheckFile(romPath . "\" . HdfFileName)
;Enable FDC If OS is RiscOS 3 with new FDC
FdcType := If OperatingSystem = "3" ? "1" : "0"
cfgFile := CheckFile(emuPath . "\arc.cfg")
cfgArray := LoadProperties(cfgFile)
; hideEmuObj := Object("Arculator ahk_class WindowsApp",1) ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)
; Read current settings from arc.cfg
CurrentFirstFullscreen := ReadProperty(cfgArray,"first_fullscreen")
CurrentFullBorders := ReadProperty(cfgArray,"full_borders")
CurrentNoBorders := ReadProperty(cfgArray,"no_borders")
CurrentCpuType := ReadProperty(cfgArray,"cpu_type")
CurrentMemorySize := ReadProperty(cfgArray,"mem_size")
CurrentOperatingSystem := ReadProperty(cfgArray,"rom_set")
CurrentFdcType := ReadProperty(cfgArray,"fdc_type")
If (FullBorders = "true" && CurrentFullBorders != "1")
Else If (FullBorders != "true" && CurrentFullBorders != "0")
If (NoBorders = "true" && CurrentNoBorders != "1")
Else If (NoBorders != "true" && CurrentNoBorders != "0")
If (CpuType != CurrentCpuType)
If (MemorySize != CurrentMemorySize)
If (OperatingSystem != CurrentOperatingSystem)
If (FdcType != CurrentFdcType)
If (CurrentFirstFullscreen != "0") ;If first_fullscreen=1 a dialog will appear telling you to press Ctrl+End to get back to windowed mode and we don't want that
;Clean any previous disk in drives
;Replace special keys due to different keyboard layouts
If ExecuteCmd contains *
StringReplace, ExecuteCmd, ExecuteCmd, *, %AsteriskKey%, All
If ExecuteCmd contains "
StringReplace, ExecuteCmd, ExecuteCmd, ", %DoubleQuoteKey%, All
If ExecuteCmd contains _
StringReplace, ExecuteCmd, ExecuteCmd, _, %UnderscoreKey%, All
If ExecuteCmd contains -
StringReplace, ExecuteCmd, ExecuteCmd, -, %MinusKey%, All
If romExtension contains .adf,.apd
{ ;Disk loading
WriteProperty(cfgArray,"disc_name_0", romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension,1)
;MultiDisk loading, this will load the first 2 disks into drives A and B since some games can read from both drives and therefore 
;the user won't need to change disks through the MG menu.
If romName contains (Disk 1)
{ ;If the user boots any disk rather than the first one, multi disk support must be done through HyperLaunch MG menu
RomTableCheck() ; make sure romTable is created already so the next line can calculate correctly
If romTable.MaxIndex() > 1
WriteProperty(cfgArray,"disc_name_1", romTable[2,1],1)
} Else {
;hdf game, game might need a disk in the drive due to copy protection so lets search for it
diskFile := romPath . "\" . romName . ".apd"
IfExist, %diskFile%
WriteProperty(cfgArray,"disc_name_0", diskFile,1)
Else {
diskFile := romPath . "\" . romName . ".adf"
IfExist, %diskFile%
WriteProperty(cfgArray,"disc_name_0", diskFile,1)
If (HdfFile) ;Copy game to drive 5
FileCopy, %HdfFile%, %emuPath%\hd5.hdf, 1
Run(executable, emuPath)
WinWait("Arculator ahk_class WindowsApp")
WinWaitActive("Arculator ahk_class WindowsApp")
; Set fullscreen If needed
If (Fullscreen = "true")
WinMenuSelectItem, Arculator ahk_class WindowsApp,, Video, Fullscreen
If (ExecuteCmd OR WorkingDir)
Sleep %WaitTime% ;Wait until RiscOS has finished booting
SetKeyDelay, 50, 50
Send {F12}
Sleep, 500
If romExtension Contains .adf,.apd
Send drive{Space}0
Else If HdfFile
Send drive{Space}5
Send {Enter}
Sleep, 400
If (WorkingDir)
Send dir{Space}%WorkingDir%fv
Send {Enter}
If (ExecuteCmd)
; Send Run
; Send {Space}
; Send {! down}{! up}
Send %ExecuteCmd%
Send {Enter}
Sleep, 10000
WinMenuSelectItem, Arculator ahk_class WindowsApp,, Disc, Change Disc, Drive 0...
OpenROM("Open ahk_class #32770",selectedRom)
If (Fullscreen = "true")
WinMenuSelectItem, Arculator ahk_class WindowsApp,, Video, Fullscreen
WinActivate, Arculator ahk_class WindowsApp
WinClose("Arculator ahk_class WindowsApp")

Thanks Craig.

It's the one I am using as well.

It doesn't autolaunch for me, probably something I am missing, but it's not too bothering anyway.


one way to get games to auto load is go to module and click>Global Module Settings>Rom Settings> and fill in the execute command properly.   {!}3D-Tanks ....... example for the first game on my list. If there is another way please feel free to chime in and help. that is the only way I know to get them to auto-load. The database im happy with and using has 133 roms, so I haven't went thru the entire list to set all the command lines. I don't mind the way it loads without that setting.


here it the .ini that someone gave me

dont remember who

but i did not make it

maybe dr maxwell? thanks to whoever it was

hope it helps

keep the scene alive!


[2067 BC]
ExecuteCmd = {!}2067BC
ExecuteCmd = {!}Aggressor
[Air Supremacy]
[Alien Invasion]
[All In Boxing]
[Apocalypse (Disk 1)]
[Archimedes Elite]
[Archimedes Moria]
[Asylum (Disk 1)]
[Chess 3D]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Chess3D
[Big Bang]
ExecuteCmd = {!}BigBang
ExecuteCmd = {!}Blitz
[Blowpipe (Disk 1)]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Blowpipe
ExecuteCmd = {!}Bloxed
[Bobbie Blockhead Vs The Dark Planet]
ExecuteCmd = {!}BBvsTDP
[Break 147]
ExecuteCmd = {!}BREAK_147
[Bubble Fair]
ExecuteCmd = {!}BubleFair
[Bug Hunter 2 in Space]
ExecuteCmd = {!}BugHuntII
[Bug Hunter And Moon Dash]
ExecuteCmd = {!}BugHunter
[Cannon Fodder]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Cannon
[Castle Black Heart]
ExecuteCmd = {!}BlckHeart
[Cataclysm (Disk 1)]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Cataclysm
[Chocks Away (Disk 1)]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Chocks
[Chuck Rock (Disk 1)]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Chuck
[Chess 3D]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Chess3D
[Coconizer v1.3]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Coconizer
[Colour Umoria v5.4.0]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Umoria
ExecuteCmd = {!}Boot
[Corruption Cove]
ExecuteCmd = {!}
[Crystal Maze, The (demo) (19xx)(Sherston)]
ExecuteCmd = {!}CMaze
[DinoSaw PD]
ExecuteCmd = {!}DinoSaw
[EGO Repton 4]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Repton4
ExecuteCmd = {!}Enigma
[E-Type (Disk 1)]
ExecuteCmd = {!}E-TYPE
ExecuteCmd = {!}
[Fireball II]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Fireball2
[Fireball II Extra]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Fireball2
ExecuteCmd = {!}Fish
ExecuteCmd = {!}Fruitz
[Gorm v1.40]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Gorm
ExecuteCmd = {!}Guile
[Gyrinus II - Son of Gyrinus (Disk 1)]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Gyrinus2
[Hero Quest]
ExecuteCmd = {!}HeroQuest
[Ibix The Viking]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Viking
[Interdictor 2]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Interdii
[Iron Lord]
ExecuteCmd = {!}IronLord
[Ixion (Disk 1)]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Ixion
[James Pond]
ExecuteCmd = {!}JamePond
[Jet Fighter]
ExecuteCmd = jetfighter
[Leeds United - Champions!]
ExecuteCmd = {!}LeedsUtd
ExecuteCmd = {!}Lemmings
[Mad Professor Mariarti]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Madprof
[MadDash 2]
ExecuteCmd = {!}MADDASH
[Manchester United Europe]
ExecuteCmd = {!}ManUnited
[Master Break]
ExecuteCmd = {!}MasterBrk
[MicroPower Chess]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Chess3D
[Mig 29 Fulcrum]
ExecuteCmd = {!}MiG29
[Moon Quake]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Moonquake
[Mr. Doo]
ExecuteCmd = {!}MrDoo
ExecuteCmd = {!}Nebulus
ExecuteCmd = {!}Oddball
[Oh, No! More Lemmings!]
ExecuteCmd = {!}OhNoLemms
ExecuteCmd = {!}PacMania
[Paradroid 2000]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Paradroid
[PD Lemings]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Lemings
[Pipe Mania]
ExecuteCmd = {!}PipeMania
ExecuteCmd = {!}Poizone
ExecuteCmd = {!}Populous
[Punters Predictor, The]
ExecuteCmd = {!}P Predict
[Repton 3]
ExecuteCmd = repton3
[Sim City]
ExecuteCmd = {!}SimCity
[Simon The Sorcerer (Disk 1)]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Simon
[Son of Gyrinus (Disk 1)]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Gyrinus2
[Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe]
ExecuteCmd = {!}SpeedBall
[Spheres of Chaos]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Chaos
[Star Fighter 3000]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Star3000
ExecuteCmd = {!}Starch
[Super Pool]
ExecuteCmd = {!}S_Pool
[Superior (Disk 1)]
ExecuteCmd = {!}
ExecuteCmd = {!}Swiv
ExecuteCmd = {!}Talisman
ExecuteCmd = {!}boot
[Time Zone]
ExecuteCmd = {!}TimeZone
[Top Banana]
ExecuteCmd = {!}banana
[Tower of Babel]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Babel
[Trivial Pursuit]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Triv
ExecuteCmd = {!}TwinWorld
[VZap v1.36]
ExecuteCmd = {!}
[White Magic]
ExecuteCmd = {!}boot
[White Magic 2]
ExecuteCmd = {!}boot
[Wimp Game, The]
ExecuteCmd = {!}WimpGame
[Wolfenstein 3D v1.00 (Disk 1)]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Wolf
[World Championship Boxing Manager v3.0]
ExecuteCmd = {!}BoxingMan
[Worra Battle]
ExecuteCmd ={!}3D-Tanks
[Zool (Disk 1)]
ExecuteCmd = {!}Zool
[Creepie Crawlie 1]
ExecuteCmd ={!}Creepie
[Cannon Fodder (Disk 2)]
[Creepie Crawlie 2]
ExecuteCmd ={!}Creepie2
ExecuteCmd ={!}amaze
ExecuteCmd ={!}ballon
ExecuteCmd ={!}cribbage
ExecuteCmd ={!}dominoes
ExecuteCmd ={!}moric
ExecuteCmd ={!}ogreslair
ExecuteCmd ={!}pickapair
  • 4 weeks later...

im also trying to setup the system to autoload games but i can't find any information about it. 

can you reupload your emulator? the link seems to be broken.

and where is this ini file goes?

thank you for your help

  • 3 weeks later...

the last ninja on the Archimedes! I so want to put that in my hyperspin!


got most of all box covers. soon ill start to make wheels for this system.


if your after last ninja for Archimedes, type the last ninja archives in google

(Midlife crisis) some have hot rods, some have gold chains, I have arcade machine with hyperspin.

  • 2 weeks later...

banged around on my keyboard for a while:







action buttons




right shift::button2


there may be more but this worked on 10 games I tested so far


started making videos (5 so far) uploaded to emumovies FTP.  Played with only the buttons i mapped so far and its working.  The sound is very sparce im not sure if its an emulation issue or just how the Archimedes is.


Arculator is extremly limited as far as configuration.  you can remap all keys within the games but the settings dont keep once you close the emulator.


Should I continue?


I was able to load multi disc games (manually not within the module) but some games require a cfs temp directory.  I cant see how to do this in Risos configuration app.  Anyone figure this out?


Moving forward and have 20 videos uploaded so far.  I am removing games that cant load and multi disc games (without module support to load multi disc games its just too impratical for me to include).


Im correcting the database as I go and filling in missing wheels.


I cant upload wheels or database to the ftp so i'll think of some alternative when all is done.


Feels nice to be involved again but a bit bittersweet with the current ftp situation.


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