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Everything posted by Creezz67

  1. Not to worry, I have one. Thanks
  2. Thanks for this set. Is there any chance you could do a default box for Sinclair ZX Spectrum to fill the gaps if required ?
  3. Great work mate and improves an already excellent intro !!
  4. Looks cool, but the music sucks IMO. Maybe do same with different soundtrack ? Thanks for the share.
  5. Excellent theme, though I would have kept the Popcap logo somewhere on the screen throughout.
  6. Why don't you just use the split MAME romset instead ?
  7. Finally a good looking wheel for TeknoParrot.
  8. Great effort with this theme, top quality !!
  9. Why not just convert the file HERE ? http://www.convertfiles.com/convert/video/MKV-to-MP4.html
  10. Great quality, thanks for sharing ?
  11. Any chance you can zip these up and supply in one download ? Thanks
  12. Great work, don't suppose you have the xml's to go with these themes do you ? Thanks
  13. Hi All, I did it to try and show you that it really would not help. We all know the awesome contributions Ghostlost & Pademonium give to both Hyperspin & Launchbox With Pademonium's videos you can easily edit his signature off the end of his cinematic videos, it's not as if he adds it all the way through it. But by Ghostlost putting his signature on a theme or wheel it just makes them totally unusable IMO I understand what you are trying to do and people do abuse it by adding it to drives etc, but that is out of respect as they have decided that its the best of the best they wanted and chose yours. I bet if you put a poll on Hyperspin and asked who were the best/top contributors in these fields (themes, cinematic themes, wheelart etc) I am sure you would both be high up on that list along with RetroHumanoid, James Baker etc ? FRENCH Salut à tous, Je l’ai fait pour essayer de vous montrer que cela n’aiderait vraiment pas. Nous connaissons tous les formidables contributions de Ghostlost & Pademonium à Hyperspin & Launchbox Avec les vidéos de Pademonium, vous pouvez facilement modifier sa signature à la fin de ses vidéos cinématiques. Ce n'est pas comme s'il l'ajoutait tout au long. Mais si Ghostlost met sa signature sur un thème ou sur une roue, cela les rend totalement inutilisables. OMI Je comprends ce que vous essayez de faire et les gens en abusent en ajoutant cela aux lecteurs, etc., mais c'est par respect, car ils ont décidé que c'était le meilleur des meilleurs qu'ils voulaient et qu'ils choisissaient les vôtres. Je parie que si vous posez un sondage sur Hyperspin et demandez qui ont été les meilleurs contributeurs / principaux dans ces domaines (thèmes, thèmes cinématiques, wheelart, etc.), je suis sûr que vous serez tous les deux en haut de cette liste avec RetroHumanoid, James Baker, etc. ?
  14. it was a joke !!?
  15. You have inspired me, was thinking of doing something like Ghostlost just in case someone tried to use it. Any thoughts ?
  16. Bad idea with the watermarks, i won't be using them anymore and probably many others with that all over them ?
  17. Thanks, you have xml ?
  18. just use fotosizer , rotate cartridges and resize to 75% of current size
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