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Everything posted by Creezz67

  1. No need for an updated ahk as the current one works fine. MAME 0.252 had major changes so you may have to tweak you ini file to get it to work with your existing setup (0.251 down)
  2. Works fine on Windows 11 Home (64bit) version 21H2 Been using it for over a year with the sxs.dll
  3. You have done it !!! Now all working like it did on MAME 0.251 i have literally been using it for over 10 years with no issues at all ... until MAME 0.252 Thanks for your help.
  4. Thanks Start + Coin working fine now, but the only thing not working now is the D Pad (analog working fine) MAME 0.252 has completely messed this ctrl file up. Can you use the D pad on 1941 with this ctrl file ? Thanks
  5. Does anyone know how to fix this cfg file (see attached) so it works with MAME 0.252 ? All working fine for previous MAME builds all the way up to MAME 0.251, but now Start + Select not working (lots of changes were done on MAME 0.252) Tried fixing, but can't find the right button combination that works. I am hoping the person that created it all those years ago will see this post (or someone with the skills to fix it obviously) Thanks in advance ps, All working fine once Coin + Start pressed on keyboard. XARCADE_XBox360x4.cfg
  6. Thanks for these Is there any chance you can upload all your themes for PS2 in a zip file to get them up to date, as many will probably not have all the others you have done over the years ?
  7. Yes, these were just extras that I had accumulated over the years and thought he might want to add to his collection since he shared his. I was aware that none of them were any good for this project, but may be useful to someone.
  8. Just in case you want more themes to add to your set, here is another 827 extra themes I found once i added yours to my own. Thanks again for uploading to zippyshare https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkPgcKWAz0GogctEtft-AyEUat_4LA?e=wuSrc2
  9. Thanks, much appreciated
  10. Good point, didn't think about that. If it was full speed on here to download it wouldn't be an issue, but at 1mb speed max it's taking forever.
  11. Thanks for the share, but downloading 50 separate files on Hyperspin is like pulling teeth as it's so slow. Maybe a mediafire or Mega link would have been better ? Just my opinion and I know how long this must have taken you to even upload it, so thanks again !
  12. confirmed ok, though I did use IDM (Internet Download Manager) to download them.
  13. Yes that's correct as long as all the videos are video themes. If some are normal themes you will have to use that file and rename accordingly for all video themes
  14. Just add this file to the themes folder and rename to video name (unless all videos are video themes, then you can just call it Default. Default or rename.zip
  15. swf files have never worked on NVS so this is therefore NOT a regression, as some themes have always crashed with SWF files in them. That's just how it is. Reznnate will not be fixing that. All we want for now is for it to get back to what it was previously, he is not going to dedicate his life to getting everything working like the PC version, because if it could then it would have been done already. Simplest way to avoid crashes is to just use default.zip for every system and keep your themes for the PC version, or go through and remove SWF files everytime one crashes.
  16. Remove the swf files from one of the games and test to see if its the issue, or just delete the theme altogether and use the default themes (that's if you actually want to play the games) ? Keep in mind this does not work like the PC version as this is android and many things that work on PC won't work on NVS and never have.
  17. Check the zip files in themes folder for the games that crash and they probably have swf files in them. It's best to NOT use swf files anywhere on NVS in my experience.
  18. Thanks for this. All working fine !
  19. Start packing you Pi4 ! Hyperspin is currently dead on the operating table and by the looks of it, Reznnate cannot figure out how to fix it, or more likely he seen all the negativity on these forums about how long it was taking that he just though screw it !
  20. It's not a black screen error, its the error in the bottom left corner (ERROR UNKNOWN OPTION -CART)
  21. Thanks for the share. Can't get this to work as I get error (see below) Works ok in MAME, just can't get it working on RA. Any chance you can show a screenshot of your options menu in RA and what settings are enabled/disabled ? Thanks again.
  22. This was the one I had FYI
  23. Hi, Yes like that, but not with missing image on it. Thanks ps, I now have one but thanks anyway.
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