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Everything posted by griffin518

  1. Requires a subscription
  2. Let's make sure you have HLSL enabled for the MAME emulator in your RocketLauncher settings. Set the option to ini.
  3. I get this question frequently enough that maybe I should just update the description to include it.
  4. You need to be a supporting member... it's in the platinum download section
  5. Welcome back! I'm familiar with your situation... I hope you're able to get some sleep. If you're interested, you might start with my "best of MAME" xml (check my sig). That'll get you most of the way there, you'll just need to layer in trackball and lightgun games. I do the same thing, where I only keep the ROMs I want in my setup (though I keep the full set off to the side). I've switched to non-merged, which makes this a LOT easier since you don't need to keep parents + clones. Something to think about.
  6. There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. Yes, you'll need to be a supporting member to download.
  7. Thanks! Great work as always. Any chance for a Pinball FX2 or 3 theme?
  8. Version 1.0.0


    I created a squared wheel logo for Pinball Arcade to match my current setup... in case anyone wants it, I though I'd share. This matches the Crylen style.
  9. Version 1.0.10


    Moving bezels from EmuMovies FTP to here...
  10. This is a great game... loved it as a kid. Thanks!
  11. This looks great! Unfortunately it looks like you may have uploaded vampire savior 2 by accident. Any chance on a re-upload?
  12. Welcome to the community! This database does not impact/change/update the genre databases you have. This will only pair down your main MAME wheel. Genres are all in separate XML database files in the same database folder you put the MAME.xml in (C:\Arcade\HyperSpin\Databases\MAME in my case). Feel free to send me a PM with any further questions.
  13. Thank you!!
  14. Thank you! We've need a theme for this terrific game for a long time.
  15. Here's an idea to extend the topic... how about a list of MAME games with interesting dip switch variants? For example, you can set a dip switch in NBA Jam to make it 2-player (and so, kind of like a clone).
  16. Version 0.175


    File information: This download contains a custom "best of MAME for kids" HyperSpin XML database. It may be copied over an existing MAME.xml file and run against a full romset to achieve a pared down result. The database was developed with young children in mind, for using in a 2-player cabinet with standard orientation, 8-way joysticks and six buttons per player. There is no trackball or spinner on the control panel. So that being said, following are the requirements kept in mind when I was developing it. Target audience: young kids... think classics w/o realistic violence, etc. Currently based on MAME 0.175 master database I'm in the US and think the US loading screens are cool, so wherever possible I've included US clones instead of parent ROMs 2-player clones of 3+ player games are included instead of parents (ex: TMNT) No driving, spinner, dial, trackball, analog, or really custom control games (apologies to many great games) The version number of this pack corresponds to the version of MAME used
  17. Version 0.189


    *** THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE TO HYPERSPIN PLATINUM SUBSCRIBERS ONLY *** Dear HyperSpin friends, I've put together a package of sorts, aimed at HyperSpin newcomers and veterans alike. I've been continuously grooming a custom "best of MAME" database, bezel set, and MAME ini file set for quite a while now. My goal is to provide something that someone can drop into a fresh setup or custom wheel and be up and running right away. I intend to release updates to the individual downloads on a periodic basis, so check the change logs for more information going forward. The package is split into three parts, as follows. Put together, these downloads will have results as shown in the screenshots. HyperSpin MAME.xml database (Link) Corresponding RocketLauncher bezel set (Link) MAME ini files (THIS DOWNLOAD, see below for details) File information: This download contains a set of ini files to be used with MAME. You must have MAME installed in order to used this pack. HLSL is used and pre-configured for both horizontal and vertical raster games, vector games are not set to use any shaders and have their own display tweaks within the vector.ini file. Several other custom ini files are included for specific games. Info/caveats: The version number of this pack corresponds to the version of MAME used Configured for 1920x1080; if you're running something higher resolution, you'll need to change those lines in the ini files - see the HLSL section You'll need to edit the ini files to point to your own ROM folder (mine is C:\Arcade\ROMs\MAME, for example) - near the top Install instructions: Download files Extract files into your \MAME\ini folder, overwriting anything there Edit the ini files to point to your ROM folder Enjoy!
  18. Version 0.86.6


    *** THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE TO HYPERSPIN SUBSCRIBERS ONLY *** Dear HyperSpin friends, I've put together a package of sorts, aimed at HyperSpin newcomers and veterans alike. I've been continuously grooming a custom "best of MAME" database, bezel set, and MAME ini file set for quite a while now. My goal is to provide something that someone can drop into a fresh setup or custom wheel and be up and running right away. I intend to release updates to the individual downloads on a periodic basis, so check the change logs for more information going forward. The package is split into three parts, as follows. Put together, these downloads will have results as shown in the screenshots. HyperSpin MAME.xml database (Link) Corresponding RocketLauncher bezel set (THIS DOWNLOAD, see below for details) MAME ini files (Link) File information: This download contains a set of RocketLauncher bezels which match the "best of MAME" XML database referenced above. Not every game has a bezel yet, but progress continues either by myself or other artists in the community. All credit is due to the original artists and all file names should contain bezel creator names. I've merely gone through what's available, selected my personal favorites, renamed them to match ROMs, and included them here. Or I've created or modified (with permission/credit) them myself. Info/caveats: The version number of this pack corresponds to the percentage of Bezel coverage to the "best of" database mentioned above (ex: if 50% of games have bezels, the version number will be 0.50) Entire pack is split into three zip files to meet the site's file size restrictions All bezels are 16x9, and at least 1920x1080 For each game with bezels available I've picked my favorite and included it A default bezel is included for those games without coverage Bezel folder names match ROM names in the "best of" database (important for clones) Install instructions: Download files Extract compressed folders into your \RocketLauncher\Media\Bezels\MAME folder Assuming you've got bezels enabled in RocketLauncher... Enjoy!
  19. Version 0.189


    *** THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE TO HYPERSPIN SUBSCRIBERS ONLY *** Dear HyperSpin friends, I've put together a package of sorts, aimed at HyperSpin newcomers and veterans alike. I've been continuously grooming a custom "best of MAME" database, bezel set, and MAME ini file set for quite a while now. My goal is to provide something that someone can drop into a fresh setup or custom wheel and be up and running right away. I intend to release updates to the individual downloads on a periodic basis, so check the change logs for more information going forward. The package is split into three parts, as follows. Put together, these downloads will have results as shown in the screenshots. HyperSpin MAME.xml database (THIS DOWNLOAD, see below for details) Corresponding RocketLauncher bezel set (Link) MAME ini files (Link) File information: This download contains a custom "best of MAME" HyperSpin XML database. It contains both standard ROM-based games as well as some CHD-based games. It may be copied over an existing MAME.xml file and run against a full romset to achieve a pared down result. The database was developed for a 2-player cabinet with standard orientation, 8-way joysticks and six buttons per player. There is no trackball or spinner on the control panel. So that being said, following are the requirements kept in mind as I develop it: Top 350-ish working MAME arcade games (totally subjective, of course) Based on official HS MAME database I'm in the US and think the US loading screens are cool, so I've included most US clones instead of parent ROMs (exception being where parent version is much preferred) 2-player clones of 3+ player games are included instead of parents (ex: TMNT and X-Men) No driving, spinner, dial, trackball, analog, or really custom control games (apologies to many great games) Install instructions: Download file Make a backup of your existing MAME.xml Copy file into your \HyperSpin\Databases\MAME folder, and rename it to MAME.xml List of included games (by ROM name): 1942 1944 1941u 1943kai 1943u 1945kiii 19xx 3countb 3wondersu aerofgts airwolf aliens aliensyn alpham2 altbeast armwaru astdelux astorm astyanax asurabus asterix atetris avspu baddudes batcir batmanfr batrideru batsugunsp bbakraid berzerk bgaregga bionicc2 bjtwin blazstar blitz2k blktiger bloodbro bloxeedu bnj bombjack boogwing bosco bstars2 btime btoads bubbles bublboblr bubsymphu buckyuab bwidow cabal captavenu captcommu choplift circusc cloak cninjau commando contra cotton2 cottonbm cottonu crimecu crimfght cstlevna ctribe cyvern darius2 dariusg dariusu dassault dbreed dbz ddonpach ddp2 ddpdojblk ddragon2u ddragon3 ddragonu ddsomu ddtodu deadconx defender digdug dimahoou dinou dkong dkong3 dkongjr dkongx docastle donpachi dowild dragnblz drmario dsaber dsmbl dstlku dungeonm dynwar eagle ecofghtru edrandy eightman elevator elvactr esprade eswatu excitebk fatfursp fatfury1 feversos ffightub finalbu foodf footchmp frogger frontlin funkyjet futariblj ga2 gaiapols gaiden galaga galaxian gallop gaplus garou gaunt22p gauntleg gauntlet2p gberet gground ghostb ghoulsu gijoeu gnbarich gngt goldnaxe gorf gradius gradius2 gradius3 gradius4 grdians growlu gunbird gunbird2 gunforc2 gunsmokeu guwange gyruss hcastle hharryu hitice hotdogst indytemp inthunt invaders jojo jojoba joust jrpacman jungleh junofrst karianx kengo kingdmgp kinst kinst2 knightsu kodu kof98 kotm kotm2 kungfumd kyros ladybug lastblad lastbld2 lifefrcej lightbr liquidku loht lrescue lwings macross magdrop3 mainevt2p mappy mario matmania mazinger megaman megaman2 mercsu metamrphj mikie mk mk2 moomesauac mooncrst mp_gaxe2 mp_sor2 mpatrol mrdo mrdrillr mshu mshvsfu mslug mslug2 mslug3 mslug4 mslug5 mslugx mspacman mtrap mushisam mvscu mwalku mysticri mystwarru nam1975 narc nastarw nbajam nbbatman ncommand nemesis nibbler ninjaku nitd nitrobal nrallyx nslasheru nspirit numanath nwarru openice osman outfxies outzone pacman pacmania pang3 panic paperboy pbobble pengo pepper2 pgoal phoenix popeye prehisleu progear psychic5 pulstar punchout punisher puyo puyopuy2 pyros qbert qix quartet2 raiden raiden2 raidendxu rallybik rampage rastsaga rbff2 rbibb rbisland rbtapper rdft2u redearth rfjetu roboarmy robocopu robotron rtype2 rtypeleoj rtypeu rygar s1945 s1945ii s1945iii s1945p salmndr2 samsho samsho2 scobra scramble sengoku2 sf2ceuc sfa2u sfa3u sfau sfiii2 sfiii3u sfiiiu shadfrceu shinobi shocktro simpsons2p slammastu sncwgltd snowbros socbrawl sokyugrt sonicwi2 sonicwi3 soulclbruc spelunkr spf2t spidmanu splatter ssf2tu ssridersubc strider supermanu superpac superspy suprmrio svc tankbatt tengai tgm2p timeplt tmnt22pu tmnt2po tnzs toobin trackfld tron truxton2 turfmast twincobru uballoon uccopsar umk3 uopoko vanguard vendetta2pw viewpoin vigilantg viostormu vsav2 vsavu wakuwak7 warriorb wboy willowu wjammers wof wow wwfmania wwfsstaru7 wwfwfest xevious xmcotau xmen2pa xmvsfu zaxxon zookeep
  20. Version 1.0


    Bundle of HLSL settings files for MAMEUIFX 0.167 .ini files go in your ini folder the single .png file goes in your artwork folder
  21. 62 downloads

    Squared main menu wheel image (16x9) for Super Mario War
  22. Version 1.0


    I'm using squared main menu wheel images and decided to move Fix it Felix Jr. to my main menu wheel... it needed a decent squared image, so I created one. Enjoy!
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