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Metalzoic last won the day on July 29 2016

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About Metalzoic

  • Birthday 11/18/1971

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    Seattle Area
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    My wife, my daughters, my wife, pinball, arcade games, console games, home theater, Porsches, rotaries, sportbikes, Soylent and Fight Club. Oh and money.


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  1. I'm running Windows 10 Home version 1709 on my cab. So HS 1.51 wiin 10 fix was the last time I updated mine and I've kept it offline since. Came here to see if it was safe to reconnect online as all my Steam games no longer load, but looks like forced Windows updates will possibly destroy it again eh? Probably safer to disable my PC game wheels instead and leave it that way forever. Ha!
  2. Interesting. I'm running back on set... I don't even know. .65 maybe? I'll check and see how it is there.
  3. Thanks, glad it helped. Ultimate MK3 is it's own game and I thought that it was its own parent. If not then we can add it. I'm not running the latest MAME so someone will need to double check it for me in the latest version. I'm not familiar with the FBA situation you're talking about so you'll need to break it down for me.
  4. Hey @moff Just went to do this and I'm seeing it differently than you. First I show the Parent as World version 3 which seems to already be the 3 button version you mentioned. The US, Version 2 and Japan, Version 2 are the clones on mine. So from what I can tell the US, Version 2 is the one that needs to be uncloned to get the 6-button version. Can anyone else check their MAME to see which are parents/clones of Shadow Force please? Should be Shadfrce, Shadfrcej, Shadfrceu
  5. Ah. A couple things I forgot. 1. You'll want to use Notepad ++ to edit XMLs (if you aren't already). That way you can easily search for entries, make changes and keep formating. Normal notepad will screw this all up. 2. If you use Genres and/or individual Manufacturer Wheels those XMLs will also need to be updated. So for example you unclone a beat-em-up in the main MAME.xml, now you also need to unclone (or copy paste the fixed entry) into the Beat-Em-Up genre xml too. And if it was a Technos game and you have a Technos wheel it needs to be done there in both spots as well. 3. Rocketlauncher shares artwork from parent to clones, but now that a game is un-cloned you may need to copy/paste and rename the artwork/media for the game. So for the above game you may need to make renamed copies of: Theme, wheel art, video snap, bezels etc...
  6. Yes split is what you want for HS in general so you're all set. I'm not sure I understand your question though... To add these into your database you just add them in. You can either: -just go through your XML manually and un-clone each one you want. -or just use the already fixed list I provided and simply copy/paste them. Don't just paste them in bulk into your XML though as it is alphabetized. Find a game in your XML, then copy over it with my fixed XML entry. Repeat until finished. -or merge my list into your list with a merge tool such as Dons Tools (if that even still works anymore). Just remember to keep a backup of your original XML in case you screw it up. Then no worries.
  7. Good to know thanks. I'll check it out and probably add it to the list... tomorrow maybe.
  8. Nice app, but it seems like using it would take just as much time as just doing CTRL-Find for each game on the clone list and uncloning it. Probably longer since you'd need to double check that it got them all. Or are you guys actually using the app to do something else?
  9. Just bought it and tried the latest version of the mod and can't get it to work at all. Launching it just brings up a dialogue box that says Steam must be running to play this game.
  10. Well hotdamn then! This will finally make my "Pac-Man Battle Royale Arcade Party Showdown" cab complete!
  11. Not sure what you mean. I just copy the media I need, immediately paste it back in, then rename it to match the clone. Do that for all media that needs it. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  12. It's still showing the 4 player parents because they're the parents. I don't hide parents. You do t rename your media, you copy/paste the media and rename just the copies. And yes, once you have the base xml exactly how you want it,then you use Don's to split it into MF Wheels. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  13. Yeah. I talk about it in my TPA tutorial thread. If you want the most up to date working TPA then use the module and XML in my tutorial. Max version TPA you can use before they effed up the UI/Game is 1.50.10
  14. Not sure. But since the newest season doesn't work with the TPA module it probably doesn't matter.
  15. Are these the same ones that you linked in my Pinball Arcade setup tutorial thread?
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