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thatman84 last won the day on February 28

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  1. Let’s not be to dramatic, real life gets in the way sometimes. Controls and HyperTheme are getting work as per the week 8 update.
  2. Once you have clicked the edit pencil on a game and saved OR cancelled you must exit the game page before using the edit function again
  3. Out of interest how many of those 600+ are unique systems and how many are collections? Drop you Main Menu xml in here if you get a chance
  4. Would be nice to add a total games count to the systems list, and as i'm thinking maybe systems counter to. Please see my shakey mouse snip edit example.
  5. For multi system emulators like RetroArch the ability to import multiple systems for that emulator in one hit would be awesome. Add System -> Select Retroarch -> Tick all supported systems -> Tick RomPaths OR auto scan for System folder names Similar to mame import & filtering
  6. Still happens for me, didnt realised this was fixed .53-beta UPDATE:- Updated my beta version to .54 and hit reinstall on the plugin and HS extracted/installed ok
  7. On the sounds settings the music instead of video snap video should say video snap audio
  8. When the new build is out you should def start fresh without the overrides for just a couple of systems before adding in overrides 1 at a time to see what or if your speeds get killed again. i tested last night and had much quicker performance but I don’t have collections of your size.
  9. There in the HS1 forum. Click community/forums in you side bar menu. At the bottom of the page
  10. I don’t think this setup has been looked at yet so the current method would probably be to split out the roms into separate folders. it does need looking into imo
  11. I just done some testing with Frosty and he has fixed an installer issue to rectify it on my system. I expect this will get into the next update the way around it is to let the update download and manual grab the exe file from the hyperHQ-updater folder in Users/AppData. Then manually run it in your custom location. Or grab the download exe from the forum and run it manually as above
  12. Please post your issue in the bug tracker. It needs looking into and that's the best place to keep track of it
  13. What’s your process for updating the core plugin? The I have seen it get stuck on extracting before also. close HQ and quit from system tray. Open again head to plugins tab and use the reinstall button on the plugins page.
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