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Everything posted by brudibru

  1. Version 1.1.0


    A clone of galaxian. My first attempt at creating animations in swf. Quite a struggle but I learned a lot...especially the limitations of hyperspin when it comes to play flash files (runs too fast, doesn't display the transparencies correctly). Anyway, I choose to post it whatsoever. 2023-07-01 20-00-52.mp4
  2. Beautiful theme for a beautiful game I never heard of. Thanks !!
  3. Très beau travail, j'aime beaucoup le choix des wheels !
  4. VERY nice Emanu ! The existing theme was ... not safe for work or family !
  5. Very nice ! Thanks Espartano !
  6. What a terrific job !!! Fantastic work Nanometrovo. As a matter of fact, most of those games already had themes but your versions are, more often than not, a vast improvement over the existing ones ! Thanks a lot !
  7. PCEm is a solution as it seems to be playing 3D games quite well now, see: A Win98 setup would be a great idea but a lot of work. I don't see how you could use games, who have to be installed in the system, as "roms", like in the Exodos compilations. ExO would know better but I don't know if he is working on such a project. I haven't heard of a rocketlauncher module either. You would probably need to launch the games with PCLauncher if PCEm can be run via command lines (I have never used it yet, I'm just guessing) or with the Retroarch core (but I don't know how functional it is). Could be an intriguing and fun project...
  8. Version 1.0.0


    2023-06-24 00-34-13.mp4
  9. Very nicely done for such a graphicless game !!
  10. Thanks a lot Retrogamer for your contribution, that is an excellent job !!
  11. Thanks a lot Nanometrovo2 ! Great job ! It sure looks better to have individual manufacturers themes rather than a generic Teknoparrot one. If I may ask, there are a lot of system wheels in your fantastic arcade setup that I have never seen elsewhere and that have never been available in this forum as far as I know. They are : Arika Centuri Dimps Dooyong Ecole ESD F2 system Gremlin G.Rev Leland Gottlieb Meadows Metro Moss Milestone Mylstar Electronics Orca Philko Rareware Rock-Ola Sauros Stern Success Suna Takumi Tatsumi Tecfri Tekhan UPL Yunsun Zaccarria You are, of course, more than welcome to share them if you want, anytime you want. I'm sure they would be well received by many people here !!
  12. Looks good !! Good luck with the configuration of the controls (the joy of x360ce and other such utilities that can be used to make a wheel working for games or emulators that were not supposed to support one).
  13. Version 1.0.0


    A cinematic theme for this Konami Mario game. I started from an animation made by Pixiel which I edited heavily. Zip file ---> media/MAME/Themes mp4 file ---> media/MAME/Videos Hope you like it ! mariorou.mp4
  14. No, Force Break is a clone of Breakthru which is a bootleg of Kyohkoh-Toppa !
  15. Great ! I love how you cropped the Westbrook drawing and all the movement lines and points around. You are mastering Photoshop !!
  16. Such a good job for such an unknown obscure German game !!
  17. I reworked the theme, I think it is better now ...I hope !!
  18. Version 1.0.0


    A bootleg of a Japanese Data East game, Kyohkoh-Toppa. to jesfknkrys, sorry, I created this theme before I noticed you were working on it as well. You can surely propose your version as well, it will surely improve on mine !
  19. wow !! Awesome theme, the compostion of the different elements is very well done.
  20. The existing theme and some of the clones themes were very good but yours is beautiful ! I really like the 70's SF style.
  21. Much better than the existing one, good job as always !!
  22. Welcome back ! Thanks for the theme !
  23. Great choice of dragons !! Thanks John !
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